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SWOT Webinar Fiber Reinforced Pipe (FRP)

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Presentation on theme: "SWOT Webinar Fiber Reinforced Pipe (FRP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 SWOT Webinar Fiber Reinforced Pipe (FRP)
July 23, 2009 SWOT Webinar Fiber Reinforced Pipe (FRP) Presented by Bob Fisher, Ameron International Don Lepley, Hanson Pipe and Precast

2 SWOT Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

3 Strengths and Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats
Internal Opportunities and Threats External

4 What is a SWOT analysis? Tool
Provides clarity both inside and outside the organization Answers, “Where do we fit?” Goals “Is this an opportunity that we should go and get?”

5 What is a SWOT analysis? Strategy? NO

6 Hobas Pipe USA Hobas Pipe USA LP Ameron Municipal Fiberglass Group
Future Pipe

7 Hobas Pipe USA (1) Manufacturing Facility Annual Sales $60 – $100M
Texas Annual Sales $60 – $100M Employees: 110

8 Hobas Pipe USA Manufacturing Process
Centrifugal casting inside a fixed O.D. mandrel Manufactures special fittings

9 Ameron (1) Manufacturing Facility Annual Sales:<$10M
California Annual Sales:<$10M Employees: (6) Management/Sales

10 Ameron Manufacturing Process:
Filament winding around a fixed I.D. mandrel

11 FRP Strengths Strong Marketing and Sales Multiple Applications
Direct Bury Sliplining / Relining / Pipe Bursting Jacking / Micro-Tunneling Above Ground Tunnel

12 FRP Strengths Corrosion Resistance
Good Value for the Corrosion Resistance Superior Joints

13 FRP Strengths Lighter Pipe Weights High Stiffness Design
Variable wall thicknesses Improved Hydraulics

14 FRP Weakness Pipe Soil-Structure Design
3% - 5% Installed Deflection Limits Delivery Cost OD based not ID based pipe sizes

15 FRP Weakness Recent Jobsite Issues
Delivered Pipe Shape Consistency Circumferential Cracking Limited Marketing and Sales Representation (Ameron)

16 FRP Opportunities Reduced Allowable Limits on Infiltration and Exfiltration Reluctance for the RCP industry to participate in the sanitary business

17 FRP Opportunities RCP has not invested into research and development
Joint performance is contractor sensitive RCP Industry Consolidation

18 FRP Opportunities RCP has a poor performance history in many areas
Reluctance to update equipment RCP constant reduction of technical field personnel RCP limited competitive product knowledge

19 FRP Threats Added Competitors Consolidation of the RCP Industry
Market expansion Limited production capabilities Consolidation of the RCP Industry Bringing improved manufacturing to more locations Renewed Interest in the Sanitary Market

20 FRP Threats Increased Recognition of Post Installation Testing
Lower Costs and Improved RCP Manufacturing Improved Secondary Liner Systems

21 FRP Threats RCP industry is developing a better understanding of the competition RCP is developing stronger market allies Improved Competitor Marketing

22 Summary Keep a SWOT Analysis Simple. The more complicated the process, the less likely it is to be implemented and used.

23 Questions

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