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Senior Night 2017 Lisa Gastaldi – Director of Counseling, Seniors A-K

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Night 2017 Lisa Gastaldi – Director of Counseling, Seniors A-K"— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Night 2017 Lisa Gastaldi – Director of Counseling, Seniors A-K
Catherine Salley – School Counselor, Seniors L-Z

2 Last year’s acceptances by the numbers…
Clemson USC 26,244 total applications 80 of our students applied 44 accepted (55%) – 26 attending 4.06 SCUGP GPA 1281 average SAT, 28 average ACT 26,013 total applications 95 of our students applied 68 accepted (72%) – 24 attending 3.68 SCUGP GPA 1225 average SAT, 26 average ACT

3 Last year’s #’s continued…
College of Charleston (around) 12,000 total applications 56 of our students applied 35 accepted (63%) – 8 attending 3.85 SCUGP GPA 1223 average SAT, 26 average ACT

4 SAT/ACT/GPA score averages (middle 50%)
Clemson SAT: (average 1310) overall / In-State (average 1295) / 1302 mean score ACT: (overall and in-state) / 29.2 mean score Average GPA: 4.64 (in-state) USC SAT: (average 1254) overall ACT: (average 27.3) Average GPA: 4.04 (overall) CofC SAT: (average 1170) overall ACT: (average 24.5) Average GPA: (average 4.23 overall)

5 SAT/ACT/GPA Bridge averages (middle 50%)
Clemson SAT: 1120 ACT: 23 Average GPA: Not known USC SAT: ACT: 20-21 Average GPA: 3.0 SCUGP CofC SAT: 1044 ACT: 22 Average GPA: SCUGP

6 Transcript Request Form (Green Sheet)
Seniors should already be working on their green sheet to turn in, if they have not already Tracking system so counselors know when materials should be sent The next step after turning in the green sheet is to add the colleges they are applying to into Naviance

7 How to add colleges to Naviance
Step 1: The student should log into their Naviance account (we can reset passwords if it is forgotten). Go to the BEHS website, click on Departments, then Counseling Office – the link to Naviance sign-in page is on our homepage Step 2: Click on the “Colleges” tab Step 3: Click on “Colleges I’m applying to” Step 4: Click on “Add colleges to this list” – they will need to indicate if they are applying RD, EA, ED, Rolling, etc. and request their transcript to be sent Side Note: If applying to Common App schools they will need to match their common app account to their Naviance account. There is a video link of how to do this on the homepage of Naviance.

8 College applications October is college application month
All apps should be started (not necessarily completed) by the end of October Be aware of application deadlines – ED, EA, Priority, RD, Rolling, etc. The green sheet and Naviance (or your counselor) will help with knowing when deadlines are Keep up with your deadlines and don’t wait until the last minute to apply!

9 Application Deadlines
Early Regular USC – Oct. 15th CofC – ED Nov. 1 / EA Dec. 1 Furman – ED Nov. 1 / EA Nov. 1 Wofford – ED Nov. 1 / EA Nov. 15 Clemson – Dec. 1 (Priority) Decisions must be made by May 1 USC – Dec. 1st CofC – Feb. 15th (formerly Feb. 1st) Furman – Jan. 15th Wofford – Jan. 15th (formerly Feb. 1st) Clemson – N/A (Priority 12/1) Decisions must be made by May 1

10 College applications – up to 3 different ways to apply
One way to apply is directly through the institution using the college’s website Will need to create an account with a user name and password Keep up with all college info / log-ins in a college folder or binder! Common Application Schools – mostly private schools ( Coalition Application Schools – Clemson & USC ( Advice – please have someone read personal statements Don’t wait until the night before! Be prepared for the cost (around $50 - $100 per application)

11 Transcripts *SCUGP transcripts are sent to all in-state colleges
*Green Sheet is important for us to send materials *Please consult Naviance to see if transcripts have been sent

12 Transcript requests… Please call the individual colleges if you believe your transcript has not been sent or received. Here is an admissions rep from USC (Southern California) in their admissions office transcript room!

13 Teacher recommendations
State Schools – not required but can be submitted Private Schools – required, number determined by college Teachers are suppose to cover the characteristics of the student within the classroom environment Students must ask teachers first Some teachers ask for students to provide a form or resume Students must then invite teachers via Naviance Should allow teachers two to three weeks to complete before the deadline

14 Counselor recommendations
State Schools – not required but can be submitted Private Schools – Common Application required Counselors cover the student as a social being within the context of the class Counselors meet with students approximately 40 minutes for interview Parent questionnaire is sent home Counselors may consult teachers, coaches or club advisors for more information Should allow counselors two to three weeks to complete before the deadline All letters of recommendation should remain confidential!

15 SAT / ACT scores Must be sent directly from The College Board or ACT to each of the colleges Can send scores to 4 schools during registration process for free – we recommend this! SAT /ACT score report cost is $12 per school to send after the test date Official Scores cannot come from Bishop England

16 South Carolina Lottery Scholarships
Palmetto Fellows: $6,700 Criteria: must meet all 1400 SAT / 32 ACT 4.0 on SCUGP - OR - 1200 SAT / 27 ACT 3.5 on SCUGP through Junior year Top 6% from SCUGP Dec. 15th deadline to submit paperwork Life Scholarship: $5,000 Criteria: must meet 2 out of 3 1100 SAT / 24 ACT 3.0 on SCUGP Top 30% from SCUGP Hope Scholarship: $2,800 Criteria: for one year only (then gets bumped up to the Life if criteria met) 3.0 on SCUGP alone *Enhancement for Math & Science Majors – Life recipients possible $2500 extra, Palmetto recipients possible $3300 extra. Must complete 14 hours in Math/Science during first year, eligible for next year.

17 Scholarships We have many scholarships listed on the Counseling webpage! Announcements are made but it is up to the student to seek them out and apply before the deadlines. There are also hundreds of search engines that students can use to find scholarships through. Examples include:

18 Naviance Updates Student responsibilities:
Senior Acceptances, denials, waitlist – We would like copies of all acceptance letters for our file. Scholarships – We would like copies of ALL SCHOLARSHIPS students receive (whether they accept or not) Update Acceptances/Denials – in Naviance This information is collected for graduation program and Naviance Scattergrams

19 Upcoming college reps visiting BE (students must sign-up through Naviance the day before to be able to attend)

20 Senioritis/Free Period Privileges
Senioritis is a real thing! Please keep encouraging your students to do their best this year. Seniors failing a class: Any senior who fails a class for the first semester will lose his/her free period privileges and be placed in a study hall. These privileges MAY be reinstated at the school counselor’s discretion upon demonstration of significant academic progress (as noted on the third quarter report card). It is the responsibility of the student to request the academic review at the end of the third quarter.

21 Save the Date Financial Aid Night: Wednesday, Oct. 6:30 PM (PAC) Prior/Prior & FAFSA due dates are moved up for every college (Start October 1) Upcoming monthly College Board webinar events for parents: October = Paying for College (Oct. 2nd) & College Apps 101 for Parents (Oct. 12th) Each webinar lasts 1 hour Senior Retreat: Wednesday, Oct. 11th Parent-Teacher Conferences: Friday, Oct. 20 from 1-4 PM

22 Thank you for coming! Questions?
Lisa Gastaldi (Seniors A – K) Catherine Salley (Seniors L – Z) Ext. 123 Ext. 124

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