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Advisor: Chin-Chen Chang1, 2

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1 Advisor: Chin-Chen Chang1, 2
The study of segmentation and hiding techniques for medical images 醫學影像之切割與隱藏技術之研究 Advisor: Chin-Chen Chang1, 2 Student: Pei-Yan Pai2 1 Dept. of Information Engineering and Computer Science, Feng Chia University 2 Dept. of Computer Science, National Tsing Hua University

2 Outline Part I: Image segmentation Part II: Image hiding
Adaptable threshold detector (ATD) Part II: Image hiding An ROI-based medical image hiding method

3 Part I: Image segmentation
Adaptable threshold detector (ATD)

4 Introduction Image segmentation Thresholding method
Segment interested object Medical image processing, pattern recognition, etc. Thresholding method Simple and effective Otsu’s thresholding method (OTM) Threshold=156 Cervical smear image Gray-level histogram Contoured image Binary image

5 Motivation Drawbacks of Otsu’s thresholding method
The failed threshold The cluster with a larger variance A larger quantity of data. Threshold is 153 by using OTM Optimal threshold is 156 Cervical smear image Gray-level histogram The contour obtained by using OTM

6 Motivation (cont.) Drawbacks of Otsu’s thresholding method (cont.)
The fixed threshold Original image Cytoplast Nucleus Result by using OTM

7 Otsu’s thresholding method (OTM)
Minimizes within-class variance L=255 P: Probability σ2: Variance Select threshold by using OTM Optimal threshold Select threshold by using OTM Optimal threshold C1 C2 C1 C2 255 Gray-level Gray-level 255

8 The principle of adaptable threshold detector (ATD)
SD: Standard deviation R: Group interval C1 C1 C2 50 170 210 255 RC1 RC2 170-50=120 =40 Within-class standard deviation (WCSD) One threshold Multi-thresholds

9 Genetic-based parameter detector (GBPD) (1/2)
A chromosome Fitness function Takes average “misclassification error” (ME), “modified Hausdorff distance” (MHD), or “relative foreground area error” (RAE) as the measure of fitness Selection operator Randomly select N optimal chromosomes from reserved chromosomes N and 2×N’ chromosomes generated in the mutation and crossover operations |s1|=|s2|=14, gap1 = gap2 = 0.1, r1 = 0.1×4 = 0.4 r2 = 0.1×6 = 0.6 ni: The number of 1-bits in ith substring gapi: The maximal estimate errors of ri

10 Genetic-based parameter detector (GBPD) (2/2)
Mutation operator Crossover operator

11 Experimental results (1/18)
The parameters in GBPD : |s1|=|s2|=40, N=N´=40, and gap1=gap2=0.1 Compared methods: Otsu’s threholding method1 (OTM) Valley-emphasis method2 (VEM) Minimum class variance thresholding method3 (MCVTM) 1Otsu, N., “A threshold selection method from gray-level histograms,” IEEE Transactions of Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, vol. 9, no. 1, pp.62-66, 1979. 2Ng, H. F., “Automatic thresholding for defect detection,” Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 27, no. 14, pp , 2006. 3Hou, Z., Hu, Q., and Nowinski, W. L., “On minimum variance thresholding,” Pattern Recognition letters, vol. 27, no. 14, pp , 2006.

12 Experimental results (2/18)
Four 182×182 test images Image 1 Gray-level histogram of Image 1 Image 2 Gray-level histogram of Image 2 Gray-level histogram of Image 4 Image 3 Gray-level histogram of Image 3 Image 4

13 Experimental results (3/18)
r1 = 2.2 and r2 = 2.0, train images: 1, 4

14 Experimental results (4/18)
(a) ME (b) RAE (c) MHD

15 Experimental results (5/18)
Three 128×128 test images Image 1 Gray-level histogram of Image 1 Image 2 Gray-level histogram of Image 2 Image 3 Gray-level histogram of Image 3

16 Experimental results (6/18)
r1 = 2.2 and r2 = 0, train images: 1, 2

17 Experimental results (7/18)
(a) ME (b) RAE (c) MHD

18 Experimental results (8/18)
Eight 128×128 test images (cervical smear images) Image 1 Gray-level histogram of Image 1 Image 2 Gray-level histogram of Image 2 Image 3 Gray-level histogram of Image 3 Image 4 Gray-level histogram of Image 4 Image 5 Gray-level histogram of Image 5 Image 6 Gray-level histogram of Image 6 Image 7 Gray-level histogram of Image 7 Image 8 Gray-level histogram of Image 8

