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Anything Goes The English Colonies The Middle Colonies The Southern

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Presentation on theme: "Anything Goes The English Colonies The Middle Colonies The Southern"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anything Goes The English Colonies The Middle Colonies The Southern
Eleanor M. Savko The English Colonies The Middle Colonies The Southern Colonies 9/22/2018 The Roots of Self Government Anything Goes 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt

2 This group wanted to reform the church but they did not want to separate from the church

3 The church must be changed!
Who were the Puritans? The church must be changed!

4 The Massachusetts Bay Company was set up under the leadership of Winthrop and other Puritans. They granted their own assembly to govern themselves. This was term as used to describe this assembly.

5 What was the General Court?
I want people to have a voice in government, don’t you too!

6 Thomas Hooker established the colony known as Connecticut
Thomas Hooker established the colony known as Connecticut. In 1639 the colonists wrote up a plan of government that limited the government’s power in their colony. Under this plan you did not have to be a male to vote. Name this plan.

7 What were the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut?
Hi, I’m a statue Thomas Hooker…I wish the birds would find a new home!

8 Roger Williams believed that everybody had the right to practice their own religion in the colonies. This term was used to describe this practice.

9 I , Roger Williams, did not deserve to be cast out of the colony!
What was toleration? I , Roger Williams, did not deserve to be cast out of the colony!

10 She had bible readings in her own home in Rhode Island.
In her readings she criticized the religious beliefs of the Puritans.

11 Who was Anne Hutchinson?

12 This was the name of the colony the Dutch settled

13 What was New Amsterdam?

14 What name did I give this land?
The Duke of York was given New Amsterdam by his brother, King Charles. The Duke gave this land a new name. What name did I give this land?

15 What was New York? New York it is!

16 King…now I will rent this land for money!
This is the term used to describe when the king gave land to one or more of his people, in turn the owners could rent the land I got land from the King…now I will rent this land for money!

17 What was a proprietary colony?
Hooray for New Jersey!

18 I founded the colony called Pennsylvania

19 Who was William Penn? I was a Quaker

20 They were brought from Africa to do all the work for free

21 Eleanor M. Savko 9/22/2018 Who were the slaves?

22 This line separated The Middle and Southern Colonies

23 What was the Mason-Dixon
Line? Do not cross my line!

24 This act he passed provided religious freedom for everyone except Jewish people

25 I, Lord Baltimore, passed this act!
What was the Act of Toleration? I, Lord Baltimore, passed this act!

26 I organized a fight against the Native Americans and I also burned down Jamestown

27 Who was Nathaniel Bacon? I shall call this fight, Bacon’s Rebellion!

28 The colony of Carolina split into two different colonies, North and South Carolina, because they could not settle this issue

29 What was the issue of slavery? Slave house in South Carolina 1860

30 Look, they made a postage stamp honoring me, James Oglethorpe!
I, James Oglethorpe established this colony so people would not be jailed for their debts Look, they made a postage stamp honoring me, James Oglethorpe!

31 What was the colony named Georgia?
If you can’t pay your debts come to Georgia!

32 The belief that the main purpose of the colonies was to benefit the home country

33 What was mercantilism? I am tired of Working for England!

34 This was the name of the trade route between New England, West Africa, and the West Indies

35 What was the Triangular Trade Route?

36 We use this term to describe trade items that are brought into America

37 What is an import?

38 This group of people had the power to make up the laws

39 Who was the legislature?

40 Anyone accused of a crime was given this right before they were sent to jail

41 You must have a fair trial!
What was trial by jury? You must have a fair trial!

42 This was one of the main crops the Native Americans helped the colonists to grow

43 What was corn, beans, pumpkins, or squash
. . U

44 These rules denied African Americans their basic rights

45 What were the Slave Codes ?
Do you know what this is?

46 Africans were captured and taken to America to be sold into slavery
Africans were captured and taken to America to be sold into slavery. This was the name of their trip across the ocean into America.

47 What was the Middle Passage?

48 This colony set up the first public schools

49 What was the colony of Massachusetts ? That is very interesting!

50 He proved that lightening was a form of electricity and he helped establish the United States of America

51 My picture is also on a 100 dollar bill!
Who was Ben Franklin? My picture is also on a 100 dollar bill!

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