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Paper 3: Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939
Question Marks Timings Question type 1 4 marks 6 mins Give two things you can infer from Source _ about… 2 12 marks 16 mins Explain why… 3a 8 marks 12 mins How useful are Source _ and _ for… 3b What is the main difference between these views (interpretations) 3c Suggest one reason why interpretations _ and _ give different views on… 3d 16 marks + 4 SPAG 30 mins How far do you agree with interpretation _ about…use both interpretations and your own knowledge…
QUESTION 1 (4 MARKS -b6 mins)
[POINT] One thing I can infer from Source _ about… is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence from the Source to support this is (insert quote/description) [POINT] Another thing I can infer from Source _ about… is… QUESTION 3A (8 MARKS – 12mins ) [POINT] Source _ is more/less useful for …(WFTQ) … because it tells me… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this (quote/description of sources)…/However it fails to tell me… [OWN KNOWLEDGE] This agrees with my own knowledge because I know… [RELIABILITY] Source _ reliable/unreliable for …(WFTQ)…because (N.O.P). The provenance affects the usefulness of the source because… Source __ is more useful for telling us about…(WFTQ)… because… QUESTION 3B (4 MARKS - 6 mins) [POINT] The main difference between the two interpretations of (WFTQ) is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence from interpretation _ to support this is… Evidence from interpretation _ to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This shows that the interpretations differ because…. QUESTION 3C (4 MARKS - 6 mins [POINT] One reason why the two interpretations give different views on (WFTQ) is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence from interpretation _ to support this is… Evidence from interpretation _ to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This means that the interpretations would have different views on (WFTQ) because… QUESTION 2 (12 MARKS – 18mins ) [POINT] One reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This meant that….because… Therefore… [POINT] The final reason why…(WFTQ)…is… Therefore… [CONCLUSION In conclusion the most important reason why … was because…. QUESTION 3D (16 MARKS + 4 SPAG – 24mins) [POINT] I agree/disagree with interpretation_ because it argues that…. . [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is … [OWN KNOWLEDGE] This supports/is contrary to my own knowledge because I know… [RELIABILTY] This interpretation can be considered reliable because… it could also be considered unreliable because… [LINK] Therefore… [POINT] On the other hand I do/do not agree with interpretation _ about… (WFTQ) because it shows… [CONCLUSION] In conclusion, using my own knowledge I agree with interpretation _ because…
Question 1: Give two things you can infer from Source _ about… (4 marks)
[POINT] One thing I can infer from Source _ about… is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence from the Source to support this is (insert quote/description) [POINT] Another thing I can infer from Source _ about… is…
Question 1: What can you infer… (4 marks)
Level Mark Descriptor Result 1 Simple statement(s) One simple inference = 1 mark Two simple inferences = 2 marks 2 Statements with evidence One inference supported by evidence = 2 marks Two inference supported by evidence = 4 marks WWW: [ ] You made a simple inference. [ ] You made two simple inference. [ ] You made an inference and supported it with evidence from the Source [ ] You made two inference and supported it with evidence from the Source EBI: To improve I must… Question 1: What can you infer… (4 marks) Level Mark Descriptor Result 1 Simple statement(s) One simple inference = 1 mark Two simple inferences = 2 marks 2 Statements with evidence One inference supported by evidence = 2 marks Two inference supported by evidence = 4 marks WWW: [ ] You made a simple inference. [ ] You made two simple inference. [ ] You made an inference and supported it with evidence from the Source [ ] You made two inference and supported it with evidence from the Source EBI: To improve I must…
Question 2: Explain why… (12 marks)
[POINT] One reason why…(WFTQ) is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This meant that… [LINK] Therefore, this links to… because… [POINT] Another reason why…(WFTQ) is… [POINT] A final reason why…(WFTQ) is… [CONCLUSION] In conclusion the most important reason why (WFTQ) … was because…
Result Result Question 2: (12 marks) Explain why… Level Marks
