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Published byOswin Matthews Modified over 6 years ago
مصرف آبزیان و سلامتی دکتر حسن صالحی اردیبهشت ماه 1393
In general, seafood is one of the most nutritionally balanced foods. It is an excellent source of proteins, a good source of minerals, and some vitamins, and it is low in fats, cholesterol and sodium. A seafood diet helps control weight and goes a long way toward preventing heart disease. Seafood is a delicious way to accomplish heart-healthy eating habits. What’s for dinner tonight at your house? دکتر حسن صالحی اردیبهشت ماه 1393
مصرف آبزیان – تغذیه مناسب
پروتئین با کیفیت مقدار زیاد امگا3 پائین بودن اسیدهای چرب اشباع سلامت قلب رشد و سلامتی کودکان منبع ویتامین ها و مواد معدنی We have known for years that seafood is a good source of protein and a low calorie food. In recent years, seafood has moved to a more specialized role in disease prevention. Through the educational and promotional efforts of the seafood industry, government, and academe, the general public has a sharper sense of the importance of seafood in a healthy diet. Seafood can make a significant contribution to the nutrient needs of all consumers, especially growing children and the elderly. Omega-3 fatty acids are found almost exclusively in aquatic organisms, although smaller amounts are found in some plants and plant oils. Seafood is considered the best dietary source of omega-3 fatty acids, and all fish and shellfish contain some. Seafood is low in total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol. It contributes to a healthy heart as seen on the previous slide of health benefits and level of supporting evidence Seafood contributes to proper growth and development of children It is a good source of vitamins and minerals The benefits will be discussed on the following slides.
پروتئین با کیفیت پروتئین های ضروری برای رشد و ترمیم و بازسازی بافتها
دارای تمامی اسیدهای آمینه ضروری پروتئین با هضم پذیری بالا ماهی حاوی گرم پروتئین است. Proteins are large molecules composed primarily of amino acids. Our body’s digestive enzymes break down the protein we consume to release amino acids which are in turn used to make new proteins the body uses for growth and maintenance. There are nine amino acids which the body cannot manufacture; we must get them from food. They are called essential amino acids. Seafood contains all nine essential amino acids; therefore, it is an excellent choice for meeting our daily protein needs. An added advantage of seafood is that its protein is highly digestible. The protein in seafood is more readily broken down and absorbed than the protein in red meats and poultry, this is because seafood has less connective tissue than red meats and poultry. That is why fish flakes easily when cooked and can be eaten without further cutting or slicing. Seafood is a good way for elderly persons and others who have difficulty chewing or digesting their food to obtain their daily protein. This advantage makes seafood an excellent food choice for people of all ages. A 3 1/2 ounce cooked serving of most fish and shellfish provides about grams of complete protein. The daily recommended amount for adults is about grams each day. Males – 56, females – 46. Refer to handout on Seafood Nutrition Facts – from U.S. Food and Drug Administration, January 1, 2008.
اسیدهای چرب امگا3 سه نوع اصلی : Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) آبزیان
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) کتان ، جوانه گندم ، برگهای سبز گیاهی Research on the potential benefits of omega-3’s has been going on since the early 1970’s, when Danish scientists discovered that people who eat more fish have lower risks of heart disease. Omega-3 fatty acids are a family of particularly long-chained polyunsaturated fats. These fats are even more unsaturated than vegetable oil. There are three types of omega-3 fatty acids. Two are found mostly in coldwater fish and called Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) (pronounced e co sa penta enoic acid) long e and long o and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (pronounced do co sa hex a enoic acid) long o and long o. The third omega-3 fatty acid is Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Humans can manufacture some types of fatty acids in the body, but must obtain those essential for good health, omega-3s and omega-6s from the diet. Omega-3’s are best found in seafood and plants such as soybean, canola, flaxseed and purslane. Omega-6 fats are also found in seafood of all kinds. Plant foods such as sunflower seed, corn, and soybean are usually a better source of omega-6 fats. Fish that live in cold water have adapted to have higher omega-3s so that the fat in their tissues stays liquid, almost like antifreeze. How do omega-3 fatty acids prevent or improve human disease? Polyunsaturated fats are incorporated into numerous cells of the body and form potent hormone-like substances called eicosanoids. Omega-3 fatty acids help keep our bodies from over-producing eicosanoids, a group of hormone-like substances that can in large amounts, contribute to arthritis, asthma, heart disease, stroke and related disorders. These hormone like substances are derived from both vegetable and fish oils. The eicosanoids derived from fish oils differ in chemical structure from vegetable-based eicosanoids and usually produce a different effect on the body. Alpha-linolenic acid is found in plant sources such as flaxseed, English walnuts, sunflower seeds, canola oil, soy, wheat germ and dark leafy greens. Your body absorbs and uses each type of omega-3 differently. Most potential health benefits are attributed to EPA and DHA, which are readily absorbed and put to use. Regular seafood intake plays an important role in allowing a healthy ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids.
