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Overview of Section 3 Requirements
Meeting with AAHRA April 18, 2018
What is Section 3? Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 12 USC 1701u 24 CFR Part 135 (June 1994) Born out of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
Purpose Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 ensures that employment, training and contracting generated by certain HUD financial assistance shall, to the greatest extent feasible, be directed to low- and very low-income persons, particularly recipients of federal housing assistance, and to business concerns which provide economic opportunities to those persons.
Simply Put… HUD funding is one of the largest sources of federal funding in distressed communities Most HUD funds result in construction/ rehabilitation projects Section 3 keeps HUD-funded jobs and contracts local Multiplier effect for tax dollars
To the Greatest Extent Feasible
Grantees and their developers/contractors must make every effort to recruit, target, and direct economic opportunities to local low-income persons and businesses that substantially employ those persons. Affirmative/Proactive measures—e.g., more than advertising in local newspapers U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Scope of Section 3 Up to 40% of HUD’s annual budget is subject to Section 3 requirements. More than 5,000 direct recipients of HUD funds (PHAs, municipalities, multifamily property owners, and other grantees) have obligations pursuant to Section 3 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Departmental Coordination
Program offices provide Section 3 covered HUD funding FHEO has authority for Section 3 policy development, enforcement, TA and training Inter-departmental coordination on instances of noncompliance and technical assistance
Section 3 Covered Funding
HUD Programs PIH Capital Fund Program (CFP) PIH Operating Subsidy HOPE VI Grants Choice Neighborhoods Grants Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) HOME Investment Partnership Grants Disaster Recovery Grants Section 202/811 Lead Abatement Grants Certain NOFA Competitive Grants U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Funding Thresholds PIH Threshold: None (No threshold for Public Housing Authorities or their contractors) HCD Threshold: Recipient - $200K Contractor/Subcontractor - $100K U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Beneficiaries Low- and very-low income residents (particularly residents of public housing)of the neighborhood where the funds are spent—race and gender neutral Businesses that are either: 51% or more owned by low-income persons Substantially employ (30% or more) low-income persons Provide evidence that they will subcontract 25% of work to a business that meets a. or b. HUD’s income guidelines
Statewide Income Limits--Alabama
Birmingham MSA Income Limits
Huntsville MSA Income Limits
Recipient Responsibilities
Develop procedures to notify Section 3 residents and businesses about jobs, trainings, and contracts Notify covered contractors about their obligations Ensure that the Section 3 clause is included in contracts and hold contractors accountable Meet minimum contracting and employment goals Submit Section 3 reports (form HUD 60002) annually U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Minimum Numerical Goals
30% of new hires annually 10% of the total dollar amount of construction contracts 3% of the total dollar amount of non-construction contracts If minimum numerical goals aren’t met, explanations for failing to meet them are required
Employment opportunities generated by Section 3 covered assistance
PIH assistance: All employment opportunities with PHAs or contractors Housing & Community Development: Employment associated with building trades, including management and administrative support, architectural, engineering and professional services U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Professional Services
Architectural Services Engineering Finance/Accounting Legal Counsel Marketing All activities associated with Construction (other than building trades) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Section 3 Clause Work to be performed is covered by Section 3 Parties under contract certify that no impediment would prevent compliance Contractor agrees to notify labor organizations of Section 3 commitments and post notice at work site Noncompliance with Section 3 may result in termination of contract for default. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Alabama Section 3 Outcomes 2017
HUD disbursed over $103 Million in Operating Funds to PHAs in Alabama in 2017 and nearly $37 Million in Capital Funds. The expenditure of covered HUD funding generated approximately 310 new jobs. Section 3 residents received over 180 (58.7%) of these new jobs. Recipients of Section 3 covered HUD funding reported $17.1 Million in construction contracts, over $3 Million (17.5%) of these contracts were awarded to Section 3 businesses. Recipients of Section 3 covered HUD funding reported $6.9 Million in non-construction contracts 3.4 percent, or $1.9 Million (28%) of all non-construction contracts were awarded to Section 3 businesses.
Section 3 Reporting System
Section 3 Annual Reports measure grantees efforts to meet the minimum numerical goals More than 7,000 grantees submit about 20,000 reports each year System launched December 2013 OIG audit recommendations Outdated software Reduce administrative burden
Section 3 Reporting Requirements
All PHAs regardless of size are required to submit reports Reports due by January 10th of each year Report should follow your PHAs Program Year System extracts disbursements from HUD LOCCS Streamlined Reporting Option
Section 3 Business Registry
Tool to help grantees notify Section 3 businesses about local HUD-funded contracts 2012 Pilot 5 Metropolitan Areas Detroit, Miami, New Orleans, Miami, and DC Launched Nationally in 2015 SBA and VA Registries
Pop Quiz! Section 3 requirements only apply to PHAs
PHAs, local units of government, contractors, and others are responsible for verifying the eligibility of Section 3 residents and businesses?
Pop Quiz! Public Housing Agencies, local units of government, contractors, and others are responsible for verifying the eligibility of Section 3 residents and businesses?
Pop Quiz! Section 3 only applies to jobs at the housing authority?
A Section 3 resident can be any person in the metropolitan area whose household meets the definition of low- or very low-income?
Pop Quiz! Section 3 requires PHAs or contractors to hire employees?
There are no consequences for failing to comply with Section 3?
questions/Answers & Wrap-Up
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