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ECDL ‘98 September 21, 1998 Carl Lagoze Cornell University

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1 Flexible and Extensible Digital Object and Repository Architecture (FEDORA)
ECDL ‘98 September 21, 1998 Carl Lagoze Cornell University Sandra Payette Cornell University

2 Acknowledgments Warwick Framework - Daniel, Lynch
Distributed Active Relationships - Daniel CNRI Digital Object Architecture - Kahn/Wilensky, Arms/Blanchi/Overly DARPA funded project

3 Introduction Part of our broader effort to develop a component-ware digital library architecture core service to provide a reliable and secure means to store and disseminate digital content interoperability with other core services, including indexing, naming, collection FEDORA addresses the complex, contextual, and evolutionary nature of digital library content

4 Digital Library Content
Simple, familiar content types Complex, compound, dynamic content types

5 What are the interesting problems here?
Normalization of digital library content - order the chaos Flexible notions of content while ensuring interoperability Stable interfaces as underlying mechanisms change Naturally evolving content type system - extensibility Community-driven content type development Complex aggregations of distributed content Rights management - leverage existing/future schemes

6 FEDORA DigitalObject: container for content
Structure (raw data structure) Interface (content views) Mechanisms (executables) Repository: logical service Service layer for “contained” DigitalObjects Object lifecycle management Secure environment for running mobile code

7 Multiple “views” of a DigitalObject
Book Future Diary Dublin Core DataStream (MIME-typed byte stream)

8 Content Type A set of behaviors that formally describes the functionality of any global or domain-specific notion of content.

9 Disseminator A generic component for associating
a set of behaviors with a DigitalObject. Primitive Disseminator Content Type Disseminator

10 FEDORA DigitalObject Content-Type Wrapper Structural Kernel Primitive
application/ postscript MARC Primitive Disseminator Structural Kernel

11 Structure with Dublin Core and Book Interfaces
Disseminator DublinCore Disseminator application/ MARC DS1 ListContentTypes application/ postscript DS2 Book, DublinCore

12 Content Type Principles
Stability Extensibility Orthogonality to Structure How do we attain these in the architecture?

13 FEDORA Extensibility Model
Mechanism Content Type Structure Interface

14 Content Type Extensibility
FEDORA uses its own architectural abstractions to support content-type extensibility Content types become persistent, named entities in the digital library infrastructure

15 Content Disseminator is a Generic Component
Disseminator Attributes: DataStreams = DS1 ContentTypeID = URNDC1 GetDCField GetDCRecord DC application/ MARC DS1 GetMethods(DC) application/ postscript DS2 GetDCField, ….

16 How Achieve Content-Type Extensibility?
DC servlet DC Mechanism Servlet Disseminator URNDC1 CTID = URNDC1 DC application/ MARC GetDissemination( GetDCRecord) application/ postscript DublinCore Record DC MethodList Signature Disseminator URNDC DC signature GetDCField GetDCRecord

17 Registration and Proliferation of Content Types
A content type becomes registered when the URN of the DigitalObject that disseminates its signature is registered (in a DL name service) A content type becomes usable when the URN of the DigitalObject that disseminates its servlet is registered Other DigitalObjects can utilize content types by referencing them by these URNs.

18 Access Management Must have facilities to protect content
No single solution Association of existing, external rights management schemes Accommodate new schemes FEDORA applies same extensibility model to rights management ...

19 AccessManager Mechanisms
Disseminator protected by AccessManager URN1 URNACL1 GetDCField GetDCRecord DC application/ MARC ACL Mechanism text/x-acl Servlet Disseminator External Servlet Utilized

20 Current Status Full reference implementation
CORBA IDL defines all component interfaces Java/CORBA prototype system complete Developed common IDL with CNRI Merger of RAP and FEDORA IDL Interoperability Experiments (Fall 1998)

21 Future Research Access Management
Reliability, security, integrity (DLI2) Integration of new community-developed content types (DLF) For more information:

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