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WFM/eXTP: sensitivity and sky visibility trade off Jean in 't Zand, with help of Margarita Hernanz, Søren Brandt, Laura Alvarez, Yuri Evangelista, Riccardo.

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Presentation on theme: "WFM/eXTP: sensitivity and sky visibility trade off Jean in 't Zand, with help of Margarita Hernanz, Søren Brandt, Laura Alvarez, Yuri Evangelista, Riccardo."— Presentation transcript:

1 WFM/eXTP: sensitivity and sky visibility trade off Jean in 't Zand, with help of Margarita Hernanz, Søren Brandt, Laura Alvarez, Yuri Evangelista, Riccardo Campana

2 Modular basis Same as for ESA M4 One camera
1-dimensional imaging ('1.5-d') Detector SSD area 4 x 6.5 x 7.0 cm = 182 cm2 Mask 26 x 26 cm, 1-dimensional, 22% open  39 cm2 Focal length 20 cm Field of view 90 x 90 square degrees (2.1 sr, 17% sky) One unit 2 cameras co-aligned but perpendicularly oriented 2-dimensional imaging of same FOV Combined area 78 cm2 eXTP / WFM sensitivity and coverage trade off / Beijing, October 2015

3 Single detector layout
Net collecting area 182 cm2 within a total area 210 cm2 eXTP / WFM sensitivity and coverage trade off / Beijing, October 2015

4 Two-unit example: detector exposures
eXTP / WFM sensitivity and coverage trade off / Beijing, October 2015

5 Tested camera configurations
ONE TWO TWO ASYM Courtesy Laura Alvarez and Margarita Hernanz THREE FOUR FIVE eXTP / WFM sensitivity and coverage trade off / Beijing, October 2015

6 Single pointing photon collecting area configuration
eXTP / WFM sensitivity and coverage trade off / Beijing, October 2015

7 Performance calculations input parameters
Point sources 3-12 keV ASM catalog Averaged over 15 year mission: 22 Crabs over 265 sources Brightest Sco 12 Crab Renormalize all sources to Crab, and multiply with expected 2-60 keV Crab flux of 2.7 c/s/cm2 No spectra nor timing CXB 7.5 c/s/cm2/sr (2-60 keV) following Marshall et al. (1983). Not truly different from Gruber et al. (1999) Mask = grey filter with transparancy 21.6%. Mask vignetting included; assumed thickness/size ratio is No imaging simulated! Detector = 100% efficiency, dead zones included Declination-dependent earth obscuration assuming H=600 km, i=0 deg Observation program 15-yr RXTE mission Sun angle constraint: between 60 and 120 deg (+30/-30 deg constraint) eXTP / WFM sensitivity and coverage trade off / Beijing, October 2015

8 One day exposure coverage, 1 or 8 hr cadence
eXTP / WFM sensitivity and coverage trade off / Beijing, October 2015

9 1 year exposure map eXTP / WFM sensitivity and coverage trade off / Beijing, October 2015

10 1 year sensitivity map eXTP / WFM sensitivity and coverage trade off / Beijing, October 2015

11 Results Parameter \ Configuration ONE TWO -30,+30 TWO ASYM (-20,+60) THREE -60,0,+60 FOUR (ESA-M4) FIVE (ESA-M3) Number of units (1 unit = pair of 1.5d cameras) 1 2 3 4 5 Area on axis in system (=LAD) [cm2] 75 68 61 87 127 FOV per camera [sr] (FWZR) 2.1 Sky coverage per pointing 10 cm2/ZR) 17% 23% 25% 31% 40% 41% Crab on-axis in 1 camera [cps] 106 Crab on axis in system (=LAD), all cameras [cps] 136 131 186 216 419 CXB per camera [cps] 400 1-yr exposure GC [Ms] with area>10% max 4.6 6.0 6.1 7.1 10.5 10.6 Total average photon rate, incl. data gaps [cps] 880 1707 1644 2378 3226 3678 3-sec 5σ sensitivity [Crab] on axis 0.49 0.59 0.50 0.36 1-day 5σ sensitivity [mCrab] on gc 3.8 3.9 2.8 1-yr GC [mCrab] 0.48 0.42 0.46 0.39 0.32 1-yr optimum [mCrab] 0.25 0.17 0.14 0.13 0.12 eXTP / WFM sensitivity and coverage trade off / Beijing, October 2015

12 Discussion The important issue is instanteneous FOV
Sky window is 360 x 60 degrees = 50% of sky. Cover this instantaneously? WFM primarily for core science (limited no. of X-ray binary transients), but alert is somewhat relaxed to be issued within 1-2 d. With frequent slews and scattered targets, a smaller instantaneous FOV is required Large iFOV essential for observatory science regarding short duration transients (<1 hr): GRBs, thermonuclear X-ray (super)bursts which in LOFT was considered important Larger iFOV LOFT does it through multiple units, but what else is possible? By larger mask or shorter focal length  more background  less sensitivity By smaller detector  less area  less sensitivity By larger mask and larger detector to compensate for larger background  larger cameras  more space, like with multiple units eXTP / WFM sensitivity and coverage trade off / Beijing, October 2015

13 Conclusions What configuration is best? Judge by iFOV, sensitivity and countrate In sensitivity and iFOV? FIVE In iFOV? FOUR THREE has 30% less coverage, but nearly same sensitivity as FOUR TWO and ONE seem unfavorable If instantaneous coverage is less important, requirement on no. Units relaxes Most rewarding science: short transients (thermonuclear X-ray bursts, GRBs) and phenomena  iFOV and sensitivity; monitoring  c/s The only way to substantially increase sensitivity is to build more collecting area WFM in comparison to other ASMs: If conf>ONE, iFOV better than *any* other <6 keV instrument ever flown  excellent sensitivity to sub-hour transients If conf>TWO, countrate WFM better than any previouys ASM (WFM >200 c/s, ASM 75 c/s, WFC 280 c/s) eXTP / WFM sensitivity and coverage trade off / Beijing, October 2015

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