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8th Grade Individual Graduation Plan (IGP)

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1 8th Grade Individual Graduation Plan (IGP)
Spring 2016

2 Individual Graduation Plan (IGP)
An IGP is a road map that guides students toward their education, career, and employment goals IGPs include general graduation requirements, as well as coursework and out-of-classroom learning opportunities related to a student’s chosen cluster of study IGPs help students align high school courses with your child’s personal and/or career interests and goals

3 Naviance

4 Requirements for a High School Diploma
4 English 4 Mathematics 3 Science (Including Biology) 3 Social Studies (Including US History, Economics/Govt.) 1 Computer Science 1 Physical Education or JROTC 1 World Language or Occupational Elective 7 Additional Electives 24 Credits Total Required All freshmen in Lexington 1 are required to take Leadership 21

5 Four-Year Colleges & Universities
4 English 4 Mathematics 3 Lab Sciences 3 Social Studies (Including US History, Economics/Govt.) 1 Computer Science 1 Physical Education or JROTC 2 World Language (some colleges require 3 of the same language – varies by college) 1 Fine Art Additional Electives

6 Attendance Student attendance laws require that students must be present a certain number of days per course to receive credit, provided the student receives a passing grade in the course: In a 45-day course, a student must attend 42 days In a 90-day course, a student must attend 85 days In a 180-day course, a student must attend 170 days

7 ENGLISH FOREIGN LANGUAGE Select one course. May select one course. Teacher Recommendation Only (must sign up for both) French 1 1 unit 361100CW English 1 Seminar Part One (not an English unit) 301104CW French 2 361200CW AND French 2-Accelerated 361202CW English 1 Seminar Part Two 301103CW German 1 362100CW German 2 362200CW English 1 Seminar 301100CW German 2-Accelerated 362202CW English 1 Seminar HN 301100HW Latin 1 363100CW Latin 2 363200CW Spanish 1 365100CW MATH Spanish 2 365200CW Select at least one course. PE / ROTC Intro to Algebra AND 319909CW Algebra 1-Part One 314101CW Badminton/Flag Football 344117CW Pre-Algebra (not a math graduation unit) 319910CW Softball/Archery 344116CW Volleyball/Tennis 344113CW Algebra 1 Part One 314102CW Aerobics/Line Dancing/Tennis 344118CW Algebra 1 Part Two 314200CW Algebra 1 411100CW Prospective Football Players Only Algebra 1 HN 411100HW Football/Weight Training 344104CW Algebra 2 411200CW ROTC 1 375100CW SCIENCE OTHER COURSES Physical Science 321100CW Lexington Technology Center courses are listed Physical Science HN 321100HW on the next page. Child Development 1 580000CW SOCIAL STUDIES Drama 452100CW Drama Embedded(Next Page) Family Life Education 582000CW Law Education 333600CW Financial Fitness (Consumer Ed) 581200CW World Geography Essentials 331001CW Food and Nutrition 582400CW World Geography Seminar 331000CW Housing Interior 1 583000CW World Geography Seminar HN 331000HW Journalism Introduction 305000CW World History Essentials 336003CW Minority Voices in Am. Lit. 309901CW World History Seminar 336000CW Visual Arts Foundations 350100CW World History Seminar Embedded(Next Page) REQUIRED FOR ALL 9TH GRADE STUDENTS (Must select one.) Strategies for Success 339902CW OR English 2 Seminar HN 301200HW Spanish 2-Accelerated 365202CW Algebra 2 HN 411200HW ROTC 2 375200CW Biology 1 Theory HN 322100HW AP World History 337701AW Strategies for Success Embedded (Next Page) 1unit ENGLISH FOREIGN LANGUAGE Select one course. May select one course. Teacher Recommendation Only (must sign up for both) French 1 1 unit 361100CW English 1 Seminar Part One (not an English unit) 301104CW French 2 361200CW AND French 2-Accelerated 361202CW English 1 Seminar Part Two 301103CW German 1 362100CW German 2 362200CW English 1 Seminar 301100CW German 2-Accelerated 362202CW English 1 Seminar HN 301100HW Latin 1 363100CW Latin 2 363200CW Spanish 1 365100CW MATH Spanish 2 365200CW Select at least one course. PE / ROTC Intro to Algebra AND 319909CW Algebra 1-Part One 314101CW Badminton/Flag Football 344117CW Pre-Algebra (not a math graduation unit) 319910CW Softball/Archery 344116CW Volleyball/Tennis 344113CW Algebra 1 Part One 314102CW Aerobics/Line Dancing/Tennis 344118CW Algebra 1 Part Two 314200CW Algebra 1 411100CW Prospective Football Players Only Algebra 1 HN 411100HW Football/Weight Training 344104CW Algebra 2 411200CW ROTC 1 375100CW SCIENCE OTHER COURSES Physical Science 321100CW Lexington Technology Center courses are listed Physical Science HN 321100HW on the next page. Child Development 1 580000CW SOCIAL STUDIES Drama 452100CW Drama Embedded(Next Page) Family Life Education 582000CW Law Education 333600CW Financial Fitness (Consumer Ed) 581200CW World Geography Essentials 331001CW Food and Nutrition 582400CW World Geography Seminar 331000CW Housing Interior 1 583000CW World Geography Seminar HN 331000HW Journalism Introduction 305000CW World History Essentials 336003CW Minority Voices in Am. Lit. 309901CW World History Seminar 336000CW Visual Arts Foundations 350100CW World History Seminar Embedded(Next Page) REQUIRED FOR ALL 9TH GRADE STUDENTS (Must select one.) Strategies for Success 339902CW OR English 2 Seminar HN 301200HW Spanish 2-Accelerated 365202CW Algebra 2 HN 411200HW ROTC 2 375200CW Biology 1 Theory HN 322100HW AP World History 337701AW Strategies for Success Embedded (Next Page) 1unit What is a Credit or Unit? Each semester-long class (GHS, LHS, PHS, WKHS) or year-long class (RBHS) is worth one credit/unit Each 45-day class (GHS, LHS, PHS, WKHS) or semester-long class (RBHS) is worth ½ credit/unit It takes 24 credits to graduate All credits calculate into GPA and Class Rank

