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Digital Literacy: The Internet and the World Wide Web

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Literacy: The Internet and the World Wide Web"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Literacy: The Internet and the World Wide Web
EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web? Digital Literacy: The Internet and the World Wide Web **The Internet** The World Wide Web ~ www Using Other Methods of Communicating on the Internet Imagine you have many friends, and you want to send them birthday greetings….The next birthday is in ten days so you pick up a card a the grocery and take it home to write the thought, address and mail in time for it to arrive on the exact date. What will guarantee that this will happen or what problems could happen along this ten day journey? What options do you have to ensure that the birthday greeting arrives on time? DL 2

2 The Internet: The Uses of the Internet
Share information between computers on different networks Perform banking transactions Communicate with people around the world Obtain the latest information on events around the globe Search for info on any topic Study a course of your choice and take exams Entertainment: music, games, movies, and sharing pics Buy and sell products or services and specify either credit or debit transactions EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web?

3 Requirements for an Internet Connection
EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web? Computing Device desktop . laptop tablet . mobile device Connection Device modem (converts digital info [text/graphics] to analog info [ ]) ISP (Internet Service Provider) (a company that provides Internet connectivity to individuals, business and organizations) And…access through Mobile Devices ISP may provide additional services such as storage space to share your personal data. Wireless Fidelity or Wi-Fi Card no physical connectivity Access Point (AP) Starbucks/MacDonalds Smartphones USB modem for connectivity to the Internet via 3G or 4G (third generation) PLAY VIDEO Requirements for an Internet connection. Three Methods to Connect Cables Physical connection Wireless Technology Wi-Fi Access Points (AP) McDonalds Starbucks

4 Types of Internet Connections
Dedicated Internet Connection Don’t need to request an IPS every time you want to connect to the Internet Dial-up Internet Connection Must connect to and disconnect from the Internet each time slower . cheaper . interrupts phone service Dedicated Internet Connection---large companies, schools, organizations Dial Up would most likely see in homes where expense might would be an issue. EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web?

5 What is Bandwidth? Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transmitted over a network in a certain amount of time. Measured in Mbit/s (megabits per second) Rate data is transferred depends on the equipment of the ISP-your Internet connection EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web?

6 Bandwidth (continued)
Dial-up connection: Connection to ISP via telephone lines (slowest) DSL / Digital Subscriber Line Transmission over wires of a local telephone network (med) EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web?

7 Bandwidth (continued)
Cable Modem Connection: A cable modem delivers the Internet access – ex. Time Warner Cable Cable TV service available (faster) T1 connection: Provides dedicated phone line connection. Most popular business option. (even faster) EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web?

8 Bandwidth (continued)
Wireless connection: Connect through wireless technology and then connecting to a wired connection –WiFi-uses radio waves to provide high-speed Internet and network connections Cellular Web connection: 3G/4G connectivity for , instant messaging, mobile banking, weather, travel information… anytime…anywhere EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web?

9 Bandwidth (continued)
Cloud Services: Today’s business and now individuals are using Cloud Computing Utilize resources, share server space and more cost effective. EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web?

10 Self Test: The Internet
Wireless Dial-Up Computing Device ISP DSL Modem Internet Elements Internet Connections EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web?

11 DL The Internet and the World Wide Web – www
Do this: Log In DL Note Sheets (pink) 2 Computer Literacy Tickets EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web?

12 Other Methods of Communicating on the Internet
Digital Literacy: The Internet and the World Wide Web The Internet The World Wide Web ~ www Using Other Methods of Communicating on the Internet Planning a holiday trip to Cyprus Gather info OLD Way-friends, books…choose by shear luck! NEW Way-Web—flights, hotels, ratings, restaurants, attractions This unit learn the basic components of the Web EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web? DL 2

13 The Web A collection of information that is accessible on the Internet
Information is in the form of: Text . Pictures . Sound Arranged logically Stored on Web Servers EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web?

14 Web Browser A software program used to view and interact with various resources on the Web. Internet Explorer Safari Are the terms WEB and Internet the same? Many people use them synonymously…but they are technically two different terms. INTERNET connects multiple computers and forms a network on which a computer communicates with another computer. The WEB is a way of accessing and sharing information over the internet…using Web Browsers Add-On: Some websites may contain animation, video or audio files and you need additional software programs to view the programs, these are called add-ons—Examples Silverlight, run the MS Clipart EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web?

15 Web Page A formatted text document that a Web browser can display
Navigate to other Web pages by clicking a hyperlink link Blue not visited Purple visited <b><5>HTML Codes:<\b><\5> <u><i><font color=cyan><3>Hypertext Markup Language <\u><\i><\font color=cyan><\3> EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web?

16 Web Page A Web site is one or more Web pages that reside on a single server. This server is known as a Web Server and is connected to the Internet. The first Web page that is displayed when you access a Web site is known as the home page. Every Web site has a unique home page Portal - A Web site that offers information related to a specific topic in the form of a directory. Add-Ons - Some Web sites contain content in the form of animation, video, or audio files. To view these files you need additional programs known as add-ons. This is a software program that enhances your Internet experience. (ex. Clip art on Office on Line, Silverlight) EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web?

