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mobile automation made awesome

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1 mobile automation made awesome
Velocity Conference • Santa Clara, CA Lightning Demo June 25, 2014 - I'm Jonathan and I work for Sauce Labs - at Sauce we care greatly about the maturity of automated testing in the mobile dev community - I've been lucky enough to be working more or less full time on this open-source project & community called Appium the last few months - I'm really excited to talk about the ground we've covered so far Jonah Stiennon • Developer, Ecosystem & Integrations • Sauce Labs @AppiumDevs • @saucelabs

2 No Code Changes appium tests the exact code you deploy.
No special cases in your code, no code injected, no functions wrapped. - Appium philosophy can be most succinctly stated in the form of 4 rules, commandments, or principles - The first is that you should not have to modify your app in order to test it - Can't allow any room for discrepancy in test version and marketplace version, eventually it will bite you - In other words, it's good to ship a binary that passes tests

3 Run Actual Touch Gestures
- Appium philosophy can be most succinctly stated in the form of 4 rules, commandments, or principles - The first is that you should not have to modify your app in order to test it - Can't allow any room for discrepancy in test version and marketplace version, eventually it will bite you - In other words, it's good to ship a binary that passes tests

4 Native Automation Libraries
appium uses the libraries maintained by mobile OS distributors designed specifically to test their devices - Appium philosophy can be most succinctly stated in the form of 4 rules, commandments, or principles - The first is that you should not have to modify your app in order to test it - Can't allow any room for discrepancy in test version and marketplace version, eventually it will bite you - In other words, it's good to ship a binary that passes tests

5 iOS UiAutomation - Appium philosophy can be most succinctly stated in the form of 4 rules, commandments, or principles - The first is that you should not have to modify your app in order to test it - Can't allow any room for discrepancy in test version and marketplace version, eventually it will bite you - In other words, it's good to ship a binary that passes tests

6 Android UiAutomator - Appium philosophy can be most succinctly stated in the form of 4 rules, commandments, or principles - The first is that you should not have to modify your app in order to test it - Can't allow any room for discrepancy in test version and marketplace version, eventually it will bite you - In other words, it's good to ship a binary that passes tests

7 Write Tests in Any Language
appium is an HTTP server that waits for commands. These commands can be generated by any programming language. Clients have already been written for major languages. - Appium philosophy can be most succinctly stated in the form of 4 rules, commandments, or principles - The first is that you should not have to modify your app in order to test it - Can't allow any room for discrepancy in test version and marketplace version, eventually it will bite you - In other words, it's good to ship a binary that passes tests

8 Ruby Example - Appium philosophy can be most succinctly stated in the form of 4 rules, commandments, or principles - The first is that you should not have to modify your app in order to test it - Can't allow any room for discrepancy in test version and marketplace version, eventually it will bite you - In other words, it's good to ship a binary that passes tests

9 Javascript Example - Appium philosophy can be most succinctly stated in the form of 4 rules, commandments, or principles - The first is that you should not have to modify your app in order to test it - Can't allow any room for discrepancy in test version and marketplace version, eventually it will bite you - In other words, it's good to ship a binary that passes tests

10 Open Source 112 contributors on github, active forums, submit a pull request! - Appium philosophy can be most succinctly stated in the form of 4 rules, commandments, or principles - The first is that you should not have to modify your app in order to test it - Can't allow any room for discrepancy in test version and marketplace version, eventually it will bite you - In other words, it's good to ship a binary that passes tests

11 Jonah Stiennon
Developer, Ecosystem and Integrations @ Sauce Labs, and appium contributor - That's it! I'd love to take any questions and hopefully even answer some percentage of them @AppiumDevs • @saucelabs

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