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Implementation of CPC+ in Multiple Residency Practices: Lessons Learned from the Field
Stacey Bartell MD, Jamila Taylor, MD Lisa Simmons-Fields, RN, MSA,CCM, CPHQ Diane Riddle, Quality Coordinator
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Goals and Objectives Define components of the CPC+ model of care delivery. Ideas to take back to your practices for starting implementation of CPC+. Strategies for involving residents and faculty in the use of data to evaluate practice transformation and drive the PDSA cycle.
"Bring your whole self to work; not only your knowledge and expertise, but also your values. Stay true to who you are and have the courage of your convictions. If you do, you will become an authentic and courageous leader — something intensely needed at this time in healthcare. And you will have the power to change your workplace and the community around you." Mary Brainerd, HealthPartners
What is CPC+ ? Comprehensive Primary Care Plus
National Advanced Primary Care Medical Home Model (APM) Multi-payer payment reform Transform Care Delivery
There are 2,850 primary care practices participating in Comprehensive Primary Care Plus (CPC+) Round 1, which began on January 1, 2017
Who are we? Ascension Health, St. John Providence Physician Network
Large multi-specialty network covering 5 counties in Michigan with ~500 physicians Overall # of PCPs in the network - 255 33 CPC+ sites 122 PCPs 53 PCPs (FP/IM) are leading our residency practice programs Track 1 – 24 practices (3 residency practices) Track 2 – 9 practices (4 residency practices) 15,968 attributed Medicare FFS lives enrolled in CY17 4th
Starting Points Various stages of practice transformation
All practices BCBSM PCMH designation 4 practices had experience with MiPCT 5 Family Practice, 2 Internal Medicine 5 residency practices converted EMRs in February
5 Comprehensive Primary Care Functions
1. Access and Continuity 2. Care Management 3. Comprehensiveness and Coordination 4. Patient and Caregiver Engagement 5. Planned Care and Population Health
Components of Performance-Based Measures and Incentives
eCQM (75%) Utilization – (EDU 33%) (IHU 67%) Patient experience of care (25%)
Starting Goals Understanding HCC/RAF & frequently missed chronic conditions Established shared goals / clear roles Ensure process for ADT notification Pre-visit planning, daily huddles Centralized process for clinical and quality data Schedule patients annual wellness visits Create learning communities
Goals Empanelment Risk stratify all patients PFACS
Build a culture of quality Educate on principles of team based models & practice education Delegate authority via PCMH protocols Provide data transparency Establish practice care team meetings
1. Access and Continuity Empanel all patients to a practitioner or care team (95% goal) Ensure patients to 24/7 access to physician with access to EMR Optimize continuity Offer alternative visits: home visits, group visits, virtual visits or visits at other location (Track 2)
High-Functioning Primary Care Residency Clinics
Building Block 3: Features of Empanelment • Patients are empaneled to faculty and residents. • Residents regularly review their panels. • Resident and faculty panel sizes are tracked and adjusted for level of need. ( ), ( ) • Clear process exists for reassigning panels when residents graduate. aamc-ucsfprimarycareresidencyinnovationreport.
Lessons Learned Teach concept of empaneling and how to perform in EMR
Provide regularly feedback regarding status of empanelment Evaluate continuity and panel size for each physician/resident level Engage residents in home visits, NH visits, and group visits
2. Care Management Track 1 - Risk stratify all empaneled patients
Track 2 - Requires two-step process Step 1 Diagnoses Step 2 adjust with care team practice Refer to care management based on risk Provide episodic and longitudinal care to patients Provide care plans for all patients in longitudinal care management Contact all ER discharges within 1 week Contact 75% of hospital discharges within 48 hrs.
