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8th Grade Warm-ups.

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Presentation on theme: "8th Grade Warm-ups."— Presentation transcript:

1 8th Grade Warm-ups

2 Warm-up #1 Write three lines about what excites you most about school.
When you are finished raise your hand.

3 Warm up #2 Write 5 lines to describe everything you know about the Solar Eclipse that is going to happen today. When you are finished, raise your hand

4 Warm up #3 You do not need to re-write this question
Warm up #3 You do not need to re-write this question. Please write 1-5, however Dr. Trent is interested in finding out how music effects the heart rates of his patients. He has 100 patients and splits them into 5 groups. Each group is listening to a different set of music: classical music, rock music, pop music, country music, and one group with no music. Help Dr. Trent find the following items: Control Group Experimental Group(s) Independent Variable Dependent Variable Hypothesis When you are finished, raise your hand.

5 Warm up #4 In 4 lines or more, tell me everything you know about the galaxy, the universe, stars and the planets. When you are finished, raise your hand.

6 Warm up #5 In at least 5 sentences, compare and contrast the four interior planets. (list several things all 4 planets have in common, list several things that make each individual planet different and unique) When you are finished, raise your hand

7 Warm up #6 You do not need to re-write the question
Warm up #6 You do not need to re-write the question. You do not need to write in complete sentences. Explain the difference between the solvent and the solute of a solution. Explain what makes a saturated solution different than a Concentrated solution. Explain some of the differences between a chemical change and a physical change Explain activation energy. Balance the following two equations ____Li + ____H3PO4  ____H2 + ____Li3PO4 ____Fe2O3 + ____C  ____Fe + ____CO2

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