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___________________ E m pi r e

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Presentation on theme: "___________________ E m pi r e"— Presentation transcript:

1 ___________________ E m pi r e
How did the Akkadians construct their capital city Agade? How long did the Akkadian Empire last?  Why did it fall? Military achievement  Cultural achievement Created the world's first empire  (                                                              )   using ___________  ____________ Important because it ___________________________    Steles are ____________________ _________________ They were used to ______________ ______________________________

2 Political Achievement
___________________     E m pi r e  What rights did slaves and women have under Babylonian law? Political Achievement Economic Achievement Location??? _______________________ __________________________________ Developed Babylon as a center for __________.   ___________and _________ for ____________and ___________________ Hammurabi’s Code >>>> _______________________________________ First code of laws to ______________________________________ Everyone now knows their ________ and _________________________

3 ___________________ E m pi r e
 What was the capital city of Assyria? What is an aqueduct? How long did the Assyrian Empire last? Why did it fall? Military Achievement Cultural Achievement new weapons such as the ______________ and _____________ New war strategies, especially ___________ ____________ to create and expand a great empire 2 D sculptures called_________________  Amazingly realistic, they often depicted scenes of the _______________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

4 Akkadian Empire Babylonian Empire

5 Neo-Babylonian Empire Assyrian Empire

6 ___________________ E m pi r e
How long did the Neo-Babylonian  Empire last?  Why did it fall? Military Achievement Cultural Achievement Built the _________________ _________________________ one of the ____________________________________________________ Built _________ ________ and a _________around ___________________ kept Babylonians safe

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