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Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research

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1 Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research
AMA Collegiate Marketing Research Certificate Program

2 Module Objectives Qualitative and quantitative data offer different problem solving opportunities Provide a broad framework for understanding when each is most appropriate (or equally appropriate)

3 Figure 6.3 A Classification of Marketing Research Data
Secondary Data Primary Data Qualitative Research Quantitative Research Descriptive Causal Survey Data Observational & Other Data Experimental Data

4 Primary Versus Secondary Data
Marketing Research Data Secondary Data Primary Data

5 Primary Data Versus Secondary Data
Primary data – data originated by the researcher for the specific purpose of addressing the research problem Secondary data – data collected for some purpose other than the problem at hand

6 Secondary Data Always start with internal data
The Internet makes secondary data just a click(s) away Electronic databases (D&B, Hoovers, Lexus-Nexus, Ebsco, etc.) Commercial data Check out competitor’s web sites Track online forums, reviews, etc.

7 Primary Data The heart and soul of research companies who are hired to collect, analyze and interpret new data Sometimes people mix up qualitative (less structured) and quantitative (structured) data. BOTH can be primary data

8 Primary Data

9 Qualitative Versus Quantitative Research
Primary Data Qualitative Versus Quantitative Research Primary Data Qualitative Quantitative

10 Qualitative Research Defined
An unstructured, exploratory research methodology based on small samples, which provides insights and understanding of the problem setting

11 Quantitative Research Defined
A research methodology that seeks to quantify the data and, typically, applies some form of statistical analysis

12 Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research
Gain understanding Small number of nonrepresentative cases Unstructured Nonstatistical Develop an initial understanding Quantitative To quantify the data and generalize Large number of representative cases Structured Statistical Recommend final action

13 Common Qualitative Research Techniques
Focus Groups Depth Interviews Blogs, social media, communities, etc. Projective Tests

14 Qualitative Research

15 Depth Interviews Depth interview is an unstructured, direct, personal interview in which a single respondent is probed by a highly skilled interviewer to uncover underlying motivations, beliefs, attitudes, and feelings on a topic

16 Interviewer Skills Need to be a good listener
Probe for details and examples Seeking who, what, where, when, how, and why answers Seek personal relevance

17 Focus Groups A focus group is an interview conducted by a trained moderator among a small group of respondents (usually 8 – 12) in an unstructured and natural manner

18 Why Conduct Focus Groups?
Idea generation Reveal consumers’ needs, perceptions, attitudes Help in structuring questionnaires Post-quantitative research Making the abstract real Testing strategies and tactics

19 Gaining Moderator Skills Has Value
The moderator is the key to a successful focus group Listening Probing Storing a question for later use Getting everyone to speak Politely handling gabbers Need to do your homework

20 Projective Techniques
Projective technique is an unstructured and indirect form of questioning that encourages respondents to project their underlying motivations, beliefs, attitudes, or feelings regarding the issues of concern

21 Technology and Qualitative Research
Online focus groups and forums Concept testing Blogs, social networking, online communities Online surveys with open ended responses Website assessment Creative testing Verbal coding software Tag clouds Slogan testing Virtual shopping

22 Quantitative Research

23 Quantitative Research
Outcome-driven research Typically more structured (i.e., closed ended survey questions, test market sales, response to sales promotion, etc.) We will address this is in greater detail in Data Collection Methods module

24 Common Quantitative Research Techniques
Surveys (Questionnaires) Observation Experiments Combinations of Each

25 Qualitative vs. Quantitative
The research objective should determine whether qualitative or quantitative research is most appropriate Often they are both used Qualitative research often precedes quantitative research

26 In The Data Collection Methods Module We Discuss In Greater Detail The Types And Uses Of Quantitative Research

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