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Maintaining A Healthy Weight

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1 Maintaining A Healthy Weight
Chapter 6 Lesson 1 Revised Aug 2013 Created by T. Stivers Schindewolf Intermediate School

2 Body image is the way you see your body
What is body image? Body image is the way you see your body

3 Image can be affected by...
Media images Friends Perception of your weight Family

4 Is your weight within the healthy range?
What is Your Weight? Is your weight within the healthy range? Determine this with your BMI

5 Body mass index – is a ratio that allows you to assess your body size using height and weight
Age and gender make a difference

6 Finding BMI Weight in pounds × 703 ÷ height² in inches = BMI
Find your answer on the correct chart.

7 Body Mass Index

8 Your weight is influenced by:
Gender Age (older need less calories) Height Body frame (tall & large framed need more calories) Growth rate (teens need more calories – still growing) Metabolic rate Activity level

9 Remember: Optimal weight is a matter of ________ balance
energy Functions Activity Calories Calories consumed must _____ calories burned equal

10 So where do calories come from?

11 1 g Carbohydrate = 4 calories 1 g Protein = 4 calories
Calories come from: 1 g Carbohydrate = 4 calories 1 g Protein = 4 calories 1 g Fats = 9 calories per gram Portion control is KEY! The way it’s cooked can also raise the calorie count.

12 One ______ of body fat equals ________ calories.
pound 3,500

13 Large French Fries = 540 calories
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday - Total = You can gain or lose a pound in a week.

14 Calories Burned During Activity
Per hour Walking 3 mph, cycling, bowling Cycling 8 mph, volleyball, tennis doubles, golf carry clubs Walking 4 mph, ice skating, roller skating, cycling 10 mph Jogging 5 mph, cycling 12mph, Downhill skiing Running or aerobic

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