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Internet2 Architecture
(GigaPoP) Team 4 Claudette Morris Mary Manfredi O. Satty Joshua (Co-project Leader) John Galatti (Co-project Leader) Mauro Cruz 22 September 2018 Internet2 Architecture - GigaPoP
Internet2 Architecture (GigaPoP)
Acronyms and definitions What is Internet2? Primary goals of Internet2 Key Qualities of Internet2 How did it originate? Components of Internet2 Principles in Internet2 deliberation Internet2 Architecture - GigaPoPs Some Internet2 Applications Advantages of Internet2 Internet2 Consortium Conclusions 22 September 2018 Internet2 Architecture - GigaPoP
Acronyms and definitions
GigaPoP – gigabit capacity point of presence Abilene – a high speed backbone network for Internet2 developed by UCAID, named after the American West operates at 2.4 Gbps (OC-48) vBNS – very high-speed Backbone Network Services developed by NFS and MCI and interconnects several supercomputer center at 622 Mbps (OC-12) UCAID – University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development. NSF – National Science Foundation Tele-immersion – a video-conferencing and data sharing environment. NGI – Next Generation Internet QoS – Quality of Service 22 September 2018 Internet2 Architecture - GigaPoP
Internet2 Architecture - GigaPoP
What is Internet2 A high-speed network for government, academic and research use administered by UCAID A consortium being led by over 180 United States’ universities working in partnership with industry and government. Accelerating the creation of tomorrow's Internet. Recreating the partnership among academia, industry and government that fostered today´s Internet in its infancy. 22 September 2018 Internet2 Architecture - GigaPoP
The primary goals of Internet2
To develop and deploy advanced network applications and technologies To create a leading edge network capability for the national research community To ensure the rapid transfer of new network services and applications to a broader Internet community To foster the growth of digital libraries, tele-immersion and virtual laboratories To provide higher bandwidth; multicasting; and guaranteed delivery and performance 22 September 2018 Internet2 Architecture - GigaPoP
Key Qualities of Internet2
Providing data rates in the gigabits Maintaining a flexible infrastructure to work with current requirements Maintaining compatibility with current internet Uses IPv6 and thereby incorporating native multi-casting, high reliability and high capacity Allows high bandwidth applications to coexist with each other simultaneously Provide advanced services through the same high-capacity local connection circuit. 22 September 2018 Internet2 Architecture - GigaPoP
How it Originated – The NC GigaPoP
It started with members of the a academic, research, and business community in North Carolina Research Triangle Park (RTP). They worked to create a high-performance regional network as partners in the North Carolina Network Initiative (NCNI). They built a network that served as a PoP to handle multigigabit traffic to be delivered by the next-generation Internet within the sites at NC State, UNC, Duke and MCNC and link with North Carolina Supercomputing Center. The name GigaPoP was derived from this venture – like a great railway junction, a central distribution point for the movement of digital freight. This effort was supported by the California Research and Education Network 2 (Calren2), the Houston Area Computational Science Consortium (HACSC), the Metropolitan Research Network (MREN) serving Chicago area, and the New York State Educational and Research Network (Nysernet). This effort was extended with the help of NFS, NGI and corporations, and in October 1996 Internet2 was formally announced by 34 universities. 22 September 2018 Internet2 Architecture - GigaPoP
Sample NC Universities’ GigaPoPs
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Sample NC Universities’ GigaPoPs
GigaPoP network consists of an OC-48 SONET ring, a SONET add/drop mux (ADM) connected to an ATM core switches on an OC-12 link, with an OC-3c and DS-3 ATM edge connections, and an IP routers. The North Carolina gigaPoP connects local universities and research centers to the Internet2 backbone network. This high-performance backbone network is built under the U.S. government’s Next Generation Internet Initiative. The gigaPoP accesses to the Abilene network being constructed as part of UCAID for Internet2 project. Access to the Abilene Network will occur through the North Carolina State University campus at Centennial center. 22 September 2018 Internet2 Architecture - GigaPoP
Principles in Internet2 Deliberations
Buy rather than build – employ currently available technology. Open rather than closed – rely on open, published protocols and standards. Redundancy rather than reliance – avoid long-term dependence on single network providers, single hardware or software manufacturers or single pathways Basics before complexity – focus on specific need, current or anticipated Production not experimentation – support for the development of advanced applications not an experimentation lab. Services to end users, not among commercial providers. 22 September 2018 Internet2 Architecture - GigaPoP
Components of Internet2
Internet2 has four major technical components: Applications that require Internet2-level services outlined by the Application Working Group (see solid-colored screens) Campus networks connecting gigaPoPs to end users in their labs, classrooms, or offices (see solid clouds) GigaPoPs consolidating and managing traffic from campus networks (Striped clouds) Internet2 interconnections among the gigaPoPs (dotted clouds) 22 September 2018 Internet2 Architecture - GigaPoP
Internet2 Architecture (GigaPoP)
