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Chapter 13 – Theory of Evolution

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1 Chapter 13 – Theory of Evolution
Evidence & Examples

2 Lamarck Hypothesis Over the lifetime of an individual, features enlarge based on use and reduce in size based on no use “Physical conditions of life” = the organism’s natural environment’ conditions

3 Darwin & Galápagos Islands
Observations of Finches – originally from South America and adapted after the move This change is known as “descent with modification”

4 Natural Selection and Evolution
Natural selection plays a major role in passing on favorable traits to the future generations These traits become adaptations needed for the population to survive

5 Inherited variation exists in every population
Darwin’s Theory Inherited variation exists in every population Some species are better suited to survive and reproduce Favorable traits spread over time in a population through reproduction Fossils provide evidence of evolution

6 Reproductive Isolation
The condition where two populations of the same species do not breed with each other because of geographic separation They are now considered separate species

7 Punctuated Equilibrium
Tempo of Evolution Gradualism Species formation from gradual changes Punctuated Equilibrium A model of evolution with rapid changes with little or no change in between periods

8 Factors of Natural Selection
Based off Darwin’s original ideals Emphasis on changes in the environment Stronger traits = longer survival

9 Lung disease from bacterium
Tuberculosis (TB) Lung disease from bacterium Epidemic in 1993 – bacteria became resistant to antibiotics DNA from non-resistant evolved to adapt to antibiotic environments

10 Darwin’s Finches

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