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H. P. White Laboratory Leading the world in ballistic testing since 1936.

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Presentation on theme: "H. P. White Laboratory Leading the world in ballistic testing since 1936."— Presentation transcript:

1 H. P. White Laboratory Leading the world in ballistic testing since 1936.

2 H.P. White is an Independent Laboratory
H.P. White is in no manner affiliated with any other research organization, manufacturer, agency or end product user. Accuracy Precision Objectivity Quality Integrity Efficiency

3 Ballistic Testing Capabilities
Body Armor Vehicular Armor Helmet Testing Materials Structural Ballistic Shields Protective Eyewear Stab/Sharp Instrument Firearms Ammunition Forced Entry Accident Investigation Forensics

4 NVLAP National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program
Similar to ISO/IEC 17025 Now required for Laboratories participating in the NIJ Body Armor Program. Laboratories participating in Military and DOD testing must be an NIJ approved laboratory.

5 Quality Manual Administrative
Management System Organization Document Control Purchasing and Contract Review Purchasing Client Services Complaints Nonconformance Improvement Corrective Action Preventive Action Proficiency Testing Control of Records Internal Audits

6 Quality Manual Technical
Personnel Environmental Conditions Test Method Evaluation Equipment Measurement Traceability Handling Test Items Test Results Quality

7 NVLAP Advantages Organization Traceability Training Customer Service
Test Method Validation

8 Laboratory Testing One Test is Worth One Thousand Expert Opinions
Accuracy Precision Reproducibility Quality

9 Business Opportunity Law Enforcement Government Military Security
International Business

10 Thank You

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