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Monthly Status Call June 30, 2016

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1 Monthly Status Call June 30, 2016

2 DSRIP in Action Update Cohorts Upcoming Events Waiver Updates

3 DSRIP in Action Yesterday, June 29th, Castro County Healthcare- Plains Memorial Hospital in Dimmitt, TX hosted a DSRIP in Action event in our region. We had 25 attendees from 14 different regional provider locations join us for the event. Janet Sammann presented on their Patient Care Navigation project, followed by a tour of the facility and lunch. Due to the event being yesterday- we will recap and have full details on our next monthly status call! A HUGE thank you for such a great job and information presented by Janet and her team.

4 Goals are being set and implemented with each participant.
Calls are ongoing Face to face meetings Discuss goals, PDCA and A3 Evaluate projects and progress Open Discussion with the group

5 Cohort Timeline July 14: Meeting with all participants
July 27: Follow-up call Aug 10: Follow-up call Aug 24: Follow-up call Sept 14: Meet with cohort teams Sept 28: Cohort panel to report at Learning Collaborative.

6 DSRIP in Action August 11: Covenant Health System- Lubbock, TX November 8: TBD Project Highlight August 15: D.M. Cogdell Memorial Hospital, Snyder, TX December 5: TTUHSC, Lubbock, TX Monthly Status Update Call July 2pm – Outlook Invite to follow RHP 12 Regional Learning Collaborative Sept. 28: University Medical Center, Lubbock, TX

7 Waiver Updates Bobbye Hrncirik

8 April Reporting RHP12 GRAND TOTAL = 35,391,843
41- CAT 1 & 2 Projects reported achievement on 1 or more metrics Total Approved = 19,615,203 DY5 = 8,892,921 DY4 CF & NMI = 10,722,282 21 - CAT 3 Projects reported achievement on 1 or more metrics Total Approved = 11,520,473 DY5 = 9,703,818 DY4 CF = 1,816,655 34 – CAT 4 Projects reported achievement Total Approved = 4,256,167 GRAND TOTAL = 35,391,843

9 April Reporting IGT & Payment
June 30th - Last date to enter IGT into TexNet and submit Trace Sheets to HHSC July 1 – IGT settlement date for April reporting DSRIP payments. July 29 - April reporting DY4 DSRIP payments processed for all providers and DY5 DSRIP payments processed – Two separate transactions August 5 – HHSC Complete NMI Reporting Review – We only had 1 NMI request out of 149 metrics reported % approval rate

10 Compliance Monitoring
Round 2 - Cat 1 & 2 validation audits are moving into the sample phase. RHP12 has 9 providers with 13 metrics Cat 3 performance reviews are underway also RHP12 has 5 providers with 7 metrics New Cat 4 reviews are also underway Pampa Regional UMC Timelines for Category 1 and 2 and Category 3 review are built in a way that would allow MSLC to complete these rounds of review by October. Short term extensions can be requested if providers cannot complete collection of the requested information in time. However, if providers request multiple extensions for the same metric or outcome, this can push the timelines and metrics/measures will either be not validated or providers will need to provide required information by or at the beginning of the reporting period. Only two needed TA (Hereford and Golden Plains)

11 Waiver Renewal The one major change that was made for DY6 Transition Year PFM is for CAT-3 outcomes designated as P4R with a stretch activity in DY5. There are two options: 1) maintain the Category 3 outcome designated as P4R from DY5 and select a new stretch activity. Valuation: 50% P4R and 50% completion of the stretch activity 2) select a population focused priority measure (PFPM) that is P4P. Valuation: 100% P4P of the newly selected PFPM. RHP 12 Providers: Collingsworth Yoakum Parmer Covenant Children’s TTUHSC Amarillo Covenant MC

12 Waiver Renewal HHSC will begin negotiations with CMS regarding DY6B and beyond shortly CMS continues to be very interested in progression of moving toward Alternate Payment Methods and moving certain DSRIP projects into Medicaid managed care, although questions still remain about how this will be operationalized and how it will impact the low-income uninsured.

13 DY6 PFM Protocol Language
Minimum annual valuation amount per provider of 250,000 Region 12 has 6 providers who qualify for this option. Below is a list and the amounts to bring you to 250K gross funds Hemphill – 222,116 Lynn County HD – 184,349 Collingsworth General Hospital – 121,797 Helen Farabee Center – 94,330 Plains Memorial – 71,672 Muleshoe Area Medical Center – 32,872 Parmer County Community Hospital – 24,082 If you have IGT available you can opt to increase your DY6 valuation by the amounts listed above.

14 DY6 PFM Project Continuation
ALL projects in our region are able to continue as is We encourage everyone to continue your projects as is thru DY6. Otherwise you lose the funding. If you are struggling with a project and were ready for a hard stop in September and aren’t sure what to do. Please give us a call. We can discuss possible options

15 New CAT 1 & 2 Requirements & Reporting
All projects will have the same 4 metrics: Total QPI – Same as current DY5 Goal – Only 40 projects eligible for an adjustment. MLIU QPI – P4R except 3 providers with required MLIU in DY5 – Texas Tech Lubbock, Parmer & Medical Arts Core Component Reporting Sustainability Planning Total QPI – April or October reporting MLIU – HHSC has not yet decided if they will allow reporting in April Core Component & Sustainability – October ONLY

16 DY6 Transition Year Questions?? Does anyone have any specific questions related to the transition year.

17 DY6 DSRIP Participation Template
The Template will allow Providers to: View and confirm the Total QPI and MLIU QPI milestones and goals Request lower Total QPI if ELIGIBLE Request lower MLIU QPI goals with strong justification Request exceptions to reporting MLIU QPI at the individual or encounter level Increase total DY6A provider valuation up to $250K Enter counties served by each project Update 3 lead providers Update the DY6A IGT information Enter required changes or updates from projects under review

18 DY6 DSRIP Participation Template
DY6 DSRIP Participation Template (a.k.a. Summer Form) is now available Recorded Webinar is on our website: Save file with RHP number and TPI RHP12_ _DY6 Form We are asking that you submit your completed form to us by Tuesday July 19th COB. We will then review, package and submit to HHSC for our region by the July 22nd deadline.

19 Waiver Extension Important Dates
June 23, CMS sent HHSC a letter approving the DY6 protocol language July 22, :00pm - Anchors submit the completed DY6 DSRIP Participation Templates to HHSC. August 26, HHSC will begin providing approval of requested MLIU reporting exceptions, required QPI/MLIU changes, and submitted next steps or request additional information. September 9, :00pm - Anchors submit responses to HHSC requests for additional information, and Category 3 stretch activity selections and alternate achievement requests. September 30, HHSC will approve or deny the additional information submitted in response to HHSC comments. October 1, Approved DY6 projects are effective

20 2016 Statewide Learning Collaborative Summit
Registration is now open and will close on August 8, 2016 As in previous years, all performing providers in our region have 1 designated in person slot allocated for their organization. Please let us know who will be attending from your organization or if no one will be attending HHSC will reallocate additional slots later in the summer. Please let us know if you would like more than you 1 slot. For those of you unable to attend in person the summit will be broadcast on the internet

21 Thank you!

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