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Greek Literature and Drama

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1 Greek Literature and Drama
Trojan Horse Odyssey Iliad Oedipus Rex and Antigone Icarus and Daedalus “The Tortoise and the Hare”

2 Trojan Horse

3 Trojan Horse The Greeks used a special way to capture the city of Troy
They built huge wooden horses and left them on the plain. The Trojans brought the horse within their city as a war trophy. The Trojans, thinking the horse was a gift from the Greeks, celebrate and roll the giant horses into the city. That night, the Greek warriors quietly climb from the horse and capture the city.

4 What is Odyssey?

5 Who is Odysseus? Odyssey had attended the Trojan War.
a king in west island in Greece. Because of his intelligence and wisdom ,he was celebrated in the Greece . After the battle ,he brought his soldiers came back home . ignored the warning of Poseidon and went through a lot of troubles . defeated the witches and overcame the monsters. After having spent seven years in captivity on Calypso’s island ,Odysseus had escaped . Pass ten years, he went homeland –Sake by good luck at last . Many rich suitor were killed by Odyssey and his son . They lived happily in together finally .

6 Iliad The first line in the Iliad is "Achilles' anger is my theme."
The Iliad is an ancient Greek epic poem in dactylic hexameter,traditionally attributed to homer. The Illiad tells of the battles and events during the weeks of a quarrel between King Agamemnon and the warrior Achilles. It starts with the arguement between Agamemnon and Achilles and ends with the death of the Hector Achilles once was angry with Agamemnon and give up the war but because of his friend’s death. He came back to the battle as well as killing the Hector at last .


8 This story is a tragedy about Oedipus.
Oedipus becomes the king of Thebes and was always destined from birth to murder his father Laius . Marry his mother Jocasta without knowing that. When he realize himself married his mother,he pierce his eyes. Antigone was Oedipus' daughter. After Oedipus blind,Antigone took care of him and finally buried him.


10 ICARUS Icarus is purely a myth.
Icarus is the son of the master craftsman Daedalus. Icarus in his attempt to escape from Crete by means of wings that his father constructed from feathers and wax. He ignored instructions not to fly too close to the sun, and the melting wax caused him to fall into the sea where he drowned. This is a myth with a sad ending.

11 Daedalus Icarus‘s father Daedalus was a talented and remarkable Athenian craftsman. He built the Labyrinth for King Minos of Crete Minos imprisoned Daedalus himself in the labyrinth because he gave Minos' daughter, Ariadne, a clew(or ball of string) in order to help . Theseus, the enemy of Minos, to survive the Labyrinth and defeat the Minotaur. 2018/9/22


13 The Tortoise and the Hare
A Hare who ridiculed a slow –moving Tortoise . Tortoise was challenged by the tortoise to a race . The hare soon left the tortoise behind. He was confident of winning and took a nap midway through the course . When the Hare awoke he found that his competitor had arrived before him .


15 Thank you for watching! By Noel Arthur Lucy

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