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2 Meet your teams! Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Is this guy for real?

3 Question 1 Label all four regions of the map according to what the land is like in that region.

4 Answer 1 Flat grasslands Thick Forests Dry, Desert Jungle-like

5 Question 2 Who was William Penn? Why was he important?

6 Answer 2 Rich, English Quaker Founded Pennsylvania colony
Pennsylvania was a refuge for Quakers to escape the King by moving to the New World

7 Question 3 Who was Pocahontas? Why was she important?

8 Answer 3 Pohattan Princess Made peace between Natives and Jamestown
Married John Rolfe Helped English learn to plant corn

9 Question 4 Who was Equiano? Why was he important?

10 Answer 4 Sold into slavery in Africa
Survived the Middle Passage to New World Wrote about his experience

11 Question 5 What is tight-packing?

12 Answer 5 Loading slaves very tightly into slave ships
Often in sitting or laying position

13 Question 6 What are manufactured goods? How do they fit into the Triangle Trade?

14 Answer 6 Goods made in factories Made from raw materials
Made in Europe. Sold to Africa and New World. Examples: guns, ships, tools, kitchenware

15 Question 7 What are raw materials? How do they fit into the Triangle Trade?

16 Answer 7 Goods taken direct from the land for use
Harvested in New World. Sold to Africa and Europe. Examples: farm animals, crops, and metals

17 Question 8 What is Chattle Slavery?

18 Answer 8 Slavery in which slaves are considered property, not people.

19 Question 9 What is a conquistador?

20 Answer 9 A Spanish soldier who came to the New World to conquer.

21 Question 10 What is the Old World?

22 Answer 11 Europe, Africa, and Asia

23 Question 12 Who was Francisco Pizarro? Why is he important?

24 Answer 13 He is a Spanish conquistador that conquered the Inca Empire in South America.

25 Question 14 What is the New World?

26 Answer 14 North and South America

27 Question 15 What is democracy?

28 Answer 15 A government where they people vote to make decisions.

29 Question 16 Who is Hernando Cortes? Why is he important?

30 Answer 16 Spanish Conquistador who conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico

31 Question 17 Who fought in the French-Indian War? What was the end result?

32 Answer 17 British fought the French and their Native allies
British won Kicked the French out of North America British took over their land

33 Question 18 What was the Enlightenment?

34 Answer 18 A new way of think after the Salem Witch Trials.
Focused on science to answer questions about the world.

35 Question 19 What is the Great Awakening?

36 Answer 19 A new way of think after the Salem Witch Trials.
Focused on religon to answer questions about the world.

37 Question 20 What group of English settled mainly in New England?

38 Answer 20 Puritans (including Pilgrims)

39 Question 21 Why was Pennsylvania founded?

40 Answer 21 Founded by William Penn as a refuge for English Quakers in the New World

41 Question 22 What was the Triangle Trade?

42 Answer 22 It was the trade across the Atlantic Ocean that developed between Africa, New World, and Europe.

43 Question 23 What was the Pueblo Uprising of 1680? Why is it important?

44 Answer 23 The Pueblo Indians rebelled against their Spanish masters in New Mexico Kicked the Spanish out of New Mexico for 100 years Only successful Native rebellion in U.S. history.

45 Question 24 What was the Horse Revolution? Why is it important?

46 Answer 24 The spread of the horse across the American West from Native tribe to tribe. Totally changed Native American ways of life. Examples: hunting, warfare, travel

47 Question 25 Why was 1492 such an important moment in world history?

48 Answer 25 Myth: Columbus proved the world was round
Truth: Columbia explored the New World, opening up trade between the Old and New Worlds.

49 Question 26 What were the Salem Witch Trials? Why are they important?

50 Answer 26 Puritans tried and killed people for being witches.
Last time people found guilty of witchcraft Puritans begin to go easier on people who disagree with them after these trials. Opens the way for religious freedom in the colonies.

51 Question 27 Name three examples of crops Native Americans commonly raised.

52 Answer 27 Examples: corn (maize), beans, and squash

53 Question 28 Why did the Pueblo rebel against the Spanish in the Pueblo Uprising of 1680?

54 Answer 28 Spanish force them to change religions
Spanish imprisoned their religious leaders Spanish treated many Pueblo harshly

55 Question 29 What were the three waves of Europeans who came to the New World?

56 Answer 29 Explorers, Conquerors, Settlers

57 Question 30 Name three types of goods traded in the Triangle Trade.

58 Answer 30 Manufactured Goods Slaves Raw Materials

59 Question 31 Name the three African Slave Kingdoms

60 Answer 32 Benin, Songhai, Kongo

61 Question 33 What crop made Jamestown wealthy?

62 Answer 33 Tobacco

63 Question 34 Name three examples of European countries that claimed land in the Middle Colonies.

64 Answer 34 Netherlands (Holland), England (Britain), Sweden

65 Question 35 Name examples from early American history from which we get our government today (Roots of Democracy)

66 Answer 35 Roots of Democracy: Quaker belief that everyone was equal
Puritan belief that everyone should learn to read the Bible Iroquois Confederacy electing Sachems to make decisions Mayflower Compact stating Pilgrims would solve problems by a majority vote

67 Question 36 Why did Europeans turn to Africa for slave labor?

68 Answer 36 Natives slaves died of disease. Africa was the next cheapest source of slaves.

69 Question 37 How did Europeans get most of their slaves?

70 Answer 37 They traded manufactured goods for slaves with their partners, the African Slave Kingdoms

71 Question 38 Why did Jamestown and Roanoke both have a Starving Time?

72 Answer 38 They fought with the Native Americans, so it was too dangerous to go out and look for food. They didn’t know how to farm in the New World.

73 Question 39 How did the colony of Jamestown become successful, whereas Roanoke failed?

74 Answer 39 Jamestown found a way to make money and join the Triangle Trade (tobacco).

75 Question 40 How did Pocahontas help save Jamestown?

76 Answer 40 Made peace between Natives and Jamestown Married John Rolfe
Helped English learn to plant corn


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