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Reprezentanta pentru Romania:

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Presentation on theme: "Reprezentanta pentru Romania:"— Presentation transcript:

1 HANOVRA- in fiecare an platforma pentru tendintele de ultima ora in domeniul TIC
Reprezentanta pentru Romania: Camera de Comert si Industrie Romano-Germana

2 CeBIT Evenimentul international care exercita cea mai mare influenta asupra tendintelor tehnologice si de piata Numeroase idei noi, produse si solutii s-au nascut la CeBIT datorita caracterului interdisciplinar al evenimentului Piata de azi e marcata de integrarea si convergenta tehnologiei informatiei, telecomunicatiilor, tehnicii retelelor, solutiilor si serviciilor internet Locul unde se lanseaza produse noi, dar si locul unde se intalnesc nu doar oamenii de afaceri si expertii , ci si cercetatorii, politicienii, mass-media

3 CeBIT 2003 Stand 06/2002 / Grafik: Abt. 110/120 Deutsche Messe AG / No 0073.Ch.20628

4 Domeniu Software & Services IT Equipment & Systems Telecommunications & Networks Research & Technology HR Human Resources Automatic Data Capture Banking Technology & Financial Services IT Security & Card Technology Job & Career Market Total No. of Exhibitors / sqm Special Displays Grand Total Supr.02 5.906 9.972 13.437 10.940 - 1.095 Nr.exp. 03 2.408 1.641 1.247 449 280 265 263 49 6.602 -  6.602 Nr. exp. 02 2.985 1.394 1.551 400 349 284 301 - 7.264 Supr. 03 82.626 5.781 8.556 12.433 9.431 1.434 1.773  

5 WLAN-- completare a UMTS (hoteluri, aeroporturi)
Tendinte in Telecomunicatii „Convergenta“: telefonie cu transferul de date, tehnica retelelor prin solutii software pana la o diversitate de terminale Piatra de hotar: introducerea UMTS in extinderea transferului de date mobil WLAN-- completare a UMTS (hoteluri, aeroporturi) Reteaua radio digitala TETRA pentru comunicarea intre organizatiile cu grad mare de securitate Extinderea retelei terestre de TV digitala DVB-T Stand 06/2002 / Grafik: Abt. 110/120 Deutsche Messe AG / No 0073.Ch.20628

6 International Trade Fair for Information Technology,
Telecommunications, Software & Services for America 18 – 20 June 2003, New York City, America International Trade Fair for Information Technology, Telecommunications, Software & Services for Australia, South East Asia and the South Pacific May 2003, Sydney, Australia International Trade Fair for Information Technology, Telecommunications, Software & Services for China and the Asian / Pacific Region 18 – 21 September 2003, Shanghai, China International Trade Fair for Information Technology, Telecommunications, Software & Services for Turkey and the Eurasian Region 2 – 7 September 2003, Istanbul, Turkey

7 International Trade Fair for Household Appliances and
Consumer Electronics for China and the Asian/Pacific Region 14 – 17 May 2003, Shanghai, China ISCe - International Satellite & Communications exchange Conference and Expo – A CeBIT Event 26 – 28 August 2003, Long Beach, California International Trade Fair and Conference for Broadcast, Cable & Satellite for Turkey, South East Europe and the Middle East 17 – 20 October 2002, Istanbul, Turkey 16 – 19 October 2003, Istanbul, Turkey

8 Facts and Figures Main product groups: Satellite Communication Equipment, Satellite Communication Services, Broadcast and Broadband Communication Systems, Communication Service Providers, Radio Communication Systems, Cables, Sound and Light Frame Program: International Cebit Broadcast, Cable and Satellite Conference, Program Trading Platform Key facts of the previous exhibition – Year 2002: sqm; exhibitors: 137 Sponsors: Türk Telekom; Eurasiasat ; Istanbul FM;Degisim Medya (Digital Photography and Movies Sposor);Sentim ( IT Hardware Sponsor);Teknotel Ere (Wireless Network Sponsor); Expo Channel (Visual Media Co-Sponsoru); Digiturk ( Digital Broadcasting Sponsor)

9 CONTACT: Camera de Comert si Industrie Romano-Germana Str. Clucerului 35, Bucuresti Tel: ; Fax:

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