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Buzzing with CreativiBEE

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Presentation on theme: "Buzzing with CreativiBEE"— Presentation transcript:

1 Buzzing with CreativiBEE
District Convention 2015 GD Coordinator Tina Bui, DTE Ashley Chen, & DNE Kevin Chu Buzzing with CreativiBEE

2 You are a CREATIVE

3 What’s the goal? To promote Key Club and its objects through effective, purposeful, and elegant graphics and design.

4 Why are Graphics important?
Used to promote club, division, district, and International initiatives. Unique and eye catching for the members An effective graphics contains these elements: Unique, eye-catching Simple, concise, and clear Correct information Avoids confusion Follows CNH Graphics Standards Graphics are utilized to help promote club, division, district, and international initiatives. They present information in a unique and eye-catching way, while keeping it simple. An effective graphics contains these elements – Unique, eye-catching Simple, concise, and clear Correct information Avoids confusion Follows CNH Graphics Standards

5 What are Graphic Standards?
Guide formatting of publications and graphics Keep publications consistent Clubs required to follow both KCI and District Standards Enhance the appearance and professionalism of documents Brand and promote Key Club materials The California-Nevada-Hawaii District Graphic Standards were created to help format publications and graphics in the club, division, and district level. Graphic Standards can keep publications consistent and in unity. Not only does it enhance the appearance of a document, but it can also make it look professional. The CNH District requires clubs to follow Key Club International and District Graphic Standards. Using CNH’s Graphic Standards will help brand and promote Key Club materials.

6 General Guidelines Six Key Club family fonts
Pencil must be utilized in all official Key Club documents Logos and word marks must remain proportional Key Club Color Palette Fonts: Type Font Matters! It is easy to think that type font doesn’t matter. We read text all the time and have become very accustomed to focusing on the content or message of the words themselves and not what the words look like visually. In branding, the visual appearance of words themselves can have just as much effect on how a document is received as the content itself. Pencil: The pencil must reach across the full width of the document Only text can overlay the pencil (no logos!) The text must also be aligned to the left side of the document Pencil must be facing right Multiple pencils cannot be on top of each other The pencil can only placed on the top of the page The pencil must be horizontal The pencil must be on the first page of all Key Club documents. This does not include graphics, info graphics, and media You can download the pencil on the Cyberkey Logos: 1⁄2” away from the left side of the document Center the logo between the top of the pencil and the page The Logo can either be in its original colors or black & white The CNH logo will follow Key Club International’s rules for its logo: a) Minimum seal print size = .75 inches or 54 pixels wide b) The width of the outer circle is the minimum space that can surround the logo CNH District Map Logo Colors: The pencil, header, footer, and borders must be one of the 10 colors from the KCI Pallet found on the KCI Branding Guide. Details (i.e. graphics, subtitles, body text) can be customized Color codes are used in various ways such as PMS (banners & t-shirts), CMYK (brochure & newsletters), RGB (online/electronic use)

7 How can I still BEE creative?
Accent fonts Add your own style and customize the fonts on your graphics Different colors for details Graphics Subtitles Body text BEE graphics Utilize photos Although Graphic Standards can be limiting, you can still BEE creative by using customizing your accent fonts, using different colors for details, and adding bee graphics to your publication.

8 Accent fonts are cool This is Century Gothic This is neat too


10 vis·u·al noun. /ˈviZH(əw)əl/. 1. A picture illustrating something. 2
vis·u·al noun. /ˈviZH(əw)əl/ 1. A picture illustrating something. 2. Your photos of service!

11 Storytelling with Photos
Make them want to BEE there! Quality, in-focus visuals Utilize talented photographers around you (give credit!) Key Club in action No selfies please!


13 Publications Putting it all Together
Newsletters, posters, ads Bookmarks, brochures, banners, pins Promote & distribute! Inform those who weren’t at an event Educate members on initiatives Provide contact information


15 Club, Division, District, and International updates
Oxford Academy Key Club, Walking on Sunshine

16 Service projects, past and future
Franklin Key Club, Monster Bits & Bites

17 Scrapbook/Year-In-Review
Document the Key Club year Take pictures at each service project & event Use a theme to match your Year-In-Review Enter the Year-In-Review District and International Contest! Ideal volunteer role for artistic members Keep your Year-In-Review as a Key Club “Yearbook”

18 Social Media Resources
Use graphics provided by the CNH District Promote District and International events to your members

19 Get to Know… Resources! Your District Editors
Your Graphics Department Coordinator Your Division News Editor

20 ? ? Questions? Comments? Concerns? Go for it!

21 Acknowledgements The CNH Key Club District would like to acknowledge the following individuals who have contributed to this presentation over the years. Tina Bui, Graphics Department Coordinator Kevin Chu, District News Editor Ashley Chen, District Tech Editor

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