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Classes and Objects Introduced

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1 Classes and Objects Introduced
Java Programming Classes and Objects Introduced

2 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Introduction A class is a named collection of Fields, that hold data values. Methods, that operate on the fields. Classes are the most important reference type (4 others exist) Classes define a new datatype CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

3 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Simple Class Example Example: class Point { double x; // x coordinate double y; // y coordinate } Defines a 2 dimensional point in Cartesian coordinates. (No methods yet) CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

4 Data types versus data values
It is important to distinguish between data types and data values: int is a data type, 42 is a data value of type int. char is a data type, is a character value (of char type). CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

5 If classes are data types ….
A class is a data type, and data types define a range of values. So what are the values of class type? Objects An object is an instance of a class. E.g., where Point is a class representing all possible points a Point object represents a specific point in 2 dims. CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

6 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Just like blueprints Classes are like blueprints of a ‘building’. You cannot live in a ‘building’ blueprint. You can use the blueprint to make a specific ‘building’ (or instantiate a ‘building’) Every ‘building’ instantiated is its own new ‘building’ and is physically not the same as the other ‘buildings’ ‘not the same’ does not mean they do not look the same, they are separate buildings. CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

7 © Matt B. Pedersen (
A Bigger Example public class Point { public double x, y; public Point (double x, double y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public double distanceFromOrigin() { return Math.sqrt (x*x + y*y); CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

8 © Matt B. Pedersen (
A Bigger Example public class Point { public double x, y; public Point (double x, double y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public double distanceFromOrigin() { return Math.sqrt (x*x + y*y); Name of the class is Point CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

9 © Matt B. Pedersen (
A Bigger Example public class Point { public double x, y; public Point (double x, double y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public double distanceFromOrigin() { return Math.sqrt (x*x + y*y); It has 2 fields named x and y, both of double type. They are public, i.e., directly available to anyone holding a reference to an object of type Point. CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

10 © Matt B. Pedersen (
A Bigger Example public class Point { public double x, y; public Point (double x, double y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public double distanceFromOrigin() { return Math.sqrt (x*x + y*y); It has a constructor that takes in 2 parameters (also called x and y) CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

11 © Matt B. Pedersen (
A Bigger Example public class Point { public double x, y; public Point (double x, double y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public double distanceFromOrigin() { return Math.sqrt (x*x + y*y); this.x refers to the field x, where as x (on the right hand side of the assignment) is the x from the parameter list). this is a reference to the object being instantiated (almost true ;-), but good enough for now). We only need this because the field and the parameter is called the same. CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

12 © Matt B. Pedersen (
A Bigger Example public class Point { public double x, y; public Point (double x, double y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public double distanceFromOrigin() { return Math.sqrt (x*x + y*y); A method called distanceFromOrigin, which takes in no parameters and returns _____ √x2+y2 Math.sqrt is the square root function. CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

13 What should I call my file?
All classes with the modifier public must be in separate files that are named the same as the class. For the example, it must be saved in a file called When compiled it generates Point.class CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

14 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Creating Objects Recall a declaration of an integer variable: int myInt; What value does myInt hold? None, it must be assigned: myInt = 42; We can declare variable of class type in the same way: Point p; but p do not hold a value until one has been assigned to it. CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

15 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Creating Objects How do we get an object value? By instantiating a class! Use the new keyword. Point p; p = new Point (3.14, 2.72); CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

16 Instantiating an Object
A number of important things happen when instantiating an object using new. An actual object is created based on the class being instantiated The object has the fields that the class lists. The constructor is executed with the parameters passed to it (if any). An object reference value is returned. CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

17 Types of Fields and Methods
There are 4 types of fields and methods: Class Fields Class Methods Instance Fields Instance Methods CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

18 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Instance Fields An instance field is a field associated with an object: public class Point { int x; int y; Every instance of Point has its own set of fields x and y. CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

19 Class Fields (or static fields)
Where instance of a class (I.e., object) has instances of instance fields, a class field is shared between instances: public class Point { static int counter = 0; } We use the word static to denote this. CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

20  This class field lives here Public class Point { int x, y;
static int count = 0; Point (int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; count += 1; } } A CLASS This class field lives here CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