Implementation Strategies
AAFP tool for risk stratification – “clinical intuition” Care plan guide Transitional Care Management (TCM) visits ER outreach and analysis
3. Comprehensiveness and Coordination
Interact with Specialists Track Hospital discharges, ADT feeds Assess psychosocial needs and link to community services Integrate Behavioral Health Services
Coordinate care with specialists
Identify high volume, high cost specialists Develop Collaborative care agreements Coordinate referrals Track and close loop on all referrals Share patient records across care settings Improve ADT feeds
Community Linkages Screen patients with unmet social needs
Create and maintain an inventory of community organizations Build relationships with community agencies Track and measure success rate of linkages over time Health-Leads-Screening-Toolkit-July-2016.pdf AHRQ Health Literacy Universal Precautions Toolkit, 2nd Edition
Behavioral Health Integration
4. Patient and Caregiver Engagement
Convene PFAC and integrate recommendations into care as able Provide regular patient surveys Facilitate self-management support Engage patients in shared decision making
Best Practices Created PFAC toolkit
Developed Shared-Decision making tools Engaged patients in feedback surveys - Phreesia Integrated Self-Management tools - AAFP
5. Planned Care and Population Health
Use payer or CMS feedback reports at least quarterly on 2 utilization measures and 3 eCQMs to develop strategies to improve population health Track 2 - Conduct weekly care team meetings to review and improve data
Actual Quarterly Progress
CPC+ Performance Based Incentive Payment Quality and Utilization Benchmarks Actual Quarterly Progress CMS ID# NQF# Measure Title Performance percentile Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 as of 11/28/17 eCQMs P30 P70 CMS165v5 0018 Controlling High BP 55.40% 71.01% 62% 76% 78% 79% CMS122v5 0059 Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Poor Control (> 9%) 35.90% 9.09% 50% 25% 23% 22% CMS156v5 0022 Use of High-Risk Medications in the Elderly 21.22% 0.90% CMS149v5 N/A Dementia: Cognitive Assessment 17.57% 88.14% 16% 39% 56% CMS139v5 0101 Falls: Screening for Future Fall Risk 17.93% 81.05% 64% 70% 77% CMS137v5 0004 Initiation and Engagement of Alcohol and Other Drug Dependence Treatment 0.95% 5.13% CMS50v5 Closing the Referral Loop: Receipt of Specialist Report 6.25% 36.96% 12% 18% 21% CMS124v5 0032 Cervical Cancer Screening 15.09% 45.00% 40% 55% 57% 60% CMS130v5 0034 Colorectal Cancer Screening 15.98% 56.20% 45% 63% 65% 67% CMS131v5 0055 Diabetes: Eye Exam 80.69% 98.58% 14% 29% 51% CMS138v5 0028 Preventive Care and Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening and Cessation Intervention 81.60% 94.68% 84% 95% CMS166v6 0052 Use of Imaging Studies for Low Back Pain 90.48% 100.00% 100% 74% 72% CMS125v5 2372 Breast Cancer Screening 22.22% 55.26% 48% 73% CMS159v5 0710 Depression Remission at Twelve Months Not Available Utilization P50 P80 Inpatient hospital utilization* 1.17 0.89 Emergency department utilization* 1.42 1.07 Your performance on Clinical Quality Measures (eCQMs) will determine the largest share of your CPC+ Performance-Based Incentive Payment (PBIP). To qualify for the PBIP, your practice must report 9 of 14 eCQMs in the CPC+ eCQM Measurement Set. Risk Stratification - Every Encounter 4.99% 26.95% 47.27% Complex Needs 0.04% 0.43% 2.78%
Develop Culture of Change
Start with defining your care team and expanding their roles Review data (eCQMs & Quality Reports) Develop PDSA cycles/workflows Continuous improvement of processes (QI projects – residents led) Regular meeting and education – (weekly, monthly, quarterly) Celebrate successes with care team!! Don’t forget the patients
Key Messages Identify resources for data analytics and reporting.
Create Quality Super-Users and identify the practice site Physician Champion. Provide a multi-tiered approach to education Resident Education
Resources CPC+ connect portal CPC+ groups CPC+ residency group
Regional learning Webinars and in person meetings AAFP resources
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