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The need for a Technology Plan at GACA

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1 The need for a Technology Plan at GACA
ITEC 7410 Technology Leadership Ms. Borup November 2013 The need for a Technology Plan at GACA

2 1 2 3 Technology Use will improve Student success Vision SWOT Analysis
Action Plan Developing a technology plan for GACA

3 Vision Why GACA needs a technology plan.
1 Vision Why GACA needs a technology plan. Click here to read a vision for what the technology plan can do to help student success.

4 Summary of Vision Variety of resources
Students can show what they learned in real world work tasks. Students and staff will have access to meaningful digital tools. ISTE NETS-S standards will be followed for projects to ensure meaningful learning tasks. We will include community involvement. We will use screening and data to highlight the root of poor academic achievement in order to focus on solutions to learning challenges (Burns , Riley-Tillman & VanDerHeyden, 2013, p. 5), (VanDerHeyden, 2010). Meaningful digital communication will be utilized for collaboration among all stakeholders. Staff will have access to meaningful training in order to implement the technology learning tasks. This vision includes increased synchronous opportunities for live interaction for students (Roblyer & Doering, 2010, p ). Summary of Vision

5 2 SWOT Analysis Click here to open the SWOT analysis document
Strengths – Weakness – Opportunities - Threats

6 Highlights of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
A well developed technology plan can build on our strengths, work to improve our weaknesses, take advantage of the opportunities, and address the threats. Opportunities Develop a technology skill checklist for students, plan and committee for GACA Differentiated training Stronger Mentor/Mentee program Hardware & software improvements Include community involvement Strength GACA Vision and Mission Connections Education support The Virtual program platform Technology is used daily already Weaknesses Vision and Mission do not include technology No technology plan or PLC Some software and internet issues Not much time for training Threats Staff workload Lack of funding Corporate limits what resources teachers can use for students Negative view of training

7 Action Plan What do we need to do in order to move forward?
3 Action Plan What do we need to do in order to move forward? Click here to view a document outlining an action plan as a starting place.

8 Action Plan Goals Summary of
1. In one year, teachers will be equipped and trained to implement technology in a way that deepens the learning process and helps students develop problem solving skills and real world technology abilities. 2. In one year, students will produce a work sample that shows authentic learning has occurred and technology was used to produce the work sample at least two times per semester in each course. 3. In one year, a technology professional learning community, PLC, will be formed in order to develop a school technology plan that will align to our school mission and vision as well as the NETS essential conditions.

9 ? References: Burns, M., Riley-Tillman, C., & VanDerHeyden, A. (2013). RTI Applications Academic and Behavioral Interventions. (Vol. 1). New York : Guilford Press Roblyer, M. D., & Doering, A. (2010). Integrating EducationalTtechnology into Tteaching . (5th ed.). Allyn & Bacon VanDerHeyden, A. M. (2010). Determining early mathematical risk: Ideas for extending the research. Invited commentary in School Psychology Review, 39, Power Point template credit:

10 Technology Plan for GACA Moving forward with a Technology Plan

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