21 © Matt B. Pedersen (
 x = 4 y = 3 new Point(4,3); Public class Point { int x, y; static int count = 1; Point (int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; count += 1; } } A CLASS AN OBJECT this.x = x initializes the instance field x to the value of the parameter x (4) this.y = y initializes the instance field y to the value of the parameter y (3) count += 1 increments the class field by one. CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

22 © Matt B. Pedersen (
 x = 4 y = 3 new Point(4,3); Public class Point { int x, y; static int count = 2; Point (int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; count += 1; } } A CLASS AN OBJECT x = 10 y = 98 new Point(10,98); ANOTHER OBJECT CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

23 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Static fields A static field can be initialized at declaration time: static int count = 0; It should never be initialized in a constructor: Point (int x, int y) { count = 0; } CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

24 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Static Fields Within the class in which a static field is declared, it may be referenced by its name: public class Point { static int counter = 0; int getCouner() { return counter; } } CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

25 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Field Modifiers The static modifier makes fields into class fields. Other important modifiers: public, private, protected Determines if a field can be seen/used outside of the class in which it is defined. final Once initialized it can never be written to again. transient, volatile Don’t worry about these. CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

26 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Public Static Fields Public static fields like counter: public class Point { public static int counter = 0 } may be referenced like this: Inside the class: counter (by its name) Outside the class: Point.counter (by <class>.<fieldname>) p.counter, where p is an instance of Point (<object>.<fieldname>) (This one is not advisable) CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

27 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Private Static Field The counter might be private: public class Point { private static int counter = 0 } Now, Point.counter is no longer legal, neither is p.counter. Only within Point can counter be accessed. CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

28 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Example public class Point { public int x; public int y; private static int counter = 0; Point(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; counter = counter + 1; } public static int getInstanceCount() { return counter; CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

29 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Example public class Point { public int x; public int y; private static int counter = 0; Point(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; counter = counter + 1; } public static int getInstanceCount() { return counter; Instance Fields Each object of class Point instantiated by new Point(..,..) as a copy of int x and int y. CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

30 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Example public class Point { public int x; public int y; private static int counter = 0; Point(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; counter = counter + 1; } public static int getInstanceCount() { return counter; Class Field Each instance of Point shares the counter field. Class fields or static fields are shared between instances. CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

31 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Example public class Point { public int x; public int y; private static int counter = 0; Point(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; counter = counter + 1; } public static int getInstanceCount() { return counter; Constructor A constructor is invoked as the first thing that happens at the new Point(…,…) call. It is used to set up fields in the object. new Point(…,…) does not return a reference to the new object until the constructor has run. CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

32 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Example public class Point { public int x; public int y; private static int counter = 0; Point(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; counter = counter + 1; } public static int getInstanceCount() { return counter; this is a special reference value that always referes to the object that we are currently operating inside. Here we use it to get to the fields as they are overshadowed by the parameters. Object Context CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

33 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Example public class Point { public int x; public int y; private static int counter = 0; Point(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; counter = counter + 1; } public static int getInstanceCount() { return counter; Since counter is private in Point, we cannot access it through Point.counter or p.counter for any object p of class Point, so we need a way to get to the value of counter. This is called an accessor method.. Accessor Method CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

34 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Example public class Point { public int x; public int y; private int counter = 0; Point(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; counter = counter + 1; } public static int getInstanceCount() { return counter; Point p1 = new Point(1,2); Point p2 = new Point(3,4); System.out.println( “# of times Point was instantiated:” + Point.getInstanceCount()); CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

35 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Example public class Point { public int x; public int y; private static int counter = 0; Point(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; counter = counter + 1; } public static int getInstanceCount() { return counter; public String toString() { return “(“+x+“,”+y+“)”; Point p1 = new Point(1,2); Point p2 = new Point(3,4); System.out.println( “# of times Point was instantiated: ” + Point.getInstanceCount()); System.out.println(p1); System.out.println(p2); Would produce: # of times Point was instantiated: 2 (1,2) (3,4) Special method called toString; takes no arguments and returns a String. Automatically called when an object is used in a print statement. CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

36 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Example public class Point { private int x; private int y; private static int counter = 0; Point(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; counter = counter + 1; } public static int getInstanceCount() { return counter; String toString() { return “(“+x+“,”+y+“)”; int getX() { return x; // or this.x } int getY() { return y; // or this.y void setX(int x) { this.x = x; void setY(int y) { this.y = y; Might be nice to make x and y private as well, but then we need accessors (also called ‘getters’) for them, and if we want to change them we need mutators (also called ‘setters’) as well. CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

