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Thomas A. Edison By: Drew Snyder.

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1 Thomas A. Edison By: Drew Snyder

2 All About Thomas A. Edison
Thomas Alva Edison invented the light blub, something great. Thomas was born on February 11, 1847 and he died on October 18,1941. Thomas Edison sadly died of diabetes. It was a sad sad day. Thomas Edison was great.

3 The childhood

4 Thomas Edison as a child
Thomas Edison was a very curious child.

5 When Thomas was a little older
When Thomas Edison was a little older he became a school teacher, I do not know what he taught but I know he was a teacher. Now here's a quote…..

6 Thomas burnt something down
When Thomas Edison was 16 he burnt down his families farm house.

7 Achievements bro (the timeline)
He was born in 1847 He was born on February 11 When he was a teen he burnt down is families farm house 16 When he was an adult he became a teacher 1875 and invented the light bulb. I love that Thomas was not hard on himself, unlike other people when something goes wrong they get mad at there selves and don’t try again. It’s sad  I wish I could be  but I cant :(

8 Thomas Edison is a great person

9 And if we did not have him we would not have thy light bulb.

10 More quotes sorry I'm very into quotes

11 Same Different me & my hero Both like electricity
He invented thy light bulb and I did not We both like to invent to help people He is a boy and I am a girl We r both very very very creative He is dead and

12 Credits Sound by: Drew Snyder Video by: Drew Snyder and Isabella Stees
Pictures by: Drew Snyder Camera Man: Bonner [aka Drew Snyder friend]

13 Thx 4 Watching Emoji Cake Thomas liked cake

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