19 Experimental results (9/18)
r1 = 2.0 and r2 = 0.8, train images: 1, 2, 5, 6

20 Experimental results (10/18)
(a) ME (b) RAE (c) MHD

21 Experimental results (11/18)
Two 128×128 cervical smear images add 1%, 1.5%, and 2% of Gaussian noises (GN). Image 1(GN=1%) Gray-level histogram of Image 1(GN=1%) Image 1(GN=1.5%) Gray-level histogram of Image 1(GN=1.5%) Image 1(GN=2%) Gray-level histogram of Image 1(GN=2%) Image 7(GN=1%) Gray-level histogram of Image 7(GN=1%) Image 7(GN=1.5%) Gray-level histogram of Image 7(GN=1.5%) Image 7(GN=2%) Gray-level histogram of Image 7(GN=2%)

22 Experimental results (12/18)
r1 = 2.0 and r2 = 0.8

23 Experimental results (13/18)
(a) PSNR (b) ME (c) RAE (d) MHD

24 Experimental results (14/18)
Eight 128×128 test images (cervical smear images)

25 Experimental results (15/18)
r1 = 2.9 and r2 = 1.7, train images: 1, 2, 5, 6

26 Experimental results (16/18)
(a) ME (b) RAE Average segmentation errors using ME, RAE, and MHD as fitness Method ME RAE MHD ATD using ME ATD using RAE ATD using MHD OTM VEM MCVTM (c) MHD

27 Experimental results (17/18)
Two 256×256 pixel blood smear images Image 1 Gray-level histogram of Image 1 Image 2 Gray-level histogram of Image 2 r1 = 2.9 and r2 = 1.7, train image: 1

28 Experimental results (18/18)
(a) ME (b) RAE (c) MHD

29 Part II: Image hiding An ROI-based medical image hiding method

30 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain image
Introduction Image hiding Embedding phase Embedding Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain image Stego-image Secret data 0101.. Extracting phase Irreversible image hiding Secret data 0101.. Extracting Reversible image hiding Stego-image MRI brain image

31 Motivation ROI Irreversible V.S. reversible image hiding methods
High embedding capacity Cannot competently restore the cover image Reversible Limited embedding capacity The cover image can be recovered without any distortion Medical image properties ROI (Region of interesting) Background is unimportant Goals Automatically segment ROI Increase embedding capacity ROI MRI brain image

32 Flowchart of proposed method
Secret data 0101.. Embedding ROI Reversible image hiding ATD Irreversible image hiding Non-ROI MRI brain image ROI segmented image Stego-image

33 The proposed method (1/9)
ROI segmentation ATD T* Record the coordinates as secret data MRI brain image Its gray-level histogram Binary image ROI image

34 The proposed method (2/9) -Embedding phase
Non-ROI Simple LSB substitution (SLSB) Simple Good stego-image quality 8 15 3 10 5 7 1 255 154 156 155 152 151 153 146 4 2 150 178 6 Secret data …. k=3 7 1 2 Case 2 Case 1 Case 3

35 The proposed method (3/9) -Embedding phase
ROI High payload frequency-based reversible image hiding (HPFRIH) method LL HL 255 154 156 155 152 151 153 146 150 178 255 153.5 154 151.25 -1 0.5 1.25 152.75 153.25 0.75 0.25 154.25 151.75 -0.75 -1.25 153 158.25 -6.5 1.5 -0.5 1.75 1 -2.25 -0.25 -1.5 -6.75 7 One-level HDWT ROI LH HH

36 The proposed method (4/9) -Embedding phase
Rules: 1. I(x, y) < 2k′ then I′ (x, y)=I(x, y)+2k′ and BM[x, y] = 1 2. I(x, y) >255-2k′ then I′ (x, y)=I(x, y)-2k′ and BM[x, y] = 1 3. Otherwise I′ (x, y)=I(x, y) and BM[x, y] = 0 Pre-process Solve underflow/overflow problem 2k′ 255-2k′ k′=3 255 154 156 155 152 151 153 146 150 178 247 154 156 155 152 151 153 146 150 178 1 ROI′ ROI BM