37 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Methods Like fields, we can have Instance methods (class methods) Again, we use the static keyword to denote this. Object methods (regular methods) CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

38 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Non-static methods A regular method (non-static) can be thought of as ‘belonging to the object’ It may reference both static and non-static fields. Can be public, or private, and final A final method cannot be re-implemented in subclasses. CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

39 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Example public class Circle { // a class field public static final double π = ; // an instance field public double r; // the radius of the circle public Circle(double radius) { r = radius; } public double area() { return π * r * r; public double circumference () { return 2 * π * r; CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

40 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Example public class Circle { // a class field public static final double π = ; // an instance field public double r; // the radius of the circle public Circle(double radius) { r = radius; } public double area() { return π * r * r; public double circumference () { return 2 * π * r; Can I add this method: public static getRadius() { return r; } CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

41 © Matt B. Pedersen (
class class Circle { public static final π = ; public double r; public double area() { … } public double circumference() { … } } // Create a circle with radius 5 Circle c1 = new Circle(5); CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

42 © Matt B. Pedersen (
class class Circle { public static final π = ; public double r; public double area() { … } public double circumference() { … } } // Create a circle with radius 5 Circle c1 = new Circle(5); c1 is a reference to an object of class Circle. A new Circle object is created with the new keyword, and the value 5 is passed to the constructor. CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

43 © Matt B. Pedersen (
class object r = 5 class Circle { public static final π = ; public double r; public double area() { … } public double circumference() { … } } // Create a circle with radius 5 Circle c1 = new Circle(5); C1 is a reference to an object of class Circle. A new Circle object is created with the new keyword, and the value 5 is passed to the constructor. CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

44 © Matt B. Pedersen (
class object r = 5 class Circle { public static final π = ; public double r; public double area() { … } public double circumference() { … } } r = 100 object // Create a circle with radius 5 Circle c1 = new Circle(5); // Create a circle with radius 20 Circle c2 = new Circle(20); CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

45 © Matt B. Pedersen (
class object r = 5 class Circle { public static final π = ; public double r; public double area() { … } public double circumference() { … } } r = 100 object // Create a circle with radius 5 Circle c1 = new Circle(5); // Create a circle with radius 20 Circle c2 = new Circle(20); CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

46 © Matt B. Pedersen (
class object r = 5 class Circle { public static final π = ; public double r; public double area() { … } public double circumference() { … } } // Create a circle with radius 5 Circle c1 = new Circle(5); // Create a circle with radius 20 Circle c2 = new Circle(20); r = 100 object System.out.println(c1.area()); double cir = c2.circumference(); double pi = Circle.π; CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

47 © Matt B. Pedersen (
class class Circle { public static final π = ; public double r; public double area() { … } public double circumference() { … } } object r = 5 public double area() { return π * r * r; } c1.area(): Value of r from object CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

48 © Matt B. Pedersen (
class class Circle { public static final π = ; public double r; public double area() { … } public double circumference() { … } } r = 100 object c2.circumference(): public double circumference () { return 2 * π * r; } CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

49 © Matt B. Pedersen (
class class Circle { public static final π = ; public double r; public double area() { … } public double circumference() { … } } double pi = Circle.π; CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

50 © Matt B. Pedersen (
class class Circle { public static final π = ; public double r; public double area() { … } public double circumference() { … } public static radToDeg(double rads) { return rads * 180 / π; } Let us add a class method (a static method) radsToDeg cannot reference ANY non-static fields!! CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

51 © Matt B. Pedersen (
class class Circle { public static final π = ; public double r; public double area() { … } public double circumference() { … } public static radToDeg(double rads) { return rads * 180 / π; } radsToDeg cannot reference ANY non-static fields!! Circle.radToDeg(35); There is no object context for radToDeg to access non-static fields in. CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

52 © Matt B. Pedersen (
class object r = 5 class Circle { public static final π = ; public double r; public double area() { … } public double circumference() { … } public static radToDeg(double rads) { return rads * 180 / π; } r = 100 object // Create a circle with radius 5 Circle c1 = new Circle(5); // Create a circle with radius 20 Circle c2 = new Circle(20); How do I get the radius of c1 or c2? CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

