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Compiler Designs and Constructions

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Presentation on theme: "Compiler Designs and Constructions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Compiler Designs and Constructions
Chapter 2: A Simple Compiler Compiler Designs and Constructions Chapter 2: A Simple Compiler Objectives: Demonstration of a simple Compiler One Pass Compiler Dr. Mohsen Chitsaz Chapter 2: A Simple Compiler COSC 470

2 Chapter 2: A Simple Compiler
Example of a Simple Compiler Language A=2; B=A; C=A+B-2; Method of representation: Bachus-Naur-Form (BNF) Syntax Diagram SALARY = 2+TOTAL – 17; ID Num = + - ; Chapter 2: A Simple Compiler

3 Chapter 2: A Simple Compiler
Grammar <statement> ----> ID = <expression>; <expression> ----> <primary> <expression> ----><primary> <add_op> <expression> <primary> ----> ID <primary> ----> NUM <add_op> ----> + <add_op> ----> - Chapter 2: A Simple Compiler

4 Chapter 2: A Simple Compiler
Scanner (Lexical Analyzer)(Tokenizer) Salary = 2 + Total – 17; Token Token Token Representation Lexeme Type (Attribute) id 10 Salary id Ass 50 = ass_op num num plus add_op id 10 Total id minus add_op num num semicolon 53 ; semicolon Chapter 2: A Simple Compiler

5 Simple Compiler Symbol Table, Literal Table Salary = 2 + Total – 17;
Identifier Type Value Salary int Total int 150 Chapter 2: A Simple Compiler

6 Chapter 2: A Simple Compiler
Parser (Syntax Analyzer): Parse Tree: Salary = 2 + Total – 17; Chapter 2: A Simple Compiler

7 Chapter 2: A Simple Compiler
Syntax Tree: Salary = 2 + Total – 17; Chapter 2: A Simple Compiler

8 Chapter 2: A Simple Compiler
5. Semantic Analyzer: Salary = 2 + Total – 17; Chapter 2: A Simple Compiler

9 Chapter 2: A Simple Compiler
Intermediate Code Generation: Salary=2 + total –17 ; Operator OP1 OP2 Result + 2 Total Temp1 - 17 Temp2 = Salary Chapter 2: A Simple Compiler

10 Chapter 2: A Simple Compiler
Why intermediate code and not assembly code C++ Pascal Python Intermediate Code Final Object Code Chapter 2: A Simple Compiler

11 Chapter 2: A Simple Compiler
Code Optimization: a. Salary = 2 + Total – 17; b. Salary = Total – 15; Operator OP1 OP2 Result + 2 Total Temp1 - 17 Salary Chapter 2: A Simple Compiler

12 Chapter 2: A Simple Compiler
Final Code Generation: a. ADDL3 Total , #2, R5 SUBL3 R5, #17, Salary b. SUBL3 Total, #15, Salary Chapter 2: A Simple Compiler COSC 470

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