8 Types of High School Classes
College Prep (CP) Honors (HN) -Honors classes may receive awarded additional .5 value points toward GPA Advanced Placement (AP) / International Baccalaureate (IB) / Dual Credit -AP, IB and Dual Credit classes may receive awarded additional 1.0 value points toward GPA Virtual School (Lexington One Virtual School or VirtualSC) LTC (Lexington Technology Center)

9 Grade Point Average (GPA)
GPA: Grade points are assigned for each numerical grade (example 85% = 3.0) How is GPA calculated: Each number grade received in a class is associated with a point value. Each point value is averaged together to create a GPA. Class Rank: Class rank is calculated at the end of the academic school year.


11 State Lottery Scholarships and Tuition Assistance
Palmetto Fellows Life Hope Lottery Tuition Assistance SC Need-based Grant Naviance (career & scholarship information) National Scholarship Information **Scholarships are awarded based on GPA, class rank, standardized test scores

12 Curriculum Framework Government & Public Administration Cluster
School of Arts & Humanities School of Business Management & Information Systems School of Engineering, Manufacturing, & Industrial Technologies School of Health Science & Human Services Curriculum Framework Arts & Humanities Cluster Graphics Technology & Animation Journalism & Broadcasting World Languages English Visual Arts Performing Arts Advanced Placement International Baccalaureate *CAS-Multimedia Arts *CAS-World Languages & IB Education & Training Cluster -Teaching & Training Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Cluster *CAS- Advanced Agribusiness Research Agribusiness Systems Natural Resources Systems Architecture & Construction Cluster Architecture Construction *CAS Sustainable Design Manufacturing Cluster Maintenance, Installation, Repair Production Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Cluster *CAS-Advanced STEM Studies Computer Science & Engineering Pre-Engineering & Technology Science Math Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Cluster Automotive Vehicle Service, Maintenance & Body Repair Health Science Cluster Biotechnology Research Diagnostics Services *CAS Public Health & Advanced Medical Studies Therapeutic Services Human Services Cluster Personal Care Services Business Management& Administration Cluster Administration Services, Business Financial Mgmt *CAS-World Languages & International Business Financial Cluster Accounting Hospitality & Tourism Cluster Restaurant, Food/Beverage Services Information Technology Networking Systems Programming & Software Development Marketing Sales & Service Marketing & Management School of Public Services Government & Public Administration Cluster National Security CAS- Law & Global Policy Law, Public Safety & Security Cluster Emergency & Fire Management Law Enforcement Services Legal Services CENTERS FOR ADVANCED STUDY (CAS) *Advanced Agribusiness Research- PHS *Public Health & Advanced Medical Studies- WKHS *Advanced STEM Studies- LTC *World Languages & International Business- LHS *Sustainable Design Solutions GHS *Law & Global Policy Development RBHS *Muti-Media Arts, Design & Production RBHS

13 Change & Flexibility Remember that IGPs are tentative plans. People
can and do change ideas and direction. Changes to an IGP can be made! Likewise, changes to 9th grade course requests can be made after the IGP meeting. Be aware of your child’s high school class change deadline. Academic course recommendations are made by current teachers. This is not a final class schedule. Sometimes high schools need to make changes to requests.

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