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1 Mindfulness

2 What is Mindfulness ? Every Human being is endowed with this faculty can experience it …. But so difficult to define Be Mindful Be Aware What is the word in Hindi for ‘meditation’ ? …That fleeting instant of pure awareness just before we conceptualize the ‘thing’ , before we identify it. Normally we would ask? Mindful of what , aware of what ?

3 Body : postures, Activities, movements, sensations
Mindfulness Body : postures, Activities, movements, sensations Emotions Being Consciously aware of Non- reactive Moment by moment Thoughts Mindfulness Feelings Non- judgmental Open curiosity Perceptions

4 This is what we will be doing in this course!
What is Mindfulness ? Mindfulness actually sees these things It does not think about them. It sees them directly ! When fully developed it sees the characteristics of existence directly , like an electron microscope … it reveals those realities which are normally ‘invisible’ Learning to integrate Mindfulness in our conscious life needs practice. This is what we will be doing in this course!


6 Four facets of Mindfulness
Body – postures, activities, breathing, < anatomical parts , elements, corpse in decay > its impermanent/impersonal nature, absence of bodily beauty … beauty is skin deep. Feelings to counter incessant search for pleasant feelings State of mind impermanent nature of all subjective experience Mental contents / phenomena illusory nature of the notion of a substantial and permanent self.

7 Mental qualities needed for strengthening Mindfulness
Diligence: balanced but dedicated continuity of practice Clear knowing: processing of input data …to the discern its characteristics, thereby leading to removal of ignorance and arising of wisdom…from appearance to Reality! … Mindful:.. …... full awareness of whatever is happening… … unadulterated by habitual reactions and projections difference from concentration focus on the single object to the exclusion of everything, mindfulness  broader awareness of whatever is happening Free from desires and discontent …. Likes and dislikes in regard to what is perceived …non judgemental observation Sensory restraint ….need for developing concentration of mind four dimensions of clear comprehension ..purpose [usefulness], suitability-- adaptation, not abandoning the domain of meditation, non-delusion … viewing the presently arisen thoughts and feelings as impersonal processes … {whose body is it?} ‘within there is no self that acts and outside there is no self affected by the action.’… ‘selfless’ action.

8 Day 2 Mindfulness of breathing .. its importance …who is breathing ? concentration or insight development? .. making a mental note of the nature of respiration. Mindfulness of feelings .. origin of feelings eye + form -> eye consciousness + contact -> feeling Arising from contact at various sense doors. … whole life we keep on chasing pleasant feelings and running away from unpleasant ones .. knowing { or not knowing} very well that these are impermanent.

9 Essence of practice: being aware of variety of feelings experienced,
DAY 2 Essence of practice: being aware of variety of feelings experienced, making a mental note of their nature, discerning their essential characteristic of impermanence training the mind not to develop craving/ aversion for the evanescent feeling …….how? Body scan – a systematic way of awareness of feelings …need for mental note Why choosing body contact for practice?

10 Mindfulness of state of mind .... its importance …
DAY 3 Mindfulness of state of mind .... its importance … Various states usually experienced Essence of practice: being aware of variety of mental states experienced making a mental note discerning their essential characteristic of impermanence training the mind not to develop craving / aversion towards the evanescent mental states

11 DAY 4 Mindfulness of mental contents / phenomena
its importance … Essence of practice: being aware of variety of mental contents experienced, making a mental note, discerning their essential characteristic of impermanence training the mind not to develop craving/ aversion for these…. Results in extinction of -ve mental contents ( obstructions) and strengthening of + attributes ( enlightenment factors) Difference from traditional understanding – counter intuitive nature of the practice

12 The Guest House  This being human is a guest house.  Every morning a new arrival.  A joy, a depression, a meanness,  some momentary awareness comes  as an unexpected visitor.  Welcome and entertain them all!  Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,  who violently sweep your house  empty of its furniture,  still, treat each guest honorably.  He may be clearing you out  for some new delight.    The dark thought, the shame, the malice,  meet them at the door laughing,  and invite them in.  Be grateful for whoever comes,  because each has been sent  as a guide from beyond. ~ Rumi ~

13 DAY 5 How the practice will help reduce suffering. Why do we suffer ?
Apparent cause ….. Real cause How the practice will help reduce suffering. Benefits of this practice ?

14 Benefits of practice…….1
Self control pausing before action=> look before you leap ....mindfulness acts like the brakes on a car … seize that decisive moment when the mind is still open to receive skillful directions, reduction in rash and aggressive behaviour Ability to face the vicissitudes of life with equanimity reduction in escapist tendencies: smoking, drinking, drugs < from REACTIVE to PROACTIVE>

15 Benefits of practice…….2
Increase in concentration & efficiency reduced digressive thoughts & day dreams… practice of living in the present Clarity of goals and the hierarchy of values, ability to resist temptations, distinguish between ‘urgent’ and ‘important’ and say NO

16 Benefits of practice……3
Proper self appraisal-knowledge of strengths and Weaknesses … mindfulness is like a mirror Increases Humility and Forgiveness

17 Benefits of practice……4
Increased selfless love and compassion – improvement in relationships , working together mental impurities are the enemies which besiege our inner household and destroy our peace and harmony Think WIN-WIN SYNERGISING Motivation for self less service

18 Benefits of practice……5
Manifestation of higher ‘needs’ - increased self fulfillment Reduces attachment to ‘self’ opens the GATEWAY to abiding peace and happiness.

19 There are no problems in Life……...only situations
Por todo esto, propongo que de hoy en adelante; Respond unwisely : suffer Respond wisely : grow

20 Pragmatism & Wisdom Accepting what we can not change, changing what we can, and knowing the difference between the two ! {pragmatism} The wisdom of “Impermanence”=> whatever arises due to conditions, ceases naturally in due course ! Thoughts , emotions are evanescent , would cease naturally provided we do not interfere Patient self observation is the key to innate transformation!

21 Thank you ! Questions ?

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