Description Result Level 1 1-3 A simple or generalised answer is given, lacking development and organisation. Level 2 4-6 Simple explanation, with limited analysis and focus on the question. Some development and organisation of material shown, but a line of reasoning is not sustained. Accurate and relevant information is included Maximum 5 marks for answers that do not include an aspect in addition to those prompted by the stimulus material. Level 3 7-9 An explanation is given, showing some analysis, which is mainly directed at the question. Line of reasoning is generally sustained, although some passages may lack coherence and organisation. Accurate and relevant information is included Maximum 8 marks for answers that do not include an aspect in addition to those prompted by the stimulus material. Level 4 10-12 An analytical explanation is given which is directed consistently at the question, showing a line of reasoning that is coherent, sustained and logically structured. Accurate and relevant information is precisely showing wide-ranging knowledge and understanding of the required features or characteristics of the period studied. No access to Level 4 for answers which do not include an aspect in addition to those prompted by the stimulus material. WWW: [ ] Simple statements [ ] Simple explanation with relevant information [ ] Developed explanation with accurate and relevant information [ ] Sustained explanation with precise and wide-ranging own knowledge EBI: [ ] Simple statements To improve I must…. Question 2: (12 marks) Explain why… Level Marks Description Result Level 1 1-3 A simple or generalised answer is given, lacking development and organisation. Level 2 4-6 Simple explanation, with limited analysis and focus on the question. Some development and organisation of material shown, but a line of reasoning is not sustained. Accurate and relevant information is included Maximum 5 marks for answers that do not include an aspect in addition to those prompted by the stimulus material. Level 3 7-9 An explanation is given, showing some analysis, which is mainly directed at the question. Line of reasoning is generally sustained, although some passages may lack coherence and organisation. Accurate and relevant information is included Maximum 8 marks for answers that do not include an aspect in addition to those prompted by the stimulus material. Level 4 10-12 An analytical explanation is given which is directed consistently at the question, showing a line of reasoning that is coherent, sustained and logically structured. Accurate and relevant information is precisely showing wide-ranging knowledge and understanding of the required features or characteristics of the period studied. No access to Level 4 for answers which do not include an aspect in addition to those prompted by the stimulus material. WWW: [ ] Simple statements [ ] Simple explanation with relevant information [ ] Developed explanation with accurate and relevant information [ ] Sustained explanation with precise and wide-ranging own knowledge EBI: [ ] Simple statements To improve I must….
Question 3a: How useful are Source _ and _ for… (8 marks)
[POINT] Source _ is more/less useful for …(WFTQ) … because it tells me… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this (quote/description of sources)…/However it fails to tell me… [OWN KNOWLEDGE] This agrees with my own knowledge because I know… [RELIABILITY] Source _ reliable/unreliable for …(WFTQ)…because (N.O.P). The provenance affects the usefulness of the source because… Source __ is more useful for telling us about…(WFTQ)… because…
Question 3a: (8 Mark) How useful are sources for… questions Mark
Description What did I get? Level 1 1-2 A simple judgement on utility is given, and supported by undeveloped comment on the content of the sources and/or their provenance Level 2 3-5 Judgements on source utility for the specified enquiry are given using valid criteria. Judgements are supported by developed comment related to the content of the sources and/or their provenance. Level 3 6-8 Judgements on source utility for the specified enquiry are given, applying valid criteria with developed reasoning which takes into account how the provenance affects the usefulness of the source content. WWW: [ ] I made simple statement about the source [ ] I made simple statements using evidence from the source. [ ] I made simple statements using the source and my OK. [ ] I made developed statements using the source, my own knowledge and mentioned reliability (context/NOP) [ ] I made developed statements using BOTH sources, precise own knowledge and mentioned reliability (context AND NOP) [ ] I have reached an overall judgement on the reliability of the sources in regards to the question EBI: To improve I must… Question 3a: (8 Mark) How useful are sources for… questions Mark Description What did I get? Level 1 1-2 A simple judgement on utility is given, and supported by undeveloped comment