اثرات سودمند اسیدهای چرب امگا3
قلب کاهش سطح تری گلیسیریدها خنثی کردن التهابات کمک به حفظ خاصیت ارتجاعی عروق کمک به جلوگیری از تجمع و تراکم پلاکتها کاهش ریسک مرگ بر اثر حملات قلبی There are three major factors that influence the development and progression of heart disease. Omega-3 fatty acids produce positive effects on each of these three processes. The three are: Atherosclerosis, clot formation and blood vessel spasms. In atherosclerosis, the arteries narrow due to fat deposits which accumulate on the inside of the artery wall. The result is a reduced blood flow to the heart, brain, and other vital organs. Omega-3 fatty acids significantly lowers triglycerides, which are fats circulating in the blood. Studies also show that the Omega-3 fatty acids may slow down the rate at which coronary arteries close following the mechanical opening of the artery (angioplasty). A clot can form and block an artery. This clot is developed from a clump of aggregated platelets and associated materials. Omega-3’s may reduce the “stickiness” of platelets, therefore inhibiting clot formation. Thus, the blood cells are more flexible so that they flow more smoothly and slide through closing arteries. A decreased blood flow can also be produced by spasms of the muscle surrounding the blood vessel. A spasm causes the blood vessel to constrict, further limiting blood flow. Omega-3s help relax blood vessel walls and help them to stay elastic. In 2006, Harvard researchers determined that eating 250mg a day of EPA and DHA from either fish or fish oil supplements helped reduce the risk of dying from a heart attack by 36%. Omega-3s stabilize each individual heart muscle cell so that during a heart attack, it is less likely to beat out of rhythm called an arrhythmia. This can be fatal because it impairs the heart’s ability to pump blood throughout the body. Research continues to confirm that eating seafood twice a week is the best advice for good health.
سایر اثرات سودمند اسیدهای چرب امگا3
مفاصل کاهش سفتی و شکنندگی مفاصل وضع روانی مقادیر بالای EPA و DHA باعث جلوگیری از بروز افسردگی است ذهن جلوگیری از بروز التهابات مغزی ریه ها می تواند از شدت آسم بکاهد. Omega-3 fatty acids act at the synovium, a one cell thick layer of tissue that encapsulates joints and feed nutrients to cartilage. Omega-3s decrease the production of inflammatory proteins called cytokines. Cytokines play a role in stripping cartilage and eroding the bone. Omega-3s have not been proven to stop the progression of rheumatoid arthritis, researchers have found that those who consume EPA and DHA have fewer tender joints and decreased stiffness. Studies in which scientists have compared fish intake across several countries have concluded that rates of clinical depression, bipolar disorder, and postpartum depression are nearly times greater in countries with low fish consumption. Omega-3s may offer mood-enhancing effects even in those who aren’t diagnosed with mental illness. Researchers have observed that people with higher levels of EPA and DHA were less likely to report feeling blue, even when measured against a normative range of depressive symptoms. EPA and DHA may improve brain cell composition and neurotransmitter function, which is dysfunctional in people who are clinically depressed. Studies are showing that people who eat fish two to three times a week are about half as likely to experience age-related cognitive decline, including Alzheimer’s disease. Experts believe that inflammation in the memory center of the brain may play a role in Alzheimer’s disease. There is excessive build up of plaque with Alzheimer’s patients. As a result, brain cells die. Reducing the inflammatory status may help prevent progression of the disease. Some evidence indicates omega-3s may help decrease the severity of asthma. Asthma is caused by inflammation in the airways, and omega-3s may help quell that inflammation.
