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Presentation on theme: "CO-SPONSORSED PITCH COMPETITION FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS"— Presentation transcript:


2 Examples of Pitch Competitions
YEP Business Concept & Elevator Pitch Competition The Conrad Spirit of Innovation Challenge The Company Corporation's Quarterly Business Plan Contest 9/22/2018

3 StartItUp Pitch Competition
To support and encourage the entrepreneurial mindset in youth Qualified participants are in high school with an interest in starting a business or with an idea for a new product Students don't need a business background to compete - they need motivation, passion, and a good idea. Team/finalist selections are held in the spring, followed by the final pitch event in April/May? The competition starts over each school year, meaning that all students are eligible to compete regardless of whether they previously received a prize (using the same idea or a new name) 9/22/2018

4 Recruitment Objectives
Pitch Event activities (representation from schools in after-reception) Other faculty involvement prior to the event? Scholarships as prizes 9/22/2018

5 Seton Hall Step 1: Submit your Idea Step 2: Pitch Your Idea Ten finalists will be selected to present their business ideas to a panel of judges Step 3: Win Prizes and Recognition! 1st Place Winner: $2,500 cash prize. Plus $10,000 scholarship to attend Seton Hall University ($2,500 annually) 2nd Place Winner: $1,000 cash prize. Plus $6,000 scholarship to attend Seton Hall University ($1,500 annually) All other Finalists will receive a $4,000 scholarship to attend Seton Hall University ($1,000 annually) Finalists who present in person and their families will also be invited to a congratulatory reception on campus immediately following the event where they will meet with Corporate Executives and successful Entrepreneurs, providing an exclusive opportunity for networking and advice. 9/22/2018

6 Open-Entry Model Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Screening/ Finalist Selection
Individual Entries Accepted Stage 1 Screening/ Finalist Selection Stage 2 Final Pitch Event Stage 3 9/22/2018

7 School-Centered Model
Competition Event School Level Competition 1 School Level Competition 2 School Level Competition 3 School Level Competition X, etc. PRIZE AMOUNT? $3000? 1st Place $1500? 2nd Place $750? 3rd Place $500? Audience Vote? 9/22/2018

8 Fun Extras? 9/22/2018

9 Partners/Sponsors Resources and support for coaching/marketing, etc.
Economic Development Corporation? Chamber of Commerce? Elevate Ventures? Curriculum/Process Dreamapolis? VERGE? Speakeasy? Expenses and Prizes Workbooks? Trophies, T-Shirts, etc.? 9/22/2018

10 Process Overview Recruit schools to participate and organize onsite process for selecting finalists (or semi—finalists?) Select applicants will move on as finalists to give a 3-minute elevator pitch and compete for cash! Host finalists at location central to the Greater Indy area (IUPUI) 12-16 maximum participants (3 min pitch and 2- min Q&A?) (will equal hour event) Allow visuals/props? 9/22/2018

11 Basic Conceptual Model
School-centered model—with “scholastic bowl” or modeled along the “robotics” team competitions. Market to selected schools and get “buy-in” (10-12 preferable) Select at least one teacher/mentor to lead school finalist selection Recruit at least 2 community volunteers to work as business mentors for each school Finalists selected representing each school Provide schools with a set of suggested processes and activities to prepare the students Standardize entry submission materials Competition Event at IUPUI with finalists 9/22/2018

12 Overview of Rules Individuals or teams can participate? (up to four members per presentation team?). Scholarships an option for teams? All applicants will be notified within one week of the application deadline. Students selected to compete will receive additional information detailing next steps Students are encouraged to work on classroom projects as well as their own. If a class has come up with a business together, no more than 4 students to represent the classroom while pitching. Finalists may use marketing materials, prototypes, products. etc. ? (No slides though) Students will receive prizes (e.g., represent this as seed capital to go to starting up or growing the business)? Or schools? 9/22/2018

13 Executive Summary or Pitch Book
Product/service description —promote what is unique about the business idea. What problem is being solved? How is the business solving the problem? Describe key management personnel, including skills and experience—what makes the team qualified to start/run this business? Competitive analysis & advantage—describe competitors. Identify competitive advantage. (For example: price, quality, unique features & benefits, distribution, marketing/advertising, strengths/weaknesses) Target market—who is the customer and what are their needs? How will customers get the product? Business revenue model—how will the business generate a profit/make money? What's the next step for the business--how will you use the seed capital if you win? 9/22/2018

14 Operational Model Biz/Innovation club structure w/coaching sessions
Motivation and Inspiration: Profiles of Young Entrepreneurs Student Business Planning Template & Exercises Pitch Skills coaching Participating teachers/volunteer coaches organize a six-week coaching series, during which students form teams, come up with a business idea and then learn about topics such as market research and financial projections. With the help of mentors from the business community, the students create six-page business plans that are later distilled into a 10-slide slide deck and three-minute pitch. The students will be “ screened” at the school level to make to the finals, which will be judged by a panel and whose winner will take home prize money 9/22/2018

15 Educational Format Business mentor/coach volunteers Teacher Mentors
Training or coordination? Guidelines for schools to select finalists Curriculum? Is there something available through some existing track (state business assistance, etc.)? Materials and activities 9/22/2018

16 Other Issues? Legal? Final Event Process
Taxation obligations for prizes? Parental consent? Volunteer management? Final Event Process Marketing? Audience attendance? Idea Pitch model—or business venture/product ideas only? 9/22/2018


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