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Urban Audit City Meeting

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1 Urban Audit City Meeting
European Urban actions and the Urban Audit Lewis Dijkstra, PhD

2 Structure of my presentation
How the Urban Audit has contributed to the discussion on the urban dimension of Cohesion Policy 3rd Cohesion Report City Summit and the Bristol Conference Cities and the Lisbon Agenda Cohesion Policy and Cities Actions within the Urban Audit framework Urban Audit Perception Survey Urban Audit Analysis

3 3rd Cohesion Report Published in February 2004
Included a box on Urban Audit focussed on issues such as high concentrations of unemployment, crime and pollution in cities. Included a more general analysis of urban regions and the concentration of economic activity in the "pentagon" between London, Paris, Milan, Hamburg and Berlin.

4 City Summit City Summit in Noordwijk/Leiden in October 2004
Official opening of the urban audit website and the Urban Audit 2004 book covering 189 cities in the EU15 Presentation of a first analysis of the urban audit Bristol Conference December 2005 Publication of the data for the 69 cities outside the EU15 on the official website and updating of the book Presentation of "Cohesion Policy and Cities" paper and the "Cities and the Lisbon Agenda" report

5 Cities and the Lisbon Agenda
Focus both on urban problems and potential in relation to the Lisbon Agenda of Growth and Jobs. Main Questions are: Are European cities attractive places to work and invest? Are European cities innovative and entrepreneurial? Who works in the city? How big are the disparities in cities? It includes examples of good practices for a wide range of cities

6 Population: Growth & Decline

7 Lagging Employment rates

8 Knowledge Workers

9 Neighbourhood Disparities

10 Unemployment in Berlin
This map shows Berlin split up into neighbourhoods. The unemployment rates are shown in each neighbourhood. You can clearly see clusters of neighbourhoods to the south and north west of the city centre where unemployment rates are between 20 and 31%. This clearly highlights the parts of the city that leaders need to focus on when tackling unemployment.

11 Cohesion Policy and Cities
The goal of this document is to strengthen the urban dimension of the Community Strategic Guidelines It serves as a practical guide for cities and regions preparing their Structural Fund Programmes It is currently a Commission Staff Working Paper will adopted as a Commission Communication before this summer

12 Main Issues Making cities attractive
Supporting innovation, entrepreneurship and the knowledge economy Create more and better jobs Addressing disparities Governance and Partnership Financing urban renewal

13 Cohesion Policy and Cities
Includes 50 concrete recommendations for actions in the 3 main themes for urban development covering issues such as accessibility and mobility culture innovation and R&D employment social cohesion governance financial engineering

14 The National Strategic Reference Frameworks
Building on the strengths of the URBAN initiative, the Commission intends to reinforce the place of urban issues by fully integrating actions in this field into the regional programmes. (Gen. Reg. Expl. Mem. 3) The national strategic reference frameworks should include priorities related to sustainable urban development among the thematic and territorial priorities, where appropriate (Gen. Reg. Article 25.4.b) Ongoing discussions between Member States, the Commission and the Council may make the inclusion of urban development required instead of encouraged.

15 Operational Programmes
OP should include an integrated plan for sustainable urban development, where appropriate (Gen. Reg. Article 36.4 and 5) An integrated plan should include a clear description of urban development priorities OP can also contain a priority dedicated to urban issues, which includes a list of cities/urban areas and a description of the sub-delegation procedure

16 The 'URBAN method' Continuation of the 'URBAN method' to deprived urban areas through an integrated and participative approach is supported (ERDF. Reg article 8) Up to 15% of funds set aside for sustainable urban development can be used to support ESF type projects Urban dimension could include actions such as: improving physical environment, including brown-field preserving historical and cultural heritage promoting entrepreneurship and local employment community development, providing services to specific demographic groups

17 Urban Audit Perception Survey
Perception data is an important complement to the "objective" data collected by the Urban Audit (safety ≠ small number of recorded crimes) How citizens feel is important to politicians Show the differences in citizen opinions in different cities

18 31 Cities in the EU 15 in 2004 Bruxelles/ Brussel Antwerpen Liège
København Berlin München Leipzig Dortmund Athina Irakleio Madrid Barcelona Malaga Paris Marseille Rennes Dublin Roma Napoli Torino Luxembourg Amsterdam Rotterdam Wien Lisboa Braga Helsinki Stockholm London Glasgow Manchester

19 Cities to be added in 2006 Sofia Burgas Lefkosia Praha Ostrava Tallinn
Budapest Miskolc Vilnius Riga Valletta Warszawa Gdańsk Opole Bucuresti Cluj-Napoca Ljubljana Bratislava

20 Perceptions of Safety In Liege less than 25% of the population feel safe all of the time. Over 25% never feel safe in their city. In Munich almost 75% of the population always feel safe.

21 Employment Opportunities
In some cities the population is very positive about the opportunities for finding a job (especially Dublin, Manchester, London and Paris) In other cities there is a huge consensus of opinion that job finding is difficult (especially Naples, Berlin and Lisbon)

22 Urban Audit Analysis Started in January this year, completed by December Goals: The State of European Cities Report. This report will describe European cities and analyse the trends at the urban level. It will serve as template for future reports. Propose typologies of cities, which can help cities to select good cities to compare themselves with Case Studies which will show how cities can use the Urban Audit

23 Thank you for your attention!
Questions? Thank you for your attention!

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