مقدار کلسترول بیشتر آبزیان حاوی مقدار کمتر از 100 میلی گرم کلسترول در 3 اونس در هر وعده پخته هستند. این مقدار در بسیاری از گونه های کم چرب نصف است Diets high in cholesterol may contribute to high blood cholesterol levels, thus increasing the risk of heart disease and strokes. Most animal foods including seafood contain cholesterol. Many Americans consume too much cholesterol, and current dietary recommendations suggest reducing cholesterol intake to less than 300 milligrams per day. Almost all fish and shellfish contain well under 100 milligrams of cholesterol per 3 ounce cooked serving. Many leaner types of fish have less than 50 milligrams per serving,
مقدار سدیم پائین بودن میزان سدیم
کمتر از 110 میلی گرم در هر 3 اونس گوشت پخته Excessive sodium consumption has been linked to high blood pressure (hypertension) which is a risk factor for heart attacks and strokes. Current dietary recommendations suggest using salt and sodium in moderation. Seafood is naturally low in sodium. Even the species with the highest sodium levels contain less than 110 milligrams per 3 ounce cooked portion, which is less than 5% of the current daily recommended maximum sodium intake of 2,400 milligrams. Shellfish usually contain more sodium – between mg per ounce. For lower sodium and fat counts, purchase water packed varieties of canned fish such as salmon or tuna instead of those packed in oil and then rinse them well. Refer to Seafood Nutrition Facts – U.S. Food and Drug Administration, January 1, 2008.
رشد مناسب کودکان امگا3 و بارداری در سه ماه پایان بارداری
سنتز سریع بافتهای مغزی آمگا 3 و نوزادان زودرس کاهش خطر زایمان پیش از موعد و وزن کم در هنگام زایمان امگا3 و نوزادان DHA تحت اثر مستقیم رژیم غذایی مادر است. During pregnancy, omega-3’s are essential for early human development. During pregnancy the fetal brain, nervous system, and eye tissues accumulate Docosahexaenoic (DHA) one of the omega-3 fatty acids. Essential fatty acids, particularly DHA, are needed for cell membranes. DHA comprises approximately 40% of the polyunsaturated fatty acid content in the cell membranes in the brain and 60% of the cell membranes in the retina and is transferred from the mother to the fetus at a high rate during the last trimester of pregnancy. It is evident from a number of studies that adequate supply of DHA is needed for brain growth and functional development of infants. DHA levels are dependent upon the mother’s diet during pregnancy. The requirement for omega-3 fatty acids in pregnancy has not been established, however a pregnant women can provide her developing baby with significant DHA by consuming seafood twice a week. Infants born before 32 weeks gestation have lower body supplies of DHA. These infants can catch by if they are fed breast milk or a formula supplemented with DHA. During the first three months of life, DHA concentrations increase three to five times. DHA accumulation in the brain continues through the first two years of life. Human milk if the only infant food that provides significant and available forms of omega-3 fatty acids. The DHA content of breast milk is greatly influenced by the mother’s diet. Women who consume seafood have more DHA in their breast milk. Breastfed infants have a higher DHA level in the brain and red blood cells, and they are likely to have an enhanced neural development compared with formula-fed infants. One study indicates that infants need a continuous supply of DHA since infants breastfed for a shorter period –that is, less than 16 weeks, show poorer visual acuity scores that those receiving DHA, either from breast milk or fish oil. A study published in the July 2004 edition of the Journal of Epidemiology, assess the fish intake of more than 7,400 mothers in the United Kingdom and found that those who ate fish regularly during pregnancy had children with better language and communication skills by the age of 18 months. Other research has backed up a connection between omega-3s and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Seafood can make a significant contribution to the nutrient needs of all consumers, especially growing children and the elderly. The United States Government and the World Health Organization are being encouraged by scientists worldwide to adopt the recommendations of : the adult daily requirement for omega-3 fatty acids is estimated to be mg per day.
