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Exploring Branch Prediction

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1 Exploring Branch Prediction
Aditya Akella Shuchi Chawla Jia-Yu Pan

2 A Framework for Branch Prediction

3 Dividing Streams First level: per branch substream Finer decomposition
Branch pattern history Global pattern history Global path history 1011… 1110… (b1,1)(b2,1)(b2,1)… Loop1: addq r1, r2, r3 addq r2, r4, r5 loop 2: subq r2,r3,r5 beq r5, loop2 bne r5, loop1 Executes twice

4 Path vs Pattern As expected, path history provides better correlation

5 Predictors Static vs Dynamic Adapt to changing bias Biased stream:
Majority prediction Adapt to changing bias Damping: 2 (or more) – bit predictor Is more better? Static is better on a large number of branches But, dynamic far outperforms static on the rest Adaptive schemes should exploit this

6 Implementation Issues: Limited space
Many branches map to same stream: Aliasing Mostly a destructive effect More aggressive schemes may not be necessarily better

7 gshare GAs  6 bits branch identifier 6 bits history
concatenate 6 bits history 12 bits stream identifier 12 bits branch identifier 12 bit history 12 bits stream identifier truncate to 1024 streams

8 Implementation Issues: Limited space
Many branches map to same stream: Aliasing Mostly a destructive effect More aggressive schemes may not be necessarily better

9 Cross-procedure Correlation
Some static prediction schemes “forget” history on returning from a procedure call Fun_call: if (x>0) return(1); else return(0); Main: a = fun_call(); if (a>0) goto… Direction taken by the branch inside the procedure completely specifies the direction taken by the branch outside

10 Branch Prediction Using Data Values
Traditional approach Local history information Global path and history information Reducing table interference (better indexing) Use PCs and branch outcomes as input Do not contain all the information Misprediction!!

11 How can one improve prediction of such branches?
Use Data Values!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 How to Use Data Values Speculative branch execution
Second scheme was chosen Lower-latency prediction Some branches can use combined predictions Solution avoids data value prediction Using data values directly

13 Design Problems… (1) Large number of data values to store…
Soln – store their difference Branch Difference Predictor (BDP) Backing Predictor predicts most cases REP predicts the small remaining subset Fringe cases with exceptional outcomes VHT provides ‘tag-check’.

14 Design Problems… (2) Delay in updating data values
Out-of-order execution, pipeline latencies BDC -- most recently committed branch difference (indexed by branch PC) BCT -- count of the outstanding instances Staleness of the data value Operation Branch Fetch : Increment counter Branch Commit : Reset counter and update difference cache REP replacement policy Replace least successful entries Randomly ignore a chunk of mispredictions

15 Search for a good predictor design
Paper: “A Language for Describing Predictors and its Application to Automatic Synthesis”

16 Designing a predictor Components of a predictor
Counters and History More? Formulate as a search problem How?

17 Search the design space
Representation Feedback Loop Model + Primitives P[w,d](I;U) => parse tree Feedback/ Update (U) d Input Index (I) Prediction (P) w

18 Examples Onebit[d](PC;T) Counter[n,d](I;T) Twobit[d](PC;T)
=P[1,d](PC; T) Counter[n,d](I;T) = P[n,d](I; if T then P+1 else P-1) Twobit[d](PC;T) =MSB(Counter[2,d](PC;T))

19 Genetic Programming Process Operations on parse trees
Population, Evaluation, Selection and populate next generation Operations on parse trees Replication, Crossover, Mutation, Encapsulation

20 Discussion Comparable good prediction accuracy
Complex but new components Rediscover counters and local/global histories Predictors for other purposes, e.g. indirect jump target prediction

21 End Comments? Thank you.

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