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Messaging & Vocabulary Their Relationship to AAC Goals

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1 Messaging & Vocabulary Their Relationship to AAC Goals
9/22/2018 Messaging & Vocabulary

2 Goal of AAC: Beukelman & Miranda (2002), Hill (n.d.)
is to enable the augmented communicator to develop communication skills that are socially and linguistically appropriate to their abilities is to provide individuals with opportunity and capability To communicate effectively To communicate messages so that they can interact in conversations To participate in different settings To establish and maintain their social roles To meet personal needs 9/22/2018 Messaging & Vocabulary

3 What do we need to accomplish the goal?
Messaging Messaging is unique to AAC field Due to efficient and automatic process for natural speaker. Message selection is affected by many factors Age Gender Context Social roles/cohorts Activities & environments 9/22/2018 Messaging & Vocabulary

4 Messaging & Vocabulary
Conversations Conversations Greetings Small Talk Generic How is your family What’s happening Good story Specific How is your wife What are you doing Good story about your vacation Story Telling Procedural Descriptions Sequence is critical Content-Specific Wrap Up & Farewell 9/22/2018 Messaging & Vocabulary

5 Messaging & Vocabulary
Modes & Contexts Spoken versus Written Communication Written (TTR:.46) more diverse than Spoken (TTR:.30) among 3rd graders (McGinnis, 1991) School Talk Different from Home Talk with Preschoolers 1/3 spoken at home & school, 1/3 school, 1/3 home (Marvin, Beukelman, & Bilyeu (1994) Age (Stuart, Vanderhoof, & Beukelman, 1993) Younger Females –topics related to family life Older Females – social networks outside family 9/22/2018 Messaging & Vocabulary

6 Messaging & Vocabulary
Modes & Contexts Gender (Gottschalk, John, 1959) Males: fewer pronouns, more adjectives, unusual adverbs refer to time, space, quantity, destructive actions Females: more auxiliary words and negations refer to motiviations, feelings, emotions 9/22/2018 Messaging & Vocabulary

7 Preliterate & Nonliterate
Coverage Vocabulary Messages dealing with basic communication needs Organized by environment or activity Development Vocabulary Selected not for functional purposes Chosen to encourage language and vocabulary growth Words for various language structures and combinations Relational words (bg, little) Proper names first, personal pronouns next Nonliterate Chosen from functional rather than developmental perspective Single words and whole messages 9/22/2018 Messaging & Vocabulary

8 Messaging & Vocabulary
Literate Are able to read and spell Access to greater of messages Letter by letter Word by word Retrieve complete messages 9/22/2018 Messaging & Vocabulary

9 Messaging & Vocabulary
Vocabulary Types Core Vocabulary Refers to words and messages that are commonly used by a variety users and occur very frequently Fringe Vocabulary (personalized) Refers to vocabulary words and messages that are specific or unique to the individual AAC user Names of specific people, locations, activities 9/22/2018 Messaging & Vocabulary

10 Vocabulary Selection Processes
Environmental or ecological inventories Diaries and Checklists Ongoing vocabulary maintenance critical Resources ATTO UNL 9/22/2018 Messaging & Vocabulary

11 Eye Gaze Board Compass Technique
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12 Eye Gaze Board Greatest Frequency of Use are at Top
9/22/2018 Messaging & Vocabulary

13 Topic Board Number codes & Written Cues to Direct Partner Questioning
9/22/2018 Messaging & Vocabulary

14 Etran Board Letters & Numbers refer to Messages shown in lower figure
9/22/2018 Messaging & Vocabulary

15 Number-Coded Message Board Finger Combinations
9/22/2018 Messaging & Vocabulary

16 Message Boards Recurring words & phrases – Spell Novel Utterances
9/22/2018 Messaging & Vocabulary

17 Directions/Hints for Partners
9/22/2018 Messaging & Vocabulary

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