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Security of web applications.

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Presentation on theme: "Security of web applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Security of web applications.
By Evgeny Prokoptsov

2 Why does it matter? Websites gather and store private information.
Websites are hosted on a server.

3 Who is affected by the problem?

4 Importance to users/customers.

5 Overview of Website Attack Techniques and The Defence Against Them.

6 Types of Attack Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) SQL Injection
Buffer Overflow

7 Prevention Techniques
Data filtering Techniques. Predefine user input parameters Check parameters type Predefine maximum size of data

8 Prevention Tools SQL injection Tools Buffer Overflow Tools
Cross-Site Scripting Tools SQL ninja SQLmap MUSIC SUSHI Haskell-xss-sanitize JSoup Sanitizer SPIKE OWASP WebScarab Buffer Overflow Tools CCured Lint ProPolice

9 Conclusion. Establish/Implement proper Coding Techniques.
Use available testing tools before Web application deployment. Constantly read/monitor new hacking techniques and their prevention.

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