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Learn about the history of the colonies. Then complete a short task.

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1 Learn about the history of the colonies. Then complete a short task.
American Colonies Learn about the history of the colonies. Then complete a short task.

2 Click on the name of a colony to learn more.
New Hampshire Massachusetts Connecticut Click here for activities. New York Rhode Island New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Virginia Maryland North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Credits

3 New Hampshire Founded in 1623 Was originally called North Virginia!
Unlike other New England colonies, religious freedom was not its purpose

4 Massachusetts Founded in 1620 Where the Mayflower landed
Settlers were looking for religious freedom not available in Europe

5 Connecticut Founded in 1636
Settled by Dutch, then taken over by English looking for religious freedom

6 Rhode Island Founded in 1636, by Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams, who were looking for a colony with true religious freedom.

7 New York Originally controlled by the Dutch Founded in 1624
Center for commerce in early colonies Taken over by the English in 1674

8 New Jersey Founded by the Dutch in 1623 as New Netherlands
Delaware tribe were first inhabitants Dutch used area for trading English fought to take over the land

9 Pennsylvania Founded in 1682 First leader was William Penn
The Quaker religion was very strong Populated by English, German, and Scotch-Irish settlers

10 Delaware Founded in 1638 First settled by the Swedish, then Dutch, and finally English

11 Maryland Founded in 1633 Named after Queen Henrietta Maria of England

12 Virginia Founded in 1607 Home of the Jamestown settlement
Settlers came to make money

13 North Carolina Founded in 1653 Named after King Charles
Location of many tobacco, rice, and cotton plantations

14 South Carolina Founded in 1663
Home to tobacco, cotton, and rice plantations Imported slaves to work the fields

15 Georgia Founded in 1732 The last colony to be established
James Oglethorpe created a settlement for people who were in debtor’s prison in England

16 More Information Jump Back to Colonial America- be sure to check out the stories at the bottom of the page Check out Colonial Life at this site! Explore daily life in the colonies.

17 Credits Photos courtesy of United Streaming and Teacher Created Materials through the ed1stop portal.

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