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Reduced astrocyte proliferation results in increased immune cell infiltration into the injured GM Reduced astrocyte proliferation results in increased.

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1 Reduced astrocyte proliferation results in increased immune cell infiltration into the injured GM
Reduced astrocyte proliferation results in increased immune cell infiltration into the injured GM A–FMicrographs depict representative examples of immunostaining with CD45 in the injured GM of WT mice (A, D), conditional astrocyte‐specific Cdc42 knockout mice (B) and conditional astrocyte‐specific Smo knockout mice (E) at 5 dpi. The dashed lines indicate the site of injury. The cell nuclei were counterstained with DAPI. Quantitative analysis of these experiments is shown in (C) and (F). All data (dots and squares depict individual data points, i.e. animals) are represented as mean ± SEM from independent experiments, that is, tamoxifen‐treated animals. Significance of differences between means was analyzed using Mann–Whitney test and is indicated based on the P‐value (*P = , n = 6 for WT and n = 3 for Cdc42 cKO in C; *P = , n = 4 for WT and n = 3 for Smo cKO in F). Scale bars: 100 μm (A, B, D, E). Jesica Frik et al. EMBO Rep. 2018;embr © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend

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