53 © Matt B. Pedersen (
class object r = 5 class Circle { public static final π = ; public double r; public double area() { … } public double circumference() { … } public static radToDeg(double rads) { return rads * 180 / π; } r = 100 object // Create a circle with radius 5 Circle c1 = new Circle(5); // Create a circle with radius 20 Circle c2 = new Circle(20); raidus in Circle is public, so it can be accessed Like this: c1.r (= 5) or c2.r (=100) but NOT Circle.r CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

54 © Matt B. Pedersen (
class object r = 5 class Circle { public static final π = ; public double r; public double area() { … } public double circumference() { … } public static radToDeg(double rads) { return rads * 180 / π; } BECAUSE: r lives in an object; it is not static, and only static fields live in classes and can be accessed through class.field r = 100 object // Create a circle with radius 5 Circle c1 = new Circle(5); // Create a circle with radius 20 Circle c2 = new Circle(20); raidus in Circle is public, so it can be accessed Like this: c1.r (= 5) or c2.r (=100) but NOT Circle.r CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

55 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Non-static methods can reference Non-static fields Non-static methods Static fields Static methods Static methods can reference CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

56 © Matt B. Pedersen (
The this keyword A special keyword ‘this’ can be referenced inside objects. It refers to the current context, that is, the object in which the code is located (NOT class, but object) CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

57 © Matt B. Pedersen (
The this keyword public class Circle { public static final double π = ; private double radius; public Circle(double radius) { // set the radius field equal to the radius parameter } public double getRadius() { return radius; } public double area() { return π * radius * radius; } public double circumference() return 2 * π * radius; } public static double radToDeg(double rads) { return rads * 180 / π; CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

58 © Matt B. Pedersen (
The this keyword public class Circle { public static final double π = ; private double radius; public Circle(double radius) { // set the radius field equal to the radius parameter } public double getRadius() { return radius; } public double area() { return π * radius * radius; } public double circumference() return 2 * π * radius; } public static double radToDeg(double rads) { return rads * 180 / π; Problem: both the field and the parameter is called radius. CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

59 © Matt B. Pedersen (
The this keyword public class Circle { public static final double π = ; private double radius; public Circle(double radius) { // set the radius field equal to the radius parameter } public double getRadius() { return radius; } public double area() { return π * radius * radius; } public double circumference() return 2 * π * radius; } public static double radToDeg(double rads) { return rads * 180 / π; Problem: both the field and the parameter is called radius. Solution: The field can be referenced like any other public field by: objectRef.fieldName But we don’t have an object reference do we? Yes we do, it is called ‘this’ CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

60 © Matt B. Pedersen (
The this keyword public class Circle { public static final double π = ; private double radius; public Circle(double radius) { this.radius = radius; } public double getRadius() { return radius; } public double area() { return π * radius * radius; } public double circumference() return 2 * π * radius; } public static double radToDeg(double rads) { return rads * 180 / π; Problem: both the field and the parameter is called radius. Solution: The field can be referenced like any other public field by: objectRef.fieldName But we don’t have an object reference do we? Yes we do, it is called ‘this’ CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

61 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Copying an Object Consider this code: Circle c1 = new Circle(20); Circle c2 = c1; c1 and c2 are references to the same object! There is no built-in way to clone an object, so we need to make one: public Circle clone() { return new Circle(radius); } CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

62 Multiple Constructors
With the Circle class we must provide an initial radius when instantiating the class: Circle c1 = new Circle(4); What about Circle c2 = new Circle(); That is illegal, there is no constructor with no arguments. CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

63 Multiple Constructors
Lets make one then, but what value should radius have? public Circle() { this.radius = 1; // we pick 1 } This does the same as calling the other constructor with the value 1! Public Circle() { this(1); } This is called an explicit constructor invocation. (Must appear on line 1) CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen

64 © Matt B. Pedersen (
Inheritance Let us start by an example. A “vehicle” can be a car, a truck, a motor cycle, a bike, a scooter etc. What do all those things have in common? Wheels Color …. CSC 140 Java Programming © Matt B. Pedersen 64

