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READ Act Data Collection Spring 2018

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Presentation on theme: "READ Act Data Collection Spring 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 READ Act Data Collection Spring 2018
READ Act Budget Planning Survey

2 Objectives Data privacy and security
READ data collection reporting requirements Purpose of the READ data collection Review of budget planning survey Budget planning survey considerations READ collection resources

3 Data Privacy and Security

4 Data Privacy and Security
Federal and state laws govern data privacy, confidentiality and security and require CDE to collect data that may include personally identifiable information (PII). Name, address, personal identifier Other indirect identifiers (e.g., date or place of birth) Information that, alone or in combination, is linked or linkable to a specific student that would allow a reasonable person in the school community, who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to identify the student with reasonable certainty. (§ 99.3)

5 Data Privacy and Security
Check local policies for restrictions Use secure-file transfer protocols Call CDE with questions about how to transmit PII securely Do not send PII over or fax Do not use PII in trainings Do not share PII with unauthorized individuals Do not share passwords For more information

6 Data Privacy and Security
Syncplicity CDE’s secure file sharing service of choice Call or to gain access if you do not have it. Exception requests must be loaded into your district’s Syncplicity folder For questions about students or errors where you need to share PII you may add a new file to the folder

7 Reporting Requirements and Purpose of the READ Data Collection

8 READ Act Reporting Requirements
House Bill : The Colorado READ Act Reporting Requirement How CDE Collects Prevalence of SRD in K – 3 students SRD status READ plan status READ assessment and score READ Data File - Implemented in 2013 Clarified for students with disabilities in 2016 Advancement information for students identified with SRD READ Data File - Implemented in 2013, but required in 2014 READ fund usage How funds were utilized Number and grade level of students served READ Data File - Implemented in 2014, but required in 2015 District budget plan Budget Planning Survey – Implemented in 2017 Voluntary reporting of effective practices In the planning stages to implement in fall of 2018

9 Purpose of READ Collection
The purpose of the READ collection is to collect student level data needed to fulfill statutory requirements Data collected in READ is also used to determine the distribution of per-pupil intervention funds for students identified as having significant reading deficiencies (SRD) The Early Literacy Fund provides districts with per-pupil intervention funds to help support programs to meet the needs of students with SRD who received services

10 Criteria for READ Collection
Each spring districts create and submit records for all K-3rd grade students enrolled at the time of data submission and 4-12th grade cohort students who are included in the READ 4-12th grade cohort from any district AND; The Budget Planning Survey in Pipeline that asks districts to identify which of the five statutory intervention categories they intend to use in the coming budget year to support students identified as having an SRD

11 Budget Planning and Reporting Survey

12 Budget Planning Survey
CDE is required per statute to review fund usage for the following services: Summer school literacy programs Targeted, scientifically or evidence-based intervention services Districts are required to submit budget planning information for the upcoming budget year to CDE prior to receiving READ Act funds in August The READ Budget Planning Survey will consist of five, Yes or No questions that will be collected at a district level and submitted in addition to the LEP’s READ data file

13 READ Budget Planning Survey Guidance Document
READ Budget Planning Template can be found here: ne

14 Budget Planning Survey Considerations
Program reviews will take place throughout the collection so districts can submit “other” program as early as possible If survey includes “other” program not yet reviewed by CDE and you haven’t taken advantage of an earlier submission then budget planning survey and program review materials are due to CDE 6/1 If intervention program has been reviewed in the past and not recommended for the Advisory List of program, program may not be submitted again at this time – district will need to remove program in survey prior to survey approval All budget planning surveys must be submitted to CDE by June 15th

15 “other” program selected in budget planning survey
Pipeline submission "other" program not ever reviewed by CDE Whitney sends request form to district for completion prior to review of program District will submit program for review by 6/1 and CDE will review program Pipeline Submission "other" alternative use of READ Funds Whitney sends request form to district for completion providing more explanation CDE reviews request form and either approves or denies request Pipeline submission “other” supplemental program listed as intervention CDE will reach out to district to request information on how supplemental program is being used CDE will either approve or deny request to use supplemental program as an intervention

16 READ Collection Resources
READ Collection resources can be found at: Upcoming webinars Data collection timeline Data elements & definitions File layout Business Rules Additional resources such as FAQ document, assessment cut scores, template for submitting budget planning survey, etc. Questions? Contact Whitney Westgaard Hutton, READ Data Collection Manager Phone:

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