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TRF Overview, Goals, District Team

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1 TRF Overview, Goals, District Team
Rotary Foundation Seminar October 28, 2017

2 Through our Foundation
We can Engage Rotarians and Change lives We can restore Hope to people we will never meet We can Build Futures- locally & Internationally We can Make a Difference

3 How we do good in the World
Educational Programs Humanitarian Grants Polio Plus

4 Doing Good in the World since 1917
TRF financially unites all 1.2 million Rotarians, in 35,700 clubs , in 224 countries/territories in serve to others in need The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotary members to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. Foundation programs are supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotarians and friends of the Foundation who share our vision of a better world. Review Mission (EMPHASIZE THE UNDERLINED WORDS!!). It is not the Rotary Foundation that directs where this money goes. It is the Rotary Clubs and their Rotarians who develop the projects and apply for the funds. Some of these projects have grown far beyond the initial Club and District initiatives, such as Polio Eradication, thanks to the support from OUR Rotary Foundation! Review Motto. Support, even from Rotarians, cannot be required. It is voluntary, attracted by the work Rotarians do, and their effectiveness in finishing the projects. Finally: OUR Foundation will celebrate its centennial during your year. What will your Club do to show your community the good it can help you do?

5 Areas of Focus Peace and conflict prevention/resolution
Disease prevention and treatment Water and sanitation Maternal and child health Basic education and literacy Economic and community development These are the 6 Areas of Focus. Where can you learn more about how each area of focus is defined by the Rotary Foundation?

6 District Rotary Foundation Team 2017-18
Foundation Chair: PDG Rick Benson, Westport Fundraising & Annual Fund Chair – PDG Paul Mangels, Endowment-Colin Gershon; Polio-Greyson Schwing Grants Chair: Lynda Hammond, Orange District Managed Grants: Glenn Pearson, Orange Global Scholarship Chair – Nancy Riella, Colchester Peace Fellowship Chair – Nancy Riella, Colchester VTT – Nancy Riella, Colchester District Steward – Ed Pikaart, N. Branford PHS & Foundation Area Reps – Jim Satterwhite, Madison Newsletter: Lynda Hammond, Orange

7 Rotary Foundation Funding
Review flow of funds. Emphasize: - Annual Fund–SHARE is the only designation that generates DDF to return to the District for use as District Grants and the match (1:1) for Global Grants. - The Endowment Fund contributions designated SHARE will generate earnings that return to the District. - ANYONE, Rotarian or just a friend, can support OUR Foundation.

Partners The Global Polio Eradication Initiative partners include the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, WHO, UNICEF, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Rotary. And equally as important are the governments of the world-both donor, and polio-affected and high risk, whose support and leadership are needed to carry out polio immunization activities. GOVERNMENTS OF THE WORLD

9 Wild Polio cases 2013-2017 as of 24 October 2017
This slide illustrates the dramatic decline in polio cases over the past several years and indicates the progress we continue to make. To date in 2017, 10 polio cases have been reported: Pakistan (4), Afghanistan (6). There were only 37 cases of polio reported in 2016. In 2014, we celebrated one of the world’s greatest achievements in global health: India being certified as polio-free. India was once considered the hardest place on earth to stop polio because of its dense population and challenges with sanitation. India’s success proves polio can be stopped in even the most challenging conditions.

10 District goal = 20% of DDF Goal 2017-18 US$50 million
Countdown to History Goal for PolioPlus District goal = 20% of DDF Goal US$50 million Club goal = US$1500 Contributions of cash and District Designated Funds will help meet the goals of our fundraising campaign. Contributions to PolioPlus qualify for Paul Harris Fellow and Major Donor recognition. All clubs are being asked to contribute at least US$1500 and Districts are being asked to contribute 20% of their DDF. Districts that annually give 20% or more of the DDF to PolioPlus will receive certificates of appreciation, and district that give 20% of their DDF, dating back to until polio eradication is certified, will be recognized on a plaque at Rotary world headquarters. Districts have an opportunity to allocate “make-up” DDF until 30 June 2018.

11 How to Help
Now is the time to focus our efforts to LEARN more, SHARE more and DONATE more towards polio eradication. LEARN: Get informed and help make polio a subject of conversation in your community. SHARE: Most people have heard of polio but few know that the disease still affects children around the world. YOU can help by spreading the word. DONATE: Every donation helps us in the fight against polio and ask others to join you. Visit today for more information and resources.

Timeframe: 5 minutes/ (Facilitator MGO) I will begin by introducing myself and my co-presenters and as our presentation unfolds, they will tell you more about their individual roles as well. Carolyn Ferguson SR.MGO Zone 24 Amanda Lawson, MGO Zone 32 E/MGA ZN 24 E, Richard Levert E/MGA ZN 24W, Dr. Patricia Chernesky E/MGA ZN 32, Knut Johnsen Objectives for the next 45 minutes: Understanding our endowment goal and purpose in funding the mission. Understanding specific strategies towards accomplishing this with a focus on the role of district committees, events and Major gift/legacy gift opportunities Identifying the resources to support you in communicating this information to clubs, districts and individuals.

