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1 Politics


3 Individualist Interventionist Self development is the purpose of life Human nature is prone to evil, but is resourceful Humans need to fend for themselves People should not trust big government Crime prevention – harsh punishments Helping others is the purpose of life Humans are good but are helpless Government intervention is necessary People need to trust big government Crime prevention – rehabilitation is necessary

4 Political and Economic Spectrums
Political freedom Dictatorial capitalist Dictatorial socialist Democratic capitalist Democratic socialist Liberal, socialist conservative fascist communist Economic control Economic freedom Revolutionary Reationary Political control

5 Philosophers

6 Human Nature Hobbes: Selfish, violent, passionate yet reasonable (will use others to serve self) Locke: Fundamentally reasonable and respectful (in theory but not always in practice)

7 Purpose and Power of Government
Hobbes: Bring about stability with words and force (coercion), curb man’s selfish and aggressive nature and provide a common defense Locke: Interfere as little as possible; to protect property by organizing society; to foster individual rights

8 Natural or Individual Rights
Hobbes: All rights given up to one power that can legislate peace and common defense (unlimited authority); can only rebel if they are not being protected Locke: Man has human rights; may voluntarily give up some power to ensure liberty for all; people can decide when it is time to rebel against government that is not fulfilling its obligations Rousseau: (social contract)

9 Use of Force Hobbes: Force is necessary as words are weak on their own, fear will control the people from being selfish Locke: Strength is needed when there is conflict Rousseau: People must be “forced to be free”

10 Type of Political System
Hobbes: dictatorship Locke: Democracy (limited) e.g. Constitutional Monarchy

11 where the majority rules with respect for the rights of the minority
Democracy: where the majority rules with respect for the rights of the minority

12 Model (perfect, direct) Democracy
(in a democratic society you shouldn’t need a reason to make something legal, you should only need a reason to make something illegal)

13 Four justifications Greatest amount of freedom possible within this system Responds to the will of the people Encourages individual creativity Allows for a peaceful and orderly change of government

14 Rules to make it work All people rule in all aspects; all public decisions would be made by all citizens Majority rules with all being equal (politically and legally; one man – one vote) A method of communication is established and an exchange of information is allowed People are educated and informed

15 Characteristics necessary for direct democracy
Problem – there is a lack of time, interest and information for all people to be involved Characteristics necessary for direct democracy Small population Few decisions


17 Representative Democracy
Only one decision needs to be made: choosing a representative (who has the time to be more informed and should have more interest)

18 8 Techniques Representation by population: each vote has equal worth because each representative has a fairly equal number of constituents Periodic elections: intervals are stated with some defined guidelines Secret ballot: punishment for voting against the majority is eliminated Independent courts: protection against majority tyranny

19 8 Techniques, cont. Power of the purse: access to funds are eliminated if there is disapproval Political parties: opposition parties represent the voices of the minority Interest groups: they lobby the government in regards to a specific issue (voice concerns between elections and of the minority) Free press: inform the public, can be the voice of the minority

20 Stop and reflect How do each of these techniques protect minorities
How does the protection of minorities ensure responsible democracy?

21 Advantages Representatives work in the best interest of the people, not themselves Safeguards and maintains individual freedoms Promotes self-governing, intelligent citizens Promotes peaceful coercion instead of physical violence

22 Disadvantages Tyranny of the majority – minority rights are not protected (50% + 1) Inefficiency of decision making and pluralism – slow to make decisions and keep up with dynamic world Elite groups – few leaders gather power and lose touch with the rest of society (can include politicians, wealthy elite, interest groups) Uninterested electorate Bureaucracy

23 Canadian Electoral Ridings – equal representation?

24 The Department of Homeland Security Organizational Chart



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