مواد معدنی منبعی عالی برای : Calcium, Iron Zinc, Copper, Potassium,
Iodine, Phosphorus, Selenium, Magnesium Seafood is an excellent source of minerals. Fish are one of the most important sources of calcium. For example: The soft bones of small fish such as sardines and smelts and canned varieties such as salmon are especially valuable sources of calcium – 320 mg. per 3 ounces (when the bones are eaten) Sardines, 325 mg; Pink salmon, 181 mg; Perch 116 mg; Clams, 78 mg; Rainbow Trout, 73 mg per 3 ounce serving. Other minerals in seafood include Zinc: oysters are a great source of iron and zinc which are needed for strong and healthy nails (Other examples, crustaceans) Iron: clams canned, 23,8 mg; oysters 10.2 mg shrimp 2.3 mg (Other examples, bluefish, and shrimp) Copper (oysters, crabs, and lobster) Potassium: clams, 534mg; halibut 490 mg; tuna, 484 mg; cod 439 mg in 3 ounces (Other examples mussels, scallops) Iodine, Phosphorus and selenium (all seafood in general) Selenium works as an antioxidant with Vitamin E. Selenium is now recognized as an essential element for humans. It plays a major role in the enzymes that make up part of the body’s antioxidant deference and other systems. It helps to prevent DHA damage caused by various chemicals and radiation. Selenium may be a more important player than previously thought. It has been shown to counter the effects of mercury, possibly making it less toxic. So if a women’s short of selenium and is exposed to mercury, it’s not a healthy combo. Phosphorus helps build bones and teeth, helps release energy from food and regulates energy metabolism. Iodine is a component of two thyroid hormones which regulate the rate of which our bodies uses energy. Magnesium is used in building bones, manufacturing proteins, regulating energy from muscle storage and regulating body temperature.
انجمن قلب ایالات متحده توصیه به مصرف ماهی (بویژه چرب) حداقل دو مرتبه در هفته برای بزرگسالان The American Heart Association recommends that all adults eat fish (particularly fatty fish) at least two times a week.
آیا مصرف ماهی در سلامتی نقش دارد؟؟
تمام مراجع معتبر زیر Institute of Medicine The World Health Organization Dietary Guidelines for Americans NHLBI and NCEP Countries around the world توصیه به افزایش مصرف آبزیان نموده ا ند. Should we tell people to eat fish? When the Institute of Medicine, the World Health Organization, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the National Heart Lung Blood Institute (NHLBL) and National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) and countries around the world all recommend increased fish consumption. So….
“Do Your Health a Favor – Eat Seafood”
مصرف آبزیان و سلامتی “Do Your Health a Favor – Eat Seafood” In general, seafood is one of the most nutritionally balanced foods. It is an excellent source of proteins, a good source of minerals, and some vitamins, and it is low in fats, cholesterol and sodium. A seafood diet helps control weight and goes a long way toward preventing heart disease. Seafood is a delicious way to accomplish heart-healthy eating habits. What’s for dinner tonight at your house?
مقدار مصرف در سال (کیلوگرم) کشورهای کمتر توسعه یافته
مصرف آبزیان موقعیت مقدار مصرف در سال (کیلوگرم) متوسط جهانی 18/5 کشورهای توسعه یافته 23/5 کشورهای صنعتی 27/6 کشورهای درحال توسعه 18/3 کشورهای کمتر توسعه یافته 11/1 ایران 8/4 ّFAO - Fisheries and Aquaculture Department (2011)
مصرف (گذشته و حال) مصرف در گذشته اندک و محدود به مناطق ساحلی
در حال حاضر ؛ افزایش مصرف در سراسر کشور توسعه روزافزون آبزی پروری توسعه امکانات حمل و نقل ، نگهداری ، فرآوری و عرضه توسعه شیو های نوین آبزی پروری : پرورش در مناطق کویری (استان یزد ، شهرستان بافق ، شهرستان طبس )
روند افزایشی تولید
ملاحظاتی در افزایش مصرف
توسعه مصرف در مناطق روستایی از طریق توسعه آبزی پروری خرد در مناطق روستایی: بطور تقریبی بیش از 89 درصد آبزیان پرورش یافته در استخرهای دو منظوره و ذخیره آب کشاورزی بصورت خود مصرفی و مصرف در منطقه تولید (محدوده شهرستان مبداء تولید)، مورد استفاده قرار میگیرند. تعداد محصولات عرضه شده بصورت محصولات آماده مصرف در دو سال اخیر به بیش از 29 محصول رسیده است. از این تعداد 12 محصول کنسروی و 17 محصول غیر کنسروی است. تعداد محصولات فرآوری شده میگو در دوسال اخیر از دو محصول به 7 محصول رسیده است. ارتقاء کیفیت بسته بندی در محصولات شیلاتی (استفاده از وکیوم بجای بسته بندی در ظروف یکبار مصرف) سبب کاهش میزان افت کیفیت به میزان 7 درصد شده است. در عین حال به علت شکیل تر شدن شیوه عرضه محصول، میزان فروش در سطح فروشگاه ها بیش از 21 درصد افزایش یافته است.