65 Inheritance Let us design a class for a vehicle:
public class Vehicle { private int wheels; private String color; public Vehicle(int wheels, String color) { this.wheels = wheels; this.color = color; } public int getWheels() { return wheels; } public String getColor() { return color; }

66 Inheritance We can break the list of all vehicles into the motorized ones and the ‘manual’ ones; we could draw a diagram like this: All motorized vehicles are vehicles, and all manual vehicles are vehicles. Vehicle MotorizedVehicle ManualVehicle

67 Inheritance We could define separate classes for MotorizedVehicle and ManualVehicle: public class MotorizedVehicle { private int wheels; private String color; private int cc; public MotorizedVehicle( int wheels, String color, int cc) { this.wheels = wheels; this.color = color; = cc; } public class ManualVehicle { private int wheels; private String color; private boolean hasSeat; public ManualVehicle(int wheels, String color, boolean hasSeat) { this.wheels = wheels; this.color = color; this.hasSeat = hasSeat; }

68 Inheritance We could define separate classes for MotorizedVehicle and ManualVehicle: public class MotorizedVehicle { private int wheels; private String color; private int cc; public MotorizedVehicle( int wheels, String color, int cc) { this.wheels = wheels; this.color = color; = cc; } public class ManualVehicle { private int wheels; private String color; private boolean hasSeat; public ManualVehicle(int wheels, String color, boolean hasSeat) { this.wheels = wheels; this.color = color; this.hasSeat = hasSeat; } Both classes have These fields, BECAUSE they are both Vehicles.

69 Inheritance We could define separate classes for MotorizedVehicle and ManualVehicle: public class MotorizedVehicle { private int wheels; private String color; private int cc; public MotorizedVehicle( int wheels, String color, int cc) { this.wheels = wheels; this.color = color; = cc; } public class ManualVehicle { private int wheels; private String color; private boolean hasSeat; public ManualVehicle(int wheels, String color, boolean hasSeat) { this.wheels = wheels; this.color = color; this.hasSeat = hasSeat; } Both constructors execute partially the same code; The initialization Of the fields they have in common look alike.

70 Inheritance Perhaps we could redraw the picture from before:
Vehicle We can imagine a MotorizedVehicle consisting of a Vehicle plus some new stuff. MotorizedVehicle Vehicle ManualVehicle Vehicle

71 Inheritance public class MotorizedVehicle extends Vehicle {
private int cc; public MotorizedVehicle( int wheels, String color, int cc) { super(wheels, color); = cc; } public getCc() { return cc; public class Vehicle { private int wheels; private String colour; public Vehicle(int wheels, String color) { this.wheels = wheels; this.color = color; } public int getWheels() { return wheels; } public String getColor() { return color; }

72 Inheritance public class MotorizedVehicle extends Vehicle { private int cc; public MotorizedVehicle( int wheels, String color, int cc) { super(wheels, color); = cc; } public getCc() { return cc; To inherit the fields and methods from the super class we use the keyword extends. public class Vehicle { private int wheels; private String colour; public Vehicle(int wheels, String color) { this.wheels = wheels; this.color = color; } public int getWheels() { return wheels; } public String getColor() { return color; }

73 Inheritance A super class’ constructor must be executed as well. Either explicitly using the keyword super, or implicitly (by not putting anything, in which case the default constructor of the super class gets called) public class MotorizedVehicle extends Vehicle { private int cc; public MotorizedVehicle( int wheels, String color, int cc) { super(wheels, color); = cc; } public getCc() { return cc; public class Vehicle { private int wheels; private String colour; public Vehicle(int wheels, String color) { this.wheels = wheels; this.color = color; } public int getWheels() { return wheels; } public String getColor() { return color; }

74 Inheritance What happens when we do: MotorozedVehicle mv = new MotorizedVehicle(2,”Red”,4000);

75 Inheritance What happens when we do: MotorozedVehicle mv = new MotorizedVehicle(2,”Red”,4000); Object for a MotorizedVehicle is created. int cc MotorizedVehicle object

76 Inheritance What happens when we do: MotorozedVehicle mv = new MotorizedVehicle(2,”Red”,4000); Object for a MotorizedVehicle is created. Object for Vehicle is created. int cc MotorizedVehicle object Vehicle object int wheels String color

77 Inheritance What happens when we do: MotorozedVehicle mv = new MotorizedVehicle(4,”Red”,4000); Object for a MotorizedVehicle is created. Object for Vehicle is created. Constructor for Vehicle is executed through super(4,”Red”) Rest of the constrctor for MotorizedVehicle is executed. int cc MotorizedVehicle object Vehicle object int wheels String color 4 “Red” 4000

78 Inheritance Since mv is a MotorizedVehicle that inherits for Vehicle, all of the following are legal: mv.getwheels(); mv.getColor(); mv.getCc(); But only public methods may be invoked from outside the object.

