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Presentation on theme: "UNITED STATES ENTERS THE WAR AND THE WAR ENDS"— Presentation transcript:


2 United States Enters the War
Reasons why More sympathetic to the Allied Powers Held more in common with the Allies, ties to Great Britain Had strong financial ties to the Allied Powers Propaganda supported the Allies and made the Central Powers, especially Germany, villains The invasion of Belgium became the “Rape of Belgium” Germans regarded as “Huns”


4 Unrestricted submarine warfare
The Lusitania (1915) A passenger liner that departs from New York City heading towards Britain It is torpedoed by a German submarine, around 1200 people die, including 120 Americans America’s anger over the attack causes the Germans to stop the policy Feb the Germans reinstate unrestricted submarine warfare Need it to defeat the British Hope that the U.S. won’t enter the war, but the goal is to defeat the Allies before the U.S. gets troops to Europe U.S. cuts diplomatic relations with Germany


6 Benefits to the Allies:
The Zimmerman Telegram A telegram sent to Mexico from a German diplomat suggesting a Mexican-German alliance If America enters the war Mexico should attack Mexico would be rewarded with the return of lost territories: Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico German leaders hoped that a war with Mexico would keep the U.S. out of the war in Europe The United States declares war on Germany in April, 1917 and joins the Allied powers Benefits to the Allies: Numerous fresh troops and a morale booster Industrialized nation

7 Zimmerman Telegram read:
“We intend to begin on the first of February unrestricted submarine warfare. We shall endeavor in spite of this to keep the United States of America neutral. In the even of this not succeeding, we make Mexico a proposal of alliance on the following basis: make war together, make peace together, generous financial support and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The settlement in detail is left to you. You will inform the Mexican President of the above most secretly as soon as the outbreak of war with the United States of America is certain and add the suggestion the he should, on his own initiative, invite Japan to immediate adherence and at the same time mediate between Japan and ourselves.

8 Please call the Mexican President’s attention to the fact that the ruthless employment of our submarines now offers the prospect of compelling England in a few months to make peace.” Signed, Zimmermann

9 End of the War Allies in trouble
Exhausted and desperate for U.S. troops End of 1917 the combined casualties at 5.8 million Low morale Every major Allied offensive has failed, mutiny among some soldiers Russia left the war Germany now only has to concentrate on one front Germany in possession of large amounts of Allied lands

10 Germany makes a final push
Germany decides to deal a decisive blow to the Allies before the U.S. is able to raise and ship an army to Europe Takes a gamble with unrestricted submarine warfare – needs to defeat the Allies before the Americans arrive Moves troops from the Eastern to Western front Launches five offensives in March 1918 First – gains 40 miles and ends trench warfare Third – advance 20 miles to the Marne Paris is only 30 miles away

11 Allies counterattack Overall the offensives are failures
Lost 800,000 troops by June Then hundreds of thousands of American soldiers arrive, giving the Allies hope Allies counterattack Second Battle of the Marne (July 1918) Allies attack with 350 tanks leading the way Allied forces stop the German advance New troops, sense that Germany is weakening Allied forces gain huge amounts of territory In October the Allies break through the Hindenburg line

12 German leaders approach the Allies seeking an armistice
Armistice = a truce or agreement to end the fighting On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, World War I comes to an end Nov. 11th used to be celebrated as armistice day, now it is known in the U.S. as Veteran’s Day Germany and the Central Powers surrender

13 Reasons Why the War Ends
Allied victories Bulgaria and the Ottoman Turks surrender Austria-Hungary is taken down in October by revolution German soldiers mutiny and the German people turn against Kaiser Wilhelm II, who abdicates

14 Costs of the War Loss of many men
Almost 9 million killed, 21 million more wounded A generation slaughtered Civilians killed The Spanish Influenza strikes and soldiers spread the disease as they return home Kills as many as 50 million worldwide Financial Cost close to 280 billion dollars Destroyed national economies Farmland and cities devastated in France, Belgium, and Russia

15 Empires and monarchies fall
Europe no longer the dominant economic region of the world Empires and monarchies fall Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia, and the Ottoman Empire all lose their monarchies and empires Their colonies are divided among the Allied Powers


17 The Allies Nation Mobilized Battle Cost in Strength Deaths Wounded millions France 8,410,000 1,357,800 4,266,000 49,877 British Emp. 8,904, ,371 2,090,212 51,975 Russia 12,000,000 1,700,000 4,950,000 25,600 Italy 5,615, , ,886 18,143 U.S. 4,355,000 50, ,690 32,320 Belgium 267,000 13,715 44,686 10,195 Serbia 707,343 45, ,148 2,400 Japan 800, NA Greece 230,000 5,000 21, Totals 42,188,810 4,888,891 12,809, ,899

18 THE CENTRAL POWERS Nation Mobilized Battle Cost in Strength Deaths Wounded millions Germany 11,000,000 1,808,546 4,247,143 58,072 Austria-H 7,800, ,500 3,620,000 23,706 Ottoman 2,850, , ,000 3,445 Bulgaria 1,200,000 75, ,390 1,015 Total 22,850,000 3,131,889 8,419,533 86,238 Grand total 65,038,810 8,020,780 21,228, ,137


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