13 Commitments as of 31 August, Net Assets as of 30 June
CURRENT STATUS $761.0 M COMMITMENTS $417.9 M NET ASSETS GOAL $1.025 B + $1 B = $2.025 B Timeframe: 4 minutes/(Facilitator Richard Levert- self introduction) This new graphic more concisely represents the needs for reaching the 2025 by 2025 goal. Discussion: What are “commitments”?-future gifts declared to the Rotary Foundation. This includes gifts in your will, life insurance, retirement plans and other life income agreements, all which indicate future funds for the mission. Net assets?-gifts currently endowed and generating income from for the mission now. How would you know if you had individuals in your club/district with legacy gift commitments to the Foundation? (reports-club recognition summary report, see them wearing pins) In knowing that information, how could/why would this person share their story of commitment? COMBINED TOTAL = $1.179 B Commitments as of 31 August, Net Assets as of 30 June

14 Empowering Leaders of Tomorrow Strengthening the Leaders of Today
Rotary Peace Centers (2 yr. Masters Program or 3 Mo. Certificate Program) Empowering Leaders of Tomorrow Strengthening the Leaders of Today

15 D7980 District Designated Funds (DDF) Budget 2017-18
TRF Program Budget Available Funds $188,635 Note: These funds flow from Annual Fund Contributions 3 years ago

16 D7980 TRF Program DDF Budget 2017-18
32 District Managed $80,867 24 RYLA Scholarships $3,000 5 World Affairs Scholarships $2,500 2 Global Scholarships $30,000 1 Vocational Training Team $15,000 District GG- Nambale School, Kenya 4 Humanitarian Global $42,268 Total Available DDF $188,635

17 What is the Role of a club TRF Chair?
Do you have one? This is NOT your club foundation chair Roles: Educate, Involve, Motivate Administer & Thank

18 The Club Rotary Foundation Chairs Job Description
Manage the Club EREY campaign Help identify club members who are capable of donating at the higher levels Encourage attendance at Foundation Events Encourage club pursuit of grants Encourage participation with RI programs... This is the best way to show how TRF works ! Partner with other clubs on grants Schedule TRF Speakers: 3-4 per year

19 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 Goals $327,390 total $148 per capita
Gifts to our Rotary Foundation have to be from the heart – because you know your contributions truly save and change the lives of people both at home and in countries you may never visit. When you understand the differences our Foundation makes around the world, when you hear the stories of orphan girls educated in Kenya, or of water wells brought to remote villages in Nigeria, or micro loans empowering women in Pakistan, or winter coats to the less fortunate in Orange or New Haven we hope you will want to help. As we celebrate 100 years of doing good – we hope clubs and members will stretch to increase their giving by 20% or to set new 5 year high giving. And we hope those who did not support us last year will this year, and that more of you will support us at the $100 or $1000 level. We need all 60 clubs to set realistic, but challenging Annual Fund Goals $327,390 total $148 per capita 75% EREY 57% Sustaining $400,962 total $185 per capita 71% EREY 56% Sustaining Goals $350,000 total A.F. $170 per Capita 100% EREY (>$25) 75% Sustaining ($100+)

20 DG Trish’s Global Grant Project
Project: Water & Sanitation Scope: Borehold Well, Grey water re-cycling, Bio-Gas System, Irrigation Location: Nambale Magnet School, Host Club: Niarobi South, District 9212 Kenya District 7980 DDF: $ 15,000 Club Funds Required: $ 64,000 Total Project (with TRF Match) $126,000 Contact: Lynda Hammond DG Trish Pearson

21 Stewardship Treating TRF funds as a sacred trust
Only Qualified Clubs may Lead a Grant Implementing projects as approved in accordance with approved Project budget Competent and thorough supervision of all projects Following standard business practice Reporting any irregularities to the District & TRF

22 District Qualification Requirements
Submit signed TRF & District MOU President & President-Elect sign Contains Club Officer & Club Steward Responsibilities Submit TRF Fundraising Goals on My Rotary Be Current: on all prior TRF Grant Reports Designate a Trained Club Steward in DACDB Proper TRF Financial Management Steward Re-qualification by webinar or on-line if attended a Grants Seminar in prior three years District Steward Ed Pikaart maintains these records

23 Stewardship A donor who understands that funds were used in an appropriate and responsible manner is more likely to give to the Foundation again to support projects.

24 TRF: Please Make it YOUR Charity of Choice
Consistently receives the top 4-Star ranking One of four charities scoring 100 in 2016 Over 90% of contributions go on to fund Rotary’s programs, Almost $250M spent annually #1 in 2016 by Association of Fundraising Professionals How good is OUR Foundation? Why should it be our Charity of Choice? - It is consistently rated at the highest levels by charity-rating organizations - Over 90% of contributions spent on programs, NOT administration - Near $250 million spent in Rotary Year

25 Because The World Need Us!
Why Are We Here? Because The World Need Us!

26 Thank You For All You DO 10/28/17

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