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Development of the Colonies post-1650

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1 Development of the Colonies post-1650

2 Middle Colonies

3 New York/New Jersey 1664 – The British seize New Amsterdam
The 1,500 Dutch settlers were allowed to stay 1674 – West Jersey (New Jersey) – Quaker colony Practice faith free from persecution Tolerated other faiths, but promoted their own

4 Pennsylvania Colony (1680)
Proprietary colony – William Penn (devout Quaker) 45,000 acres west of the Delaware Ri. It was established as a place of religious toleration Penn promoted the colony and it attracted people.

5 Quaker Religion George Fox founder Inner Light Unique Beliefs
People are born innately good People were social equals Pacifists Religious toleration Equality of the sexes They believed in being plain Dress Meeting houses where they worshiped No ceremony to their lifestyle

6 Preachers of their Faith
Evangelical Puritans did not appreciate this Mary Dyer She died at the hands of people who, ironically, came to America seeking religious freedom, yet were intolerant of other religions

7 Pennsylvania Economy Farming - weather and soil were good for growing crops like wheat, rye & corn Longer growing season than NE Effective transportation route (Delaware R. ) Traded cattle, iron, grain, flour (America’s 2nd most valuable export) and furs Commerce

8 Government Government led by Quaker leaders (Penn was governor)
Established religious toleration Fair to Natives Denounced slavery Some owned slaves

9 The Scotch-Irish in Pennsylvania
Protestants from the borderlands of England Rough people – moved to wilderness No respect for native cultures The Scotch-Irish had problems dealing with the government Paxton Boys

10 East v. West - The Backcountry
Backcountry populated by poor like Scotch-Irish in all colonies Had to deal with native Americans Eastern capitals out of touch w/ western problems Bacon’s Rebellion William Berkeley

11 First Great Awakening Younger Generation (New lights)
Early 1700s – dry scholarly sermons (old lights) Younger Generation (New lights) Minimize denominations Spoke “off the cuff” about different things Edwards concentrated on damnation: “Sinners at the Hands of an Angry God” George Whitefield about repentance and salvation Major turning point in religious history Involvement of lay- folks in church Denominations brought closer Conduct over creed (personal responsibility) Link between FGA and revolution? .

12 Economic Management of the Colonies
Mercantilism Navigation Acts (1651) - Help manage mercantilist economic system: Examples British captains and crews European nations could not trade directly with the colonies Certain commodities like sugar, tobacco could not be traded to other nations England was a guaranteed market Enforcement was lax up until 1763 Customs officials could be bribed

13 Salutary Neglect England granted American colonies with a great deal of autonomy Robert Walpole Colonists became used to having autonomy, so when Britain tried to rein them in after the F-I War, there were issues.

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