79 Inheritance In addition, if Vehicle has a private method, then it cannot be invoked from MotorizedVehicle. public class A { private void foo() { … } } public class B extends A { public void bar() { foo(); // illegal invocation } }

80 Inheritance A class can only inherit from one other class. If it doesn’t inherit from any class, by default java/lang/Object is its super class. All public method and fields are inherited. Private fields and methods are not. Explicit constructor calls (super(..)) may only be to public constructors in the super class.

81 The Abstract Modifier The modifier abstract can be used on classes and methods. An abstract method has no body: public abstract void foo(int x) ; An abstract class may have abstract methods, and a class that has abstract methods must be abstract

82 The Abstract Modifier Abstract classes cannot be instantiated
What would happen if you instantiated a class with an abstract method? A subclass of an abstract class must also be abstract unless it implements all un-implemented abstract methods in its class hierarchy.

83 The Abstract Modifier Example: recall this code:
public class Vehicle { private int wheels; private String color; public Vehicle(int wheels, String color) { this.wheels = wheels; this.color = color; } public int getWheels() { return wheels; } public String getColor() { return color; } We might not want to allow a Vehicle to be instantiated.

84 The Abstract Modifier Though this class has no abstract methods.
public abstract class Vehicle { private int wheels; private String color; public Vehicle(int wheels, String color) { this.wheels = wheels; this.color = color; } public int getWheels() { return wheels; } public String getColor() { return color; } Though this class has no abstract methods. Maybe each vehicle sub-type has a specific string identifying it.

85 The Abstract Modifier public abstract class Vehicle { private int wheels; private String color; public Vehicle(int wheels, String color) { this.wheels = wheels; this.color = color; } public int getWheels() { return wheels; } public String getColor() { return color; } A Car’s sub-type string is “car”, a motor cycle’s sub-type string is “motor cycle”. We need a method called getType()

86 The Abstract Modifier What should we return for a Vehicle?
public abstract class Vehicle { private int wheels; private String color; public Vehicle(int wheels, String color) { this.wheels = wheels; this.color = color; } public int getWheels() { return wheels; } public String getColor() { return color; } public String getType() { return ????????; } What should we return for a Vehicle? Nothing - a vehicle doesn’t have a type, but we must make sure all sub classes of Vehicle do.

87 The Abstract Modifier Now all subsclasses must implement getType()
public abstract class Vehicle { private int wheels; private String color; public Vehicle(int wheels, String color) { this.wheels = wheels; this.color = color; } public int getWheels() { return wheels; } public String getColor() { return color; } public abstract String getType() ; Now all subsclasses must implement getType()

88 The Abstract Modifier We can no longer do: new Vehicle(…);
What about the immediate subclass MotorizedVehicle? Should it be abstract? It depends Yes, if you don’t want instances of it No, if you want instances of it

89 The Abstract Modifier public abstract class MotorizedVehicle extends Vehicle { private int cc; public MotorizedVehicle( int wheels, String color, int cc) { super(wheels, color); = cc; } public abstract String getType() ; public getCc() { return cc; public abstract class Vehicle { private int wheels; private String colour; public Vehicle(int wheels, String color) { this.wheels = wheels; this.color = color; } public int getWheels() { return wheels; } public String getColor() { return color; } public abstract String getType() ;

90 The Abstract Modifier public class Car extends MotorizedVehicle {
// fields for a car public Car(int wheels, String color, int cc, …………… ) { super(wheels,color,cc); // set the extra fields } // additional accessors public String getType() { return “Car”; public abstract class MotorizedVehicle extends Vehicle { private int cc; public MotorizedVehicle( int wheels, String color, int cc) { super(wheels, color); = cc; } public abstract String getType() ; public getCc() { return cc; public abstract class Vehicle { private int wheels; private String colour; public Vehicle(int wheels, String color) { this.wheels = wheels; this.color = color; } public int getWheels() { return wheels; } public String getColor() { return color; } public abstract String getType() ;

