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IndiGO® Population Health and Individual Patient Predictive Analytics

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Presentation on theme: "IndiGO® Population Health and Individual Patient Predictive Analytics"— Presentation transcript:

1 IndiGO® Population Health and Individual Patient Predictive Analytics

2 Agenda The IndiGO Model Demo

3 Illnesses causing death – 1900 vs 2010

4 Background on Corporate Ownership of IndiGO
Development started in 1993 David Eddy MD, PhD Len Schlessinger PhD Core technology - Archimedes Model Mathematical model of human physiology, diseases, interventions, and healthcare systems Highly detailed Carefully validated Spun out from Kaiser as an independent organization called Archimedes in 2006 IndiGO – an application of the Archimedes model, was developed and clinically validated Paper on Individualized Guidelines published in Annals of Internal Medicine Clients include Kaiser Permanente, Intermountain, ONC Beacon Communities, and others SPH Analytics acquired IndiGO in 2014 SPH Analytics is part of the Symphony Technology Group of companies

5 What does IndiGO do? Calculates accurate individual risks
Based on rich set (~62 data elements) of individual health data Calculates impact of preventive interventions on those risks Quantifies impact of interventions across chronic conditions Presents this information to clinician and patient in visual form Point-of-care user interface Patient portal user interface (under development) API used in mobile app

6 Incentive for providers
Uses of IndiGO Stratifies by actionable risk Right patients Prioritization options for patient Identify important treatment options outside of guidelines Right treatments Personalized Informative and engaging Offers choices Motivate patients GO Score Averted events relative to peers Incentive for providers 6

7 What data does IndiGO use?
Category Data elements Demographics Age, gender, height, weight Biomarkers Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, TG Blood pressure A1c and FPG Creatinine, urinary albumin Lifestyle Smoking and exercise Medical history Prior MI, stroke, CHF, atrial fibrillation, history of revascularization Family history Diagnosis of diabetes, neuropathy, retinopathy Medications Current and previous Allergies and contraindications Ace, Arb, Aspirin, Beta, CCB, Diuretic, Metformin, Statin, Antidepressant Missing data? Potential risk is aggregated based on known data and population incidence with similar factors Confidence interval is calculated

8 IndiGO Risk and Intervention Models
Risks Cardiovascular disease MI Stroke Diabetes Onset Complications Cancers Breast Colon Lung Renal disease COPD Depression Interventions Statins Anti-hypertensives ACE, ARB, Beta Blockers Diuretics, CCBs Aspirin HbA1c reduction Weight loss Smoking cessation Exercise Fish oil Cancer screening Depression treatment

9 Independent Validation of Risk Formulas
Kaiser Permanente independent validation Comparison to “gold standard” Framingham Model Predicted risks of 1M KP Southern California members based on 2008 data IndiGO predictions closely matched actual outcomes Risk is overestimated for high-risk patients and underestimated for low-risk patients Because of requirement that all inputs are available and excluded groups (prior MI or stroke, diabetics) Framingham can predict risk for only 40% of population 20 40 60 80 100 5 Percent of MI in 2 yrs 20 40 60 80 100 5 Percent of CVD in 2 yrs About 2x high 20 40 60 80 100 5 Percent of stroke in 2 yrs Key: o observed risk predicted risk

10 Validation of the study in AJMC
In May 2016, the American Journal of Managed Care published an important paper for IndiGO.  The primary conclusions of the paper are: ·         That the IndiGO model has excellent accuracy and predictive ability based on a study of over a million adults ·         That there is a large potential to reduce population risk (and cost) of cardiovascular events by using such a risk-based tool In addition to being one of the largest cardiovascular risk model validations ever published, it qualifies as an independent validation because all the analysis and conclusions were from the researchers at Kaiser Southern California.  A completely different team at Kaiser Northern California published a paper that seriously questions the accuracy of the current “gold standard” US cardiovascular risk model which was developed two years ago by a team at the NIH.  Their paper in the Journal of American College of Cardiology found that the risk predictions of that tool were off by a factor of 5x in many cases. Here is the link to the IndiGO paper: And the one debunking the current national standard model:

11 IndiGO Demo

12 Evaluation by KP Care Management Institute
Increased adherence 6x More likely to close the care gap for statins under standard guidelines after PCP visit with IndiGO High Acceptance “All doctors agreed that IndiGO helped them to make the best clinical decisions for their patients” “Almost all participants believe the Indigo Tool helped the doctor to motivate them, and helped them participate in their treatment choices” Projected impacts (per Million Members) $98M Saved annually 1400 Heart attacks and strokes averted annually Reduced Risk 11% Reduction in 5-year CVD risk – more than EHR and panel support tool alone

13 Clinician incentive program
Lifestyle opportunity: opportunity to prevent additional cardiovascular events through lifestyle changes (e.g. smoking cessation, exercise) Medication opportunity: opportunity to prevent additional cardiovascular events through improved medication prescription and adherence Contribution: number of heart attacks and strokes over the organizational target the physician is predicted to prevent Threshold: target number of heart attacks and strokes that need to be prevented to meet minimum organizational standards; for this particular organization, the number is 50% of events that would be prevented through treating the entire panel of patients to guideline.

14 GO Score over time Increase in GO Score between Q and Q = 2.3 Increase in incentive value over same period = $14,800

15 Example of provider incentive dashboard prototype

16 Prototype of new provider UI

17 Example of patient portal prototype

18 Additional resources on IndiGO
·         IndiGO encounter re-enactment video ( ~ 2 ½ minutes): ·         Patient training video (3 minutes):   ·         Patient and Physician testimonials video (3 minutes): ·         Helen Darling video about the GO Score (National Business Group on Health, RWJ, NCQA) (~4 minutes)

19 Papers Annals of Internal Medicine
Risk based targeting improves treatment effectiveness 60% over existing guidelines Health Affairs Risk based performance measurement Validation papers (in press AJMC, written by Kaiser So. Cal Research) IndiGO more accurate than Framingham or ACC Opportunity for risk reduction outside guideline as great as opportunity from gaps in guidelines

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