17 Overview of a Web Address
EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web? Every Web site is stored on a computer that is part of a vast network. To access a Web site, you need to access the computer on which the Web site is stored. IP address - Internet Protocol address numeric address that specifies the exact location of a computer on the Web such as corresponding domain name because it is easier to remember names for the IP address can be Uniform Resource Locator (URL), computers. In the example indicates what protocol to use and specifies the exact location of the Web page. Every Web site is stored on a computer that is part of a vast network. To access a Web site, you need to access the computer on which the Web site is stored. Each computer on the Web is identified by a unique address, IP address - Internet Protocol address. IP address is a numeric address that specifies the exact location of a computer on the Web. You can access a computer on the Web by using an IP address, such as The IP address is linked to a corresponding domain name because it is easier to remember names For example, the corresponding domain name for the IP address can be A Web site for a domain is accessed with the help of a unique alphanumeric address known as the Web address. The Web address is also known as the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), which specifies the protocol to be used and the exact location of the Web site. A protocol is a standard method of transferring data between different computers. In the example http indicates what protocol to use and specifies the exact location of the Web page.

18 WEB Address URL Element Description
EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web? WEB Address URL URL contains a domain name suffix describing the type of organization the website belongs to. Element Description Indicates the protocol to be used to access a file. www Indicates that the Web site is on the Web. microsoft Indicates the name of the domain. .com Indicates the type of domain. /learning/default.asp Indicates the path of the document. .com - commercial organization. .edu - educational institutions, such as schools, colleges, and universities. .net - network-oriented organization or for an ISP. .org - nonprofit organization. .info - informative in nature. .museum - a museum

19 The steps to find the IP Address of your machine are as follows:
Click Start, and click Run. In the Run dialog box, type cmd and click OK. In the Command Prompt Window, at the command prompt, type ipconfig and press ENTER. EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web?

20 Explorer 9 Launch EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web?

21 Searching for Information
Launch EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web?

22 How to Perform Financial Transactions on the Web
E-Commerce Launch EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web?

23 Self Test The Internet and the World Wide Web
Located on my Web site EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web?

24 Other Methods of Communicating on the Internet
Digital Literacy: The Internet and the World Wide Web The Internet The World Wide Web Using Other Methods of Communicating on the Internet EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web? DL 2

25 Now… Then…. Using E-Mail
EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web? Using Then…. Now… THEN….. And NOW…. Emil is a software program and a network server takes the place of the mailman. Travels in seconds In addition to text, can include pictures, data files, audio and video clips. For both personal and business use. From greetings to jobs and other business reasons. There is a code of conduct Etiquette.

26 Using E-Mail ~ Vocab
EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web? Using ~ Vocab Client: the software used to create the message Client is connected to an Server Client Server Destination Server Recipient’s Account 2 part address separated by symbol User name separates parts Domain Name of the mail server

27 The Internet and the World Wide Web
Creating an Launch Writing and Sending Messages Managing Messages Creating Folders Overview of Etiquette EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web?

28 The Internet and the World Wide Web
Self Test 2) Which guidelines should you follow while writing professional messages? A. Use emoticons to express emotions. B. Decrease the length of messages by using abbreviations. C. Maintain a part of the original message to set the context for your reply. 1) Which statement is true for local clients? A. Save messages on your computer. B. Save messages on the service provider’s system. C. Save messages on the Web browser. Correct Answer Feedback: A is correct. Using local clients, you can easily save messages on your computer. (ex. Outlook) C is correct It is a good practice to maintain a part of the original message in your reply to set a context for your .

29 Other Methods of Communicating on the Internet
EQ: What are the uses and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web? Digital Literacy: The Internet and the World Wide Web The Internet The World Wide Web ~ www Using Other Methods of Communicating on the Internet DL 2

30 Other Methods of Communicating on the Internet
Online Communication Businesses communicate with employees and customers around the world Family and friends in all parts of the world Phone would be expensive Internet provides quick, easy and cost-effective methods to exchange messages with other computer users in any part of the world. DL 2

31 Other Methods of Communicating on the Internet
Social Networking Web Site Social groups for people who share common interests. (Through Windows Live…share updates, contacts and highlights on Hotmail, Messenger and other social networks like Facebook) Social networking can be used for business purposes (Share ideas, post job openings, contact clients and promote products or services) WARNING—Malicious users can misuse the information on such Web sites.

32 Other Methods of Communicating on the Internet
Blogs Online diaries or journals Post articles, daily events, thoughts on any subject Chat group/room Communicate instantly with other people who have logged on the same Web site. Newsgroup Online discussion forums dedicated to specific topics. Literature . Social issues . Current issues

33 Webpages

34 Self Test Online Communication
Newsgroup Social Networking Instant Messaging Self Test Exchange messages by using mobile devices. Visit profiles of other users. Build groups. Online discussion forums. Discussion threads for topics. Send and receive responses immediately. Send icons to express emticons. Post job postings. Bulletin boards for questions and answers. Online Communication Newsgroup-4, 5, 9 Social Networkins Instant Messaging-1, 6, 7

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