با توجه به فرهنگ سازی انجام شده، گرایش مصرف از ترکیب 36 درصد تازه، 42 درصد منجمد خام و 22 کنسرو و فرآوری شده، به 31 درصد تازه، 23 درصد منجمد خام و 46 درصد کنسرو و فرآوری شده تغییر یافته است. بر این مبنا علاوه بر تمرکز بیشتر در مدیریت ضایعات، دور ریزهای آشپزخانه ای کاهش یافته و تنوع بخشی به محصولات، علاوه بر قابلیت مصرف بیشتر در منازل و توجه به تمایلات مصرف کننده، ارزش افزوده بالاتری در بخش صنعت رابه همراه داشته اند.
جهت گیری های اصلی سازمان شیلات ایران
در برنامه پنجم توسعه تامین امنیت غذایی بهره گیری بهینه از زیر ساختهای موجود افزایش بهره وری در فعالیت های آبزی پروری و صید توام با کاهش ضایعات بهره برداری پایدار و مسئولانه از منابع آبزی باز سازی موثر ذخایر آبزیان برخورد جدی و موثر بر مدار قانون با متخلفین صیادی اصلاح ساختار بازار و بازار رسانی ، بازار سازی و بازاریابی آبزیان افزایش مصرف سرانه آبزیان واگذاری فعالیت های ممکن به بخش غیر دولتی و خروج از تصدی گری
اهداف کمی در برنامه پنجم توسعه
افزایش تولید به 1 میلیون و 25 هزار تن انواع آبزیان در سال پایانی برنامه شامل: 430 هزار تن انواع آبزیان پرورشی و 595 هزار تن انواع آبزیان دریایی افزایش سهم آبزیان پرورشی از 33 به 42 درصد و کاهش سهم صید از 67 درصد به 58 درصد افزایش سرانه گرم پروتیین مصرفی به 6 گرم در روز در سال پایانی برنامه پنجم برای هر نفر افزایش مصرف سرانه به 13 کیلوگرم در سال صادرات 60 هزار تن محصولات شیلاتی به ارزش نسبی 300 میلیون دلار کاهش ضایعات مشهود از 5 درصد در سال پایان برنامه چهارم به 2 درصد در سال پایان برنامه پنجم کاهش ضایعات پنهان از 32درصد در سال پایان برنامه چهارم به 5 درصد در سال پایان برنامه پنجم
اهداف کیفی در برنامه پنجم توسعه
توسعه سرمایه گذاری های زیر بنایی ارتقاء بهره وری منابع و عوامل تولید بهبود سهم محصولات شیلات در تامین امنیت غذایی حفاظت ، بازسازی و بهسازی منابع دریایی ساماندهی وضعیت صید ضمنی و دور ریز افزایش حمایت از تولید کننندگان و بهره برداران واگذار ی امور تصدی گری به بخش خصوصی اصلاح ساختار سازمانی و قوانین و مقررات مرتبط با فعالیتهای شیلاتی بهره گیری از ظرفیتهای بین المللی در تولید و بهره برداری از منابع آبزیان
اهداف کیفی شیلات در بخش امنیت غذایی
افزایش سهم آبزیان در امنیت غذایی کشور بهبود کیفیت و کاهش ضایعات آبزیان ارتقاء بهره وری از منابع و عوامل تولید توسعه صنایع تبدیلی شیلاتی با تاکید بر ارزش افزوده بالا اصلاح ساختار بازار و توسعه صادرات آبزیان بازار شناسی در ابعاد داخلی و خارجی و تعیین اولویت در راه یابی به بازار های هدف بازارسازی برای فرآورده ها و تولیدات شیلاتی با تاکید بر بازار یابی اجتماعی بازارداری فرآورده ها و محصولات تولیدی ( از طریق تنوع بخشی به تولیدات و بازنگری دائمی در بازار داری و بازارشناسی تربیت نسل جدید صادر کنندگان آبزیان دارای مهارت های صادرات تدوین برنامه توسعه صنایع شیلاتی در سه بخش آب های شمال ، جنوب و مناطق غیر ساحلی
در زمینه افزایش مصرف داخلی آبزیان، اثر بخشی فعالیت ها به ترتیب ذیل خواهد بود:
20 درصد از طریق بهبود کیفیت و نظام مند نمودن سامانه توزیع 10 درصد از طریق کاهش ضایعات و تولید محصولات جدید 10 درصد از طریق تنوع بخشی به فرآورده ها 15 درصد از طریق اصلاح روش های بسته بندی 10 درصد از طریق تسهیل دسترسی 35 درصد از طریق فرهنگ سازی مصرف آبزیان
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