37 The proposed method (5/9) -Embedding phase
HDWT LL HL 247 154 156 155 152 151 153 146 150 178 247 153.5 154 151.25 -1 0.5 1.25 152.75 153.25 0.75 0.25 154.25 151.75 -0.75 -1.25 153 158.25 -6.5 1.5 -0.5 1.75 1 -2.25 -0.25 -1.5 -6.75 7 One-level HDWT ROI LH HH

38 The proposed method (6/9) -Embedding phase
247 153.5 154 151.25 -1 0.5 1.25 152.75 153.25 0.75 0.25 154.25 151.75 -0.75 -1.25 153 158.25 -6.5 1.5 -0.5 1.75 1 -2.25 -0.25 -1.5 -6.75 7 247 153.5 154 151.25 -1 0.5 1.25 152.75 153.25 0.75 0.25 154.25 151.75 -0.75 -1.25 153 158.25 -6.5 1.5 -0.5 1.75 1 -2.25 -0.25 -1.5 -6.75 7 IHDWT ROI′′ HHS HHI′ HHD HHS HHI HHD 1 1 2 7 0.25 0.75 0.5 k′-LSBs of matrix HHI k′=3 0: 1: ED={ } + BM Bits to be hidden: 001 LSBs replacement Adaptive arithmetic coding Compressed data + Secret bits

39 The proposed method (7/9) -Extracting phase
Non-ROI extracting phase Take k-LSBs of a pixel in non-ROI as secret data EX: k=3 I′ (x, y)=7= Secret data

40 The proposed method (8/9) -Extracting phase
ROI extracting phase k′=3 247 153.5 154 151.25 -1 0.5 1.25 152.75 153.25 0.75 0.25 154.25 151.75 -0.75 -1.25 153 158.25 -6.5 1.5 -0.5 1.75 1 -2.25 -0.25 -1.5 -6.75 7 HDWT 247 153.5 154 151.25 -1 0.5 1.25 152.75 153.25 0.75 0.25 154.25 151.75 -0.75 -1.25 153 158.25 -6.5 1.5 -0.5 1.75 1 -2.25 -0.25 -1.5 -6.75 7 IHDWT ROI′′ ROI′ HHS HHI′ HHD HHS HHI HHD 1 1 2 7 0.25 0.75 0.5 k′-LSBs of matrix HHI′ ED={ } BM Adaptive arithmetic decoding Compressed data + Secret bits

41 The proposed method (9/9) -Extracting phase
Rules: IF I′(x, y) < 22k′ and BM[x, y] = 1 I(x, y)=I′(x, y)-2k′ and BM[x, y] = 1 Else if 255-22k′<I′(x, y) ≤ 255 then I′(x, y)=I′(x, y)+2k′ and BM[x, y] = 1 Else I′(x, y)=I′(x, y) and BM[x, y] = 0 ROI extracting phase (cont.) k′=3 247 154 156 155 152 151 153 146 150 178 1 255 154 156 155 152 151 153 146 150 178 ROI′ BM ROI

42 Experimental results (1/5)
The performances of HPFRIH method The stego-images of “Lena” and “Baboon” Image size: 512 ×512 k′=3 (a) Lena (PSNR=36.24) (b) Baboon (PSNR=36.33)

43 Experimental results (2/5)
The performances of HPFRIH method (cont.) Table 1. The performance comparison among the different reversible image hiding methods PHC: Pure hiding capacity

44 Experimental results (3/5)
The performances of proposed method Image size: 256 ×256 The test images

45 Experimental results (4/5)
The performances of proposed method (cont.) r1 = 2.0 and r2 = 0.8 r1 = 2.0 and r2 = 1.7 The stego-images (k=k′=3)

46 Experimental results (5/5)
The performances of proposed method (cont.) The PSNRs and Rs of ROI-based and other image hiding methods

47 Conclusions and future works
The adaptable threshold detector (ATD) Overcome the drawbacks of OTM Good performance Adaptation An ROI-based medical image hiding method High embedding capacity ROI can be completely restored Future works Image segmentation Cell counting Cell segmentation Image hiding for medical image Increase embedding capacity Apoptosis Fluorescence microscopic image

48 Thanks for your attention...

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