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Chapter 12 Crusades and culture in the middle ages Lesson 2 The crusades Jessica Garcia class of 2018.

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1 Chapter 12 Crusades and culture in the middle ages Lesson 2 The crusades
Jessica Garcia class of 2018

2 Social Feudalism was the main system for living until the crusades happened and opened up ports to trade. Feudal system consisted of; -Kings; Reports to the church, gives land to lords to have in return they protect him. -Lords\Nobles; Control land for the king. -Knights; Warriors who owe military service to a lord in exchange for money, titles or land. -Merchants\farmers- Grow and sell crops in small business. -Peasants\serfs- Work under a lord taking care of all the farm work, bound to their lord. Most sons would join their fathers in the crusades, families would argue over who was fit to go. Christians did not get along with the Muslims for different religious beliefs.

3 Political The crusades helped break down feudalism ,and kings created central governments. Spain, England, and France all emerged into Europe. Frankish states where established along the coast. Brought together the creation of the renaissance. Wanted to the explore the world and become liberalized.

4 Interaction Between Humans and the Environment
Malaria, dysentery and leprosy were all feared diseases. Many moved from Europe to the middle east to fight, or make a new life. New methods of castle building inspired by the byzantine structures. Increased tension between Christians and Muslims.

5 Culture Christianity and Islamic religion (Muslims) were the main religions during this time. -Christians- Believe in one god, Jesus is gods son and he functions as a trinity. -Muslims- Follow holy books or scriptures like the Quran, Torah, The gospels and the scrolls. Only one god who is not a trinity but named Mohammed. Conflict of ideology would be the holy war between the Christians and Muslims. Christians viewed Muslims as worshipping a false god through a false prophet. New technology of foreign influence such as the Chinese compass and the Arab astrolabe. Two different types of art appeared; -The Romanesque( combines elements of architecture, roman and byzantine empire) -Gothic( European architecture, sculptures with early renaissance )

6 Economic Lacking in food, depended on raids to gain vegetables and land to grow crops. Not agricultural at all. The conquest of Palestine opened up all the towns and harbors of Italy to western traders. -imported items from; Venice, Florence, Cairo, Damascus, Baghdad and many other cities. - Items imported ( perfumes, pearls, paper, linen) -Their payment was rare metals In the form of bars or coins. Most of the peasant were serfs until the advancement of trade. -(Serfs paid taxes to their lord in the form of crops) Commerce included ; slave trade, exploitation, technology piracy, conquest and plunder.

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