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ESS VIP SERV 14 – 15 February, ITDG/DIME

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Presentation on theme: "ESS VIP SERV 14 – 15 February, ITDG/DIME"— Presentation transcript:

1 ESS VIP SERV 14 – 15 February, ITDG/DIME
Item 7 – Progress and roadmap to deployment

2 Contents Stakeholders Project Deliverables
Progress report (ESSnet SCFE – INSEE, France) Timeline Next steps

3 Stakeholders ESSnet SCFE Task Force Steering Group
6 countries + 1 ONA Task Force 14 members (UNECE as observer) To be renewed for 2017 Steering Group 6 Countries: FI, DE, NL, NO, SI, SE Network of countries Consists of 11 countries

4 Estimated delivery date
Project Deliverables ID Name Description Estimated delivery date SERV.D01 Service Guidelines Guidelines allowing for sharing (by replication of services or by exposing them centrally) of statistical services across processes and among partners in the ESS and Eurostat (Commission). Draft: Dec 2016 Final: Dec 2017 SERV.D02 Recommendations for governance Recommendations for governance of statistical services; including the setup of an (ESS) service certification committee and maintenance of an ESS service catalogue as part of the CSPA service catalogue. SERV.D03 CSPA service catalogue Hosting and maintenance of the CSPA service catalogue by the Commission/Eurostat. Version 1: Dec 2015 Version 2: Dec 2016 Version 3: Dec 2017 SERV.D04 SOA Infrastructure An ESS/Eurostat SOA infrastructure that can be used by the ESS, Eurostat, other Commission DGs to expose those statistical services for which no replication is necessary Version 2: June 2016 Version 3: June 2017 SERV.D05 Open Source Guidelines Recommendation on utilizing Open Source solutions for statistical production SERV.D06 POC Services Implementation of statistical services that are re-used in multiple ESS members Iterative delivery till Dec 2017

5 Contents Stakeholders Project Deliverables
Progress report (ESSnet SCFE – INSEE, France) Timeline Next steps

6 ESSNet on Sharing Common Functionalities
Olivier Lefebvre, Insee

7 - Objectives and organization - Work packages - Conclusion

8 Background ESSNet on Sharing Common Functionalies ESS Vision 2020: further improve the cooperation within the ESS ESS.VIP project “shared SERVices”: define and implement the necessary preparations for developing and sharing generic software solutions ESS Enterprise Architecture Reference Framework Common Statistical Production Architecture (CSPA) Objectives and organisation

9 Objectives of the ESSNet
ESSNet on Sharing Common Functionalies Increase awareness on how to use and take part in an ESS service oriented architecture Deliver the necessary methodology and tools for NSIs and ONAs to start engaging in the implementation of a SOA and share their solutions with others Improve the process which consists in reusing a component and integrating it into the NSIs/ONAs environment Objectives and organisation

10 ESSnet grant agreement
ESSNet on Sharing Common Functionalies Partners INSEE (France)  ONS (UK) SL (Lithuania) SURS (Slovenia) INE (Portugal) Destatis (Germany) GENES (France) Duration: 24 months (01/2016  12/2017) Budget: € (95 % Eurostat co-funded) Objectives and organisation

11 Driving principles Be concrete and pragmatic
ESSNet on Sharing Common Functionalies Be concrete and pragmatic We want services that actually work, and that are simple to understand, install and use. The deliverables should be as operational as possible. Be complementary with other works TF on shared services, major CSPA actors, architecture working group, ESS Enterprise Architecture Board, works on standardization… Be open Open-source is preferred. The ESSnet work is conducted openly. External partners are associated. Objectives and organisation

12 Work packages ESS guidelines and procedures (ONS)
ESSNet on Sharing Common Functionalies ESS guidelines and procedures (ONS)  Center of excellence (SL) Apply services (INSEE) Identification of re-usable services and analysis of requirements (SURS) Fostering open source solutions (INE) Management & dissemination (INSEE) Objectives and organisation Work packages

13 WP1 deliverables Guidance document How-to guide ESS service templates
ESSNet on Sharing Common Functionalies Guidance document Produced as a text document (21 pages). How-to guide Produced as a power point presentation (32 slides). ESS service templates Recommendations produced to be considered by the CSPA governance. Objectives and organisation Work packages

14 WP2 deliverable Prepared deliverable (December 2016):
ESSNet on Sharing Common Functionalies Prepared deliverable (December 2016): Description of the setup of the Center of Excellence on Shared Services (CoE SERV). The document contains five sections: Background and the scope; Roles and responsibilities of the CoE SERV; Governance; Organizational setup; Description of the actions. Objectives and organisation Work packages

