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Welcome Class of 2017 October 3 class meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Class of 2017 October 3 class meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Class of 2017 October 3 class meeting

2 A lot of information is coming your way this year!
Sign Up for REMIND texts! To this number: 81010 Don’t miss out on important information!

3 Steps to graduation in June 2017
1. Pass your classes! a. Attendance b. Stay caught up with class work. c. Communicate with your teachers 2. Finish up state testing requirements a. Re-testing SBAC ELA (Oct31, Nov2) Math (Nov 7,9) Science (Jan) b. COE classes - work hard in these classes! c. Testing alternatives, ACT/SAT? 3. Missing credit requirements MUST be Completed a. AVENTA credit retrieval – your job to come ask counselor! b. Some teachers offer extended semester- your job to ask teacher. 4. High School and Beyond Plan signed, turned in to counselor. YOU WILL NOT WALK ON JUNE 3 IF ALL THESE REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT MET

4 Steps to college next year!
Submit your FAFSA/WASFA SAT/ACT testing Apply to colleges Apply for scholarships Meet all deadlines! Finish senior year strong!

5 step1. Submit your FAFSA/WASFA
On October 1, 2016 the FAFSA/WASFA became available online for students applying for Financial aid for the school year October 3 (today) there is help with the FAFSA/WASFA available from 1-7pm in the Upper C Wing computer lab. Bring your parents and your family’s 2015 tax information and get started! Oct 4 5-8pm there is also help available at CBC in the W building You and your parent will need to create a FSA ID prior to submitting your FAFSA. It is VERY important that you submit your FAFSA/WASFA as soon as possible! Colleges have financial aid priority dates, if you turn in your FAFSA late, the college will have started awarding the money they have available to other students. Some school deadlines are as soon as December 1 (Whitworth, PLU).

6 step2. SAT/ACT Testing If you are planning on applying to a 4 year University you will need a set of SAT or ACT scores to submit with your application. Gear Up is once again offering to pay for our seniors who have a 2.5 or higher GPA to take the SAT. The deadline to sign up for this opportunity is October 21 – the test date will be Dec. 3 Please see Mr. Brown in student services to sign up. If you have questions about how to register for the SAT or ACT you can go see Mr. Brown in student services. October 7 is the registration deadline for the Nov. 5 SAT test date.

7 We are here to answer questions and assist you.
step3. Apply to colleges. You need to be aware that the 4 year colleges have deadlines for applying. Some colleges take applications after a ‘priority’ deadline, but many do not- such as UW, Gonzaga. Right now you should be checking out the website of schools you are planning on applying to, looking up their application deadline, their financial aid deadline, look over their application itself, and figure out how to get your SAT/ACT scores and high school transcript sent to them. START NOW! We are here to answer questions and assist you.

8 step4. Apply for Scholarship $
The first place you should check is the list Mr. Brown organizes. These are the local scholarships that are meant for our local students. You can access this list through the CHS website – students- Scholarships, College Information, and More. Or, go see Mr. Brown!! Check with the colleges you’re planning on attending, many offer scholarships for high school GPA or major interest area. Have your parents check with their place of employment, some companies offer scholarships to employees children. See Mr. Brown for list of national scholarships and websites to help you with national searches.

9 step5. Meet all deadlines!!
All of these steps to college involve dates and deadlines! Make your self aware of the deadlines you need to meet this year and meet them!! It is very sad to miss out on an opportunity because you didn’t know or you missed the deadline!

10 Gear Up Gear Up is also available to help seniors get to college! Take advantage of the help they offer! Go visit them in the Upper D Wing during Hawktime for help!

11 Other dates to know right now:
10/3 FAFSA Night! Upper C Wing, 1-7pm for FAFSA/WASFA help 10/14 Jostens Rep will be here at CHS for initial ordering info. 10/ CHS Open House College & Career Fair 5-7pm 10/19 ASVAB Testing for all Seniors 12/16 Senior Pictures due to yearbook.

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