91 The Abstract Modifier public class Arraylist<E> { private E[] elements; private int index, size; public Arraylist() { elements =(E[]) new Object[5]; index = 0; size = 5; } public Arraylist(E[] es) { elements = es; size = index = es.length; public void add(E element) { if (index < size-1) elements[index++] = element; else { E[] newElements = (E[]) new Object[size * 2]; for (int i=0;i<index;i++) newElements[i] = elements[i]; size = size * 2; elements = newElements; public int size() { return index; } public E get(int index) { return elements[index]; public E[] toArray(E[] es) { for (int i=0;i<index;i++) es[i]=elements[i]; return es; What information from this class must we know about to use the class?

92 The Abstract Modifier From the file where we use Arraylist private Arraylist<Transaction> transactions; transactions = new Arraylist<Transaction>(); transactions.add(t); Transaction t[] = transactions.toArray(new Transaction[transactions.size()]); transactions = new Arraylist<Transaction>(t);

93 The Abstract Modifier public class Arraylist<E> { // some internal representation of fields. public Arraylist() { … } public Arraylist(E[] es) { … } public void add(E element) { … } public int size() { … } public E get(int index) { … } public E[] toArray(E[] es) { … } } We don’t really care about the implementation or the internal representation, just about the public methods. (Though we do care about the constructors in Arraylist. For the code in all we care about is that those methods above are available. For all we care, any old data structure with those methods could be used.

94 The Interface We are really only interested in the interface of the implementing class. As long as the class promises to make available the methods we need we don’t care about the implementation. We could set up a new class hierarchy where Arraylist inherits from some completely abstract Collection class and use it in the Account2 class

95 The Interface public class Account2 {
private Collection<Transaction> transactions; private double balance; private String name; private String street; private int zip; private String state; private String city; public Account2(String name, String street, int zip, String state, String city) { transactions = new Arraylist<Transaction>(); balance = 0; = name; this.street = street; this.state = state; = zip; = city; } public void deposit(Date date, String text, double amount) { Transaction t = new Transaction(date, text, amount); transactions.add(t); balance += amount;

96 The Interface public class Account2 {
private Collection<Transaction> transactions; private double balance; private String name; private String street; private int zip; private String state; private String city; public Account2(String name, String street, int zip, String state, String city) { transactions = new Arraylist<Transaction>(); balance = 0; = name; this.street = street; this.state = state; = zip; = city; } public void deposit(Date date, String text, double amount) { Transaction t = new Transaction(date, text, amount); transactions.add(t); balance += amount; public class Arraylist<E> extends Collection<E> { // implement everything in Collection } public abstract class Collection<E> { public void add(E element) ; public int size() ; public E get(int index); public E[] toArray(E[] es);

97 Interfaces public class Account2 { private Collection<Transaction> transactions; private double balance; private String name; private String street; private int zip; private String state; private String city; public Account2(String name, String street, int zip, String state, String city) { transactions = new Arraylist<Transaction>(); balance = 0; = name; this.street = street; this.state = state; = zip; = city; } public void deposit(Date date, String text, double amount) { Transaction t = new Transaction(date, text, amount); transactions.add(t); balance += amount; Classes 100% abstract are really not classes but interfaces, and should be declared in an interface rather than a class. public class Arraylist<E> implements Collection<E> { // implement everything in Collection } public interface Collection<E> { public void add(E element) ; public int size() ; public E get(int index); public E[] toArray(E[] es);

98 Interfaces Interfaces cannot be instantiated (for the same reason abstract classes cannot) An interface is a contract, it tell you what methods a class must implement if it ‘implements’ the interface. Variables can be of interface type.

99 Multiple inheritance A class can only inherit from one super class:
public class A extends B,C Is illegal. A class can implement multiple interfaces: public class A implements D,E A class can implement and extend at the same time: public class A extends B implements D,E

100 Multiple inheritance Why is multiple inheritance not a good thing:
public class A { public String foo() { return “foo”; } public class B { public String foo() { return “bar”; } public class C extends A,B { // which foo method does C inherit? }

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