15 WP3 deliverables Report on the re-use of services Services selected:
ESSNet on Sharing Common Functionalies Report on the re-use of services Interim version: M18 Final version: M24 Services selected: Time series services, re-using organization (DO): Destatis Questionnaire generation service, DO: SURS Metadata dissemination services, DOs: ONS & CASD Objectives and organisation Work packages

16 WP3: Times series service
ESSNet on Sharing Common Functionalies Based on a web service implementation of JDemetra+ (National Bank of Belgium). Features implemented : X13 /Arima and Tramo-Seats seasonal adjustment algorithms Benchmarking Automatic modeling Destatis re-use cases and architecture documented, test datasets available. 7 February 2017: NBB-Destatis-Insee meeting to define precise road map. Objectives and organisation Work packages

17 WP3: Questionnaire generation service
ESSNet on Sharing Common Functionalies Objectives and organisation Work packages Service re-designed to make it more flexible, and environment and language independent. Functional and technical documentation of the service provided. Service open-sourced in August 2016. SURS installed the service in September 2016. 2&3 February 2017: meeting in Ljubljana with Insee experts to help integrate the service in SURS architecture, process and organization.

18 WP3: Metadata dissemination service
ESSNet on Sharing Common Functionalies Objectives and organisation Work packages API specification published in October 2016 and implemented in November 2016. Re-use of deliverables from the “Implementing Modernstats Standards” UNECE project, e.g. classification explorer web client. Collaboration with Re-using Organizations Dec / Jan. 2017: CASD-Insee meetings, re-use focuses on descriptive and quality metadata First quarter of 2017: ONS-Insee bilateral meeting to detail the re-use case.

19 WP4 deliverables ESSNet on Sharing Common Functionalies Initial list of services that are candidates for re-use in ESS The document contains an initial cost/benefit analysis of re-use for each of these services, based on the Achievability, Affordability, Attractiveness (AAA) assessment model. Questionnaire for service selection Sent to NSIs in the ESS and EFTA countries Goal: service assesment with AAA and ranking of services in ESS Objectives and organisation Work packages


21 WP5 deliverables ESSNet on Sharing Common Functionalies To provide information and tools regarding the state-of-art of open source solutions To enable any of our statistical organization to replicate, integrate and collaborate on the identified open source solutions. A survey is being developed in order to have an overview of current and planned open source solutions and projects for statistical production in the ESS. Objectives and organisation Work packages

22 WP5 deliverables ESSNet on Sharing Common Functionalies To provide information and tools regarding the state-of-art of open source solutions To enable any of our statistical organization to replicate, integrate and collaborate on the identified open source solutions. A survey is being developed in order to have an overview of current and planned open source solutions and projects for statistical production in the ESS. Objectives and organisation Work packages

23 WP6 Dissemination activities
ESSNet on Sharing Common Functionalies Presentations ESS Modernisation workshop, Bucharest (Feb. 2016) CSPA Implementation Group (March 2016) IT Working Group, Luxemburg (May 2016) UNECE/Eurostat CSPA workshop, Geneva (June 2016) NTTS 2017 paper (with Destatis): how SCFE relates to discussions held within the CSPA community Preparation of a dissemination workshop 6-7 July 2017 in Wiesbaden Objectives and organisation Work packages

24 Conclusion First lessons learned: Future perspectives
ESSNet on Sharing Common Functionalies First lessons learned: Open-sourcing and internationalization are more costly than expected, but is is worth it Standards are necessary but they need to be detailed with « profiles » fit for concrete uses in order to ensure interoperability For example, CBS-Insee initiative to come on representing questionnaires with DDI Future perspectives Catalogue of services which could be reused Creation of a Centre of excellence on Shared Services Objectives and organisation Work packages Conclusion

25 Contents Stakeholders Project Deliverables
Progress report (ESSnet SCFE – INSEE, France) Timeline Next steps

26 Timeline Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Project life span (Phases)
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Project life span (Phases) ESSC ESSC ESSC Decision points Steering Group Task Force ESSNet SCFE Project Goal: "to set up conditions for sharing statistical services and supporting their integration in statistical production processes at national, ESS and Commission level." SOA infrastructure ready 4 services delivered by Eurostat, 3 by the ESSnet Service Catalogue implementation undergoing Based on the results from the 1st ESSnet (list of selected services, available services) a 2nd ESSnet will implement and resuse services Towards the end of the project a CoE wil bet set up for ESS-wide service governance and service assessement for the catalogue ESSNet #2 "implement" SGAs use in PROD CoE on Sharing Services

27 Next steps In the context of ESS.VIP.SERV, 3 instruments are used or planned: Procurement Service Catalogue implementation – H to H * ESSnet Develop selected services and align architecture – H to H * Single grants Implementation of available services in production with architecture alignment – H to H * * Funded by ISA²

28 Thank you for your attention Discussion

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