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Evolutionary AI For Settlers Of Catan

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Presentation on theme: "Evolutionary AI For Settlers Of Catan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolutionary AI For Settlers Of Catan
Lior Guz And Itay Ariav Advisor: Prof Moshe Sipper.

2 Settlers Of Catan 2-4 players Stochastic partially observable
Over 10^30 board setups Up to a thousand possible moves per turn.

3 Evolution Goal: best game state evaluation function. How:
Random Gen 0 Goal: best game state evaluation function. How: represent each function as a tree of game parameters. Use genetic programming and survival of the fittest to search for optimal solution. Calculate fitness Selection Crossover & mutation

4 Evolution operators Crossover Mutation B A C D X Y Z X Y Z X Y Z X Y Z

5 Our Player Amount of Resource owned If Owns port + * My longest road
Reachable clear vertexes If then Num Leader Resources Blocked Ore Sheep 2 Highest points in game Most common resource in game Can buy road Least produced resource Variety of resources Average resource production Can buy settlement

6 Results 51.04% 14.17% 34.79% 0% Evolved Player MCTS Player
Human written AI Random Player 51.04% 14.17% 34.79% 0%

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