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Date: 10/13 – 10/14 Topic: Other Mechanisms Learning Target: Discuss mechanisms of evolutionary change other than natural selection such as genetic drift.

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Presentation on theme: "Date: 10/13 – 10/14 Topic: Other Mechanisms Learning Target: Discuss mechanisms of evolutionary change other than natural selection such as genetic drift."— Presentation transcript:

1 Date: 10/13 – 10/14 Topic: Other Mechanisms Learning Target: Discuss mechanisms of evolutionary change other than natural selection such as genetic drift and gene flow.

2 Unit 1 Test Re-cap The graph below represents a change in event A that leads to changes in events B and C. Which row in the chart the the right best shows the correct sequence of events that are increasing or decreasing as show on the graph to the left? Directions: Complete all of the following for the question above. GIST: (In one sentence, explain what the question is about) (2 points) ___________________________________________________________________ CORRECT ANSWER: (1 point) EXPLANATION: (Why is this the correct answer?) (4 points) REFLECTION: (After grading this question answer the following) (3 points) I was CORRECT INCORRECT (Check one!) BECAUSE _____________________________________________________________

3 Student, What did we talk about last class?
Student, can you add anything else to that? Student, what was the formula to Differential Selective Success?

4 How do organisms evolve?
Natural Selection: “Survival of the fittest” Leads to Evolution...

5 Student, what evidence is available to let us know Natural selection has taken place?
Student, are there any other evidence what can tell us natural selection has occurred? Student, can you unpack the what the other 2 students said?

6 Write what is in Red...

7 Other Mechanisms of Evolution
Gene Flow Genetic Drift Nonrandom Mating Mutations

8 Gene Flow: the exchange of genes due to migration
Mutations occur over time. They are natural and produce genetic diversity that is needed for survival.

9 Student, how does gene flow lead to the evolution of a population
Student, how does gene flow lead to the evolution of a population? Student, Can you add anything to what that student said? Student, can you unpack what they both just said? Student, do you think gene flow is a natural process?

10 Do you support or challenge what they just said? Why?
Student, can this happen in all populations?

11 Microevolution 10/27/15 Gene Flow in Plants G. Podgorski, Biol. 1010

12 Microevolution 10/27/15 Gene Flow in Humans G. Podgorski, Biol. 1010

13 Microevolution 10/27/15 2. Genetic drift: the change in the gene pool of a population due to a random occurrence. G. Podgorski, Biol. 1010

14 Student, how does genetic drift lead to the evolution of a population?
Student, Can you add anything to what that student said? Student, can you unpack what they both just said?

15 Example of Genetic Drift

16 Genetic Drift Example Northern elephant seals have reduced genetic variation because humans inflicted on them in the 1890s. Hunting reduced their population size to as few as 20 individuals at the end of the 19th century. Their population has since rebounded to over 30,000 but their genes still carry the marks of this predation. They have much less genetic variation than a population of southern elephant seals that was not so intensely hunted.

17 Student, do you think there is a lot of genetic variation in the heavily predated seals?
Student, do you support or challenge what that student just said? Student what does it mean in the long run for the heavily predated seal population in terms of their genetic variability Student, do you think this makes their population at risk for a natural disaster?

18 Difference in Genetic Drift and Gene flow...
Student, what is the difference between genetic drift and gene flow Student, can you add anything to what the student said.

19 3. Non-Random Mating A situation where mates are chosen for one another or by another pre-determined factor. Leads to a loss of gene variability! Many plants self-pollinate, which is also a form of non-random mating (inbreeding).

20 Non-Random mating Student, can this mechanism happen in humans? Do you support or challenge what student said?

21 Sexual reproduction results
in variation of traits in offspring as a result of crossing over in meiosis and mutations Genetic shuffling is a source of variation.

22 Sexual selection occurs when certain traits increase mating success.

23 3. Mutation Introduce new alleles into a gene pool causing evolution to occur.


25 Study for BIO-BLITZ If you have not looked at the words on the class instagram you need to… Also review all words in your notebook

26 Output 4 minutes... Based on the 4 mechanisms we just talked about, how do they lead to evolution….

27 Go the 3 stations you have 5 minutes per station. Listen for the timer
We do…. Go the 3 stations you have 5 minutes per station. Listen for the timer

28 Independent Practice You have 10 minutes to answer the 6 questions. 2 are short response Raise your hand if you have any questions

29 Exit ticket Put all notes away!!!!! 5 minutes to take this quiz You will do great!!!!!

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