on the content of the sources and/or their provenance Level 2 3-5 Judgements on source utility for the specified enquiry are given using valid criteria. Judgements are supported by developed comment related to the content of the sources and/or their provenance. Level 3 6-8 Judgements on source utility for the specified enquiry are given, applying valid criteria with developed reasoning which takes into account how the provenance affects the usefulness of the source content. WWW: [ ] I made simple statement about the source [ ] I made simple statements using evidence from the source. [ ] I made simple statements using the source and my OK. [ ] I made developed statements using the source, my own knowledge and mentioned reliability (context/NOP) [ ] I made developed statements using BOTH sources, precise own knowledge and mentioned reliability (context AND NOP) [ ] I have reached an overall judgement on the reliability of the sources in regards to the question EBI: To improve I must…
Question 3b: What is the main difference between these views (interpretations) (4 marks)
[POINT] The main difference between the two interpretations of (WFTQ) is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence from interpretation _ to support this is… Evidence from interpretation _ to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This shows that the interpretations differ because….
Question 3b: What is the main difference… (4 marks)
Level Mark Descriptor Result L1 1-2 Limited analysis of the interpretations is shown by the extraction or paraphrase of some content, but differences of surface detail only are given, or a difference of view is asserted without direct support. L2 3-4 The interpretations are analysed and a key difference of view is identified and supported from them. WWW: [ ] You have paraphrased the interpretation [ ] You have identified a difference without strong support [ ] You have identified a difference and used precise evidence from the interpretation to support your answer EBI: To improve I must… Question 3b: What is the main difference… (4 marks) Level Mark Descriptor Result L1 1-2 Limited analysis of the interpretations is shown by the extraction or paraphrase of some content, but differences of surface detail only are given, or a difference of view is asserted without direct support. L2 3-4 The interpretations are analysed and a key difference of view is identified and supported from them. WWW: [ ] You have paraphrased the interpretation [ ] You have identified a difference without strong support [ ] You have identified a difference and used precise evidence from the interpretation to support your answer EBI: To improve I must…
Question 3c: Suggest one reason why interpretations _ and _ give different views on… (4 marks)
[POINT] One reason why the two interpretations give different views on (WFTQ) is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence from interpretation _ to support this is… Evidence from interpretation _ to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This means that the interpretations would have different views on (WFTQ) because…
Question 3c: Suggest one reason why… (4 marks)
Level Mark Descriptor Result L1 1-2 A simple valid explanation is offered but displaying only limited analysis. Support for the explanation is based on simple undeveloped comment or on the selection of details from the provided material or own knowledge, with only implied linkage to the explanation.. L2 3-4 An explanation of a reason for difference is given, analysing the interpretations. The explanation is substantiated effectively. WWW: [ ] You wrote a simple statement about the interpretation [ ] You have identified one reason without strong support [ ] You have identified a reason and used precise evidence from the interpretations to explain your answer EBI: To improve I must… Question 3c: Suggest one reason why… (4 marks) Level Mark Descriptor Result L1 1-2 A simple valid explanation is offered but displaying only limited analysis. Support for the explanation is based on simple undeveloped comment or on the selection of details from the provided material or own knowledge, with only implied linkage to the explanation.. L2 3-4 An explanation of a reason for difference is given, analysing the interpretations. The explanation is substantiated effectively. WWW: [ ] You wrote a simple statement about the interpretation [ ] You have identified one reason without strong support [ ] You have identified a reason and used precise evidence from the interpretations to explain your answer EBI: To improve I must…
Question 3d: How far do you agree with interpretation _ about… (20 marks)
