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Presentation on theme: "COASTAL MANAGEMENT GEOGRAPHY."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Coastal Management?
Coastal management is about managing development along the coastline in a sustainable way. Coastal management is very important in Australia due to our long coastline and love of the coastal lifestyle.

3 We must be aware: The ocean is not a garbage dump for our waste products. The ocean is not an infinite source of food. The coastline has a delicate ecosystem and needs to be protected. The public, governments and organistations must manage and protect our coastines.


5 Activity One. Using an atlas and a piece of string estimate the length of the Australian coast. Hint: The answer is less than 50,000 km but more than 10,000km.

6 The Australian Coastline
The Australian coastline is estimated to be kilometers long. Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Australia is responsible for the management of 370 kilometers around the continent and territories. Australia is therefore responsible for 16.1 million square kilometers of ocean.

7 The Australian Coastline
NSW km VIC km QLD km SA km WA km NT km ACT 35 km AUSTRALIA km

8 The State Of Out Coastline
Australia’s beaches are under constant threat from developers, storm water pollution, sewage, litter and oil spills. There is evidence of beach damage, declining water quality and over fishing as well as a direct loss of coastal wetlands, mangroves and sea grass beds.


10 Human Impacts include;
Discharging effluent at or near our beaches at a rate of 3 billion litres per day. Litter including plastic bags, food wrappers and cigarette butts. One in five beaches is threatened by developments such as housing, tourist resorts, golf courses and marinas.

11 QUESTIONS Explain why there is increasing concern about the state of Australia’s coastline? Why is the Australian coastline more difficult to manage than those of many other countries? Why do you think Australians have a preference for living near the coast?

12 PARKS VICTORIA The main aim of Parks Victoria is to develop an outstanding park and waterway system that it protected and enhanced by people. Conserving, protecting and enhancing environmental and cultural assets.



15 RAMSAR WETLANDS Managing areas and/or functions within Victoria’s internationally important wetlands – or RAMSAR sites; listed under the Convention of Wetlands. RAMSAR sites close to Melbourne include Port Phillip Bay and the Bellarine Peninsula.

16 Environmental Management Program
Establishing a range of projects that aim to improve the condition of Victoria’s parks and waterways.

17 Pest Animal M’ment To control populations of animal pests where they threaten native species and ecosystems. Pest species include foxes, rabbits, feral cats, pigs, goats and wild dogs. The aim is to reduce pest numbers and allow native species to increase.

18 Native Animal Management.
Controlling the number of native animals as increasing populations can have a negative impact on vegetation and other animals.

19 QUESTIONS What are some of the difficulties Parks Victoria have in managing sites throughout Victoria? What issues do Parks Victoria face in dealing with animals? Why are seabed grasses so important in coastal ecosystems?





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