Key architectural element is a connectivity cloud based on GigaPoP concept. A single interconnection service among gigaPoPs utilizing NFS-sponsored vBNS. Interconnection that supports differentiated Quality of Service among gigaPoPs. Provides campuses the ability to acquire services from the widest variety of ISPs. Campuses in a geographic region can interconnect at a regional gigaPoP. Each campus can install high-speed circuit to its chosen gigaPoP through which they will gain access to community internet services as well as Internet2 services. GigaPoPs manage connectivity among themselves 22 September 2018 Internet2 Architecture - GigaPoP
Intra-Campus and Campus-to- GigaPoP
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GigaPoP Structure & Services
A gigaPoP is a regional network interconnect point providing access to the inter-gigaPoP network. A gigaPoP is a secure and environmentally conditioned location that houses a collection of communications equipment and support hardware. Circuits are terminated between gigaPoPs and members networks and from wide area networks. Internet2 Member’s networks are non-transit networks. GigaPoP’s key function is the exchange of Internet2 traffic with specified bandwidth and QoS attributes. A gigaPoP must not route non-Internet2 traffic over Internet2 inter-gigaPoP connections. 22 September 2018 Internet2 Architecture - GigaPoP
GigaPoP Structure & Services
There are two types of gigaPoPs Type 1 gigaPoP serve only Internet2 members. Routes traffic through one or two connections to another gigaPoP. Simple internet routing and firewalling among gigaPoPs Type 2 gigaPoP serves both Internet2 members and other networks which Internet2 members need access Has a rich set of connections to other gigaPoPs and therefore must provide mechanism to route traffic correctly. 22 September 2018 Internet2 Architecture - GigaPoP
Some Internet2 Applications
High Performance Networking Applications Geology Explorer – a multi-user educational game that teaches concepts and principles of physical geology. Health Sciences (Medical Informatics) - a broad field of spanning electronic medical records, telemedicine, information retrieval, image processing and analysis, bioinformatics and evaluation methodology. Tele-immersion- the use of computers to track the presence and movement of individuals and images, and projected in realistic multiple geographically distributed environments. Virtual Laboratory - an Application Environment for computational Science and Engineering. Digital Libraries and Information Access and Distribution LearningWare and the Instructional management System 22 September 2018 Internet2 Architecture - GigaPoP
Internet2’s ATM/IP Switching Element
22 September 2018 Internet2 Architecture - GigaPoP
Internet2’s ATM/IP Switching Element
External connections to gigaPoP ATM Switching element may be direct SONET circuits from campus ATM Switches or a full ATM service from commercial carriers. ATM Switching Element multiplexes the link level bandwidth through permanent or switched virtual circuits. Intra/inter-gigaPoP connectivity can be optimized and separate bandwidth allocated to other or special purpose requirements. Primary gigaPoP service is provided by the IP Routing Elements. They are fed directly from external SONET/PPP or high speed synchronous circuits via PVC/SVC links. All QoS support and IP routing decisions are made in the IP forwarding equipment. The IP forwarding equipment makes use of the ATM layer to establish dynamic QoS or SVCs to support differentiated IP service requirements. 22 September 2018 Internet2 Architecture - GigaPoP
Security Concerns for Internet2
The Following are the initial security concerns for Internet2 Network System attacks – attacks on the network infrastructure itself with intent to degrade Unauthorized use of the network – methods and infrastructure for performing authentication and authorization must be secured against attacks Inappropriate use of the network . 22 September 2018 Internet2 Architecture - GigaPoP
Some Internet2 GigaPoP Sites
22 September 2018 Internet2 Architecture - GigaPoP
Advantages of Internet2
GigaPoP architecture will enrich teaching, learning, collaboration and research activities within and across colleges and universities. High capacity and selectable QoS for leading-edge research community, national Labs, computational facilities and large data repositories. Selectable QoS and efficient “one-to-many” data transport for distance learning. Provides medical researchers support for remote consultation and diagnoses over a reliable and predictable communication services. Provides physical scientists access to massive and astronomical or geographical datasets. 22 September 2018 Internet2 Architecture - GigaPoP
Some Consortium Members
Arizona State University Columbia University Cornell University Duke University North Carolina State University Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT Princeton University New Jersey Institute of Technology - NJIT AT&T, 3COM, CISCO, NORTEL, IBM, SUN Microsystems 22 September 2018 Internet2 Architecture - GigaPoP
Internet2 Architecture - GigaPoP
Conclusions Internet2 applications requires next-generation network services on an end-to-end basis. Hence, significant upgrades needed to most campus networks Internet2 members are responsible for bringing their campus networks up to Internet2 standards. Internet2 must encourage the development of advanced real-time multimedia applications. Internet2 is standards-based but pre-competitive production network Use of off-the-shelf technology wherever possible . Costs for inter-gigaPoP connectivity are not yet known Other gigaPoP costs will vary with circumstances and services offered. 22 September 2018 Internet2 Architecture - GigaPoP
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