[POINT] I agree/disagree with interpretation_ because it argues that…. . [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is … [OWN KNOWLEDGE] This supports/is contrary to my own knowledge because I know… [RELIABILTY] This interpretation can be considered reliable because… it could also be considered unreliable because… [LINK] Therefore… [POINT] On the other hand I do/do not agree with interpretation _ about… (WFTQ) because it shows… [CONCLUSION] In conclusion, using my own knowledge I agree with interpretation _ because…
Question 3d: (16 marks + 4 SPAG) How far do you agree? Level
Description Result L1 1-4 Answer offers simple valid comment to agree with or counter the interpretation. Limited analysis of one interpretation is shown by selection and inclusion of some detail in the form of simple paraphrase or direct quotation. Generalised contextual knowledge is included and linked to the evaluation. L2 5-8 Answer offers valid evaluative comment to agree with or counter the interpretation. Some analysis is shown in selecting and including details from both interpretations to support this comment. Some relevant contextual knowledge is included and linked to the evaluation. An overall judgement is given but its justification is insecure or undeveloped and a line of reasoning is not sustained. L3 9-12 Answer provides an explained evaluation, agreeing or disagreeing with the interpretation. Good analysis of the interpretations is shown indicating difference of view and deploying this to support the evaluation. Relevant contextual knowledge is used directly to support the evaluation. An overall judgement is given with some justification and a line of reasoning is generally sustained. L4 13-16 Answer provides an explained evaluation reviewing the alternative views in coming to a substantiated judgement. Precise analysis of the interpretations is shown, indicating how the differences of view are conveyed and deploying this material to support the evaluation. Relevant contextual knowledge is precisely selected to support the evaluation. An overall judgment is justified and the line of reasoning is coherent, sustained and logically structured. SPAG 1-2 SPAG is poor and hinders understanding 3-4 SPAG is accurate WWW: [ ] You wrote a simple statement agreeing or disagreeing with the interpretation. [ ] Your argument is one sided with relevant contextual knowledge. [ ] You have a balanced argument with accurate contextual knowledge and have reached a judgement [ ] You have a balanced argument with precise details used from the interpretations and have used accurate contextual knowledge and have reached a strong overall judgement EBI: To improve I must…. Question 3d: (16 marks + 4 SPAG) How far do you agree? Level Description Result L1 1-4 Answer offers simple valid comment to agree with or counter the interpretation. Limited analysis of one interpretation is shown by selection and inclusion of some detail in the form of simple paraphrase or direct quotation. Generalised contextual knowledge is included and linked to the evaluation. L2 5-8 Answer offers valid evaluative comment to agree with or counter the interpretation. Some analysis is shown in selecting and including details from both interpretations to support this comment. Some relevant contextual knowledge is included and linked to the evaluation. An overall judgement is given but its justification is insecure or undeveloped and a line of reasoning is not sustained. L3 9-12 Answer provides an explained evaluation, agreeing or disagreeing with the interpretation. Good analysis of the interpretations is shown indicating difference of view and deploying this to support the evaluation. Relevant contextual knowledge is used directly to support the evaluation. An overall judgement is given with some justification and a line of reasoning is generally sustained. L4 13-16 Answer provides an explained evaluation reviewing the alternative views in coming to a substantiated judgement. Precise analysis of the interpretations is shown, indicating how the differences of view are conveyed and deploying this material to support the evaluation. Relevant contextual knowledge is precisely selected to support the evaluation. An overall judgment is justified and the line of reasoning is coherent, sustained and logically structured. SPAG 1-2 SPAG is poor and hinders understanding 3-4 SPAG is accurate WWW: [ ] You wrote a simple statement agreeing or disagreeing with the interpretation. [ ] Your argument is one sided with relevant contextual knowledge. [ ] You have a balanced argument with accurate contextual knowledge and have reached a judgement [ ] You have a balanced argument with precise details used from the interpretations and have used accurate contextual knowledge and have reached a strong overall judgement EBI: To improve I must….
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