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Look for these ideas: Mansa Musa- The spread of Islam Ibn Battuta

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Presentation on theme: "Look for these ideas: Mansa Musa- The spread of Islam Ibn Battuta"— Presentation transcript:

1 Crash Course:
Look for these ideas: Mansa Musa- The spread of Islam Ibn Battuta Who is he? How does he effect history? East Africa- What’s going on there?

2 East Africa Nubia aka- KUSH
At first controlled by Egyptians- gains independence and controls trade routes

3 “Wealth, if you use it, comes to an end; learning, if you use it, increases”- Swahili saying

4 East Africa AXUM Conquered and absorbed Nubia
Controlled the trade network between Africa and the Mediterranean

5 Axum converts to Christianity

6 Ethiopia Church of St. George- Ethiopia

7 Swahili A new language developed in Axum Combined Arab and Bantu

8 Xhosa
South Africa

9 East Africa Nubia aka- KUSH
At first controlled by Egyptians- gains independence and controls trade routes

